Short  Description  Of  Projects


ECONOMIC VALUE ADDITION TO FLY ASH & WASTE RUBBER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Submitted By:                                                        



                               Madhukar Srivastava

                                       Meenal Prasad

                                       Neelesh Bam


Course Instructor:     Dr. Amit Ray


 Project Guide:          Dr. Madhav






 Introduction :



                 Every living thing contaminates its environment. To live, it must react with its environment & in the process of reacting, by the very fact of  living & reacting , it produces and casts off  wastes. Any environment must be self cleansing in order to sustain life. unless the environment can dispose of life's by  products, life will cease.

A substantial part of the wastes that man produces by living and by the processes of his civilization is dispersed by the winds. is converted to less harmful substances, is washed away by rain, and is dissolved in the sea. But sometime there is no wind, & he air may fill with fetid wastes. And when there is a wind , it may carry the wastes to neighboring communities, sometimes the effluents are changed very slowly, and during the process new, even more toxic, substances may be formed

In the present scenario, in which environmental awareness is on a steady increase, and the study of environmental impact is gaining importance, it becomes more essential for us to find means of reducing  pollution and find alternative uses for wastes which might otherwise pollute the atmosphere


Thus, from our experiments we see that fly ash and rubber together have a great potential which has to be harnessed. Further experiments need to be conducted to study the effect of changing compositions, in terms of amount of fly ash and rubber fibers, on the compressive and tensile strength.

The bricks made from fly ash concrete with rubber fibers could be used for making structures like dustbins, benches in park, railings, monoliths,etc.