Short  Description  Of  Projects

Cow: Treatment of Domestic Animal in North India and its Relationship with Man


Submitted By:                    

                                         Amit Singh

                                                   Akhilesh MandaI

                                                    Pravesh Kumar




Project Guide:                   Dr. Amit Ray         





When it comes to domestic animals they are directly related to man. There are lots of domestic animals roaming around in the streets like pigs, cows, etc. We have selected COW as our subject to do the survey

n. We have selected cows because they are bigger than other animals. They more commonly seen in the markets

 Besides that their population is increasing day by day, that is to say 'e and more cows are now becoming scavengers.

In India cows are considered to be a holy animal. So in our project we e tried to find out what are the reasons that are making this mythological animal's life miserable and what can be done to give these animals proper food shelter, and preventing them from becoming scavengers.



We observed that children and old aged people are much more interested in the problem. They showed enthusiasm to tackle the problem.

Everybody likes animal but they don't want them to roam around and create problem for everyone.

Cow is a very significant animal in most of the people's life but very few of them respect them in practice. They respect cows because they know it has mythological importance.

They know about Nandi, Kamdhenu, but really speaking they don't mind harming these animals.

People want cows to be protected.

They agreed to the fact that survival value is the most important value for man and this must be the same for animals also.

They wanted cows to be given proper food and shelter.

Their movement in the public places should be completely banned.

They create traffic problems. Accidents have been seen due to these animals.

School going children are scared of these animals.

Cow dung remains in the streets and public places causes health problems. In the rainy season these cow   dung spreads allover the streets making it dirty and this invites mosquitoes and other insects which causes health hazards. It is hard to walk over the roads due to these cow dung.

Owners of cows leave them to find out food by themselves and milk them at the end of the day. This they do because they don't want to provide food to these cows.




Now days people don't want to take care for Indian breed which give much less milk than hybrid cows, so Indian breed roam around in the streets in search of food. Introduction of hybrid cows is the main reason behind the negligence of Indian breed and so these neglected cows becomes scavengers. Survival value is the most important value for man. Same is the case for the animals also and they should be given proper food and shelter. People in town can donate to raise funds with which these cows can be given proper food and shelter, and the benefits( milk) can be shared between the residents.