Short  Description  Of  Projects

Drinking Hazards Due to Pollution

               of River Ganga                   




Submitted By:           

                                          Sharad Kr. Agarwal - 96264

                                          Shomil Pant - 96273

                                          Vijay Kr. Mishra - 96314.


Project Guide:           Dr. Mukesh Sharma


Course Instructor:      Dr. Amit Ray





The importance of water in our lives needs no explanation. It is one of the basic constituent in our body. Hence it becomes extremely important to know the quality of water one is being served with. It is for this reason that various departments have been constituted whose job is to check that the individuals are offered proper quality of water. Negligence in carrying out the duties can effect the. lives of a large number of people. In India the importance of Ganga river is no less than that of water in our body. It is considered the most holy river of all & its water is supposed to eradicate all the sins of a person & help him attain salvation. It is for this reason that the water of river Ganga is taken by people to the distant corners of the country.



Through this survey we have tried to put forth a major problem which the inmates of the Kanpur city are suffering without their knowledge. The improvement of the present situation is a necessity to avoid any major disaster in the form of disease in the time to come.