Short Description Of Projects
Submitted By:
Course Instructor: Dr. Amit Ray
Hospital waste is among the more dangerous types of garbage because of its being contaminated with disease carrying pathogens. Though garbage dumps are all around us , some dumps are however more dangerous than
Hospital garbage is one of them which comprises :-
Human and animal waste along with items saturated or dripping with blood and
body fluids.
Disordered medical
Soiled cotton.
Surgical and autopsy
All the above waste can become a major health hazard as they provide fertile environs for bacterial, virus and other microorganism to multiply. Surgical and autopsy waste, if un- treated, can be most infectious. The places where these wastes are dumped are visited by lakhs of people everyday by all age group people. But none of them is aware that the syringe with which they are injected could be from a hill of hospital waste lying as such at the back of hospital; or life saving fluid which is passing into their veins could from a bottle which has been picked from some heap and has come back in circulation; or the pan-masala they are eating contains 'Choona' made from plasters lying in the garbage..
After surveying various
hospitals and discussing with different people we came to the conclusion that
most often authority is least careful about garbage disposal. There is a
mismanagement everywhere. Though they know that improper disposal of hospital
waste can lead to dangerous consequences, yet they pay no attention over it. So
in true sense they are the culprits.
Coming on to the bottles,
that was second problem that we attacked through our project, we came to know
that these bottle are not disposed seriously. These bottle are auctioned without
bothering about what the purchaser will do with it. Whether these bottles are
reused or recycled. Recently, in Kanpur, it was in news that these glucose
bottles (used) are reused with fake label of a reputed company on it.