Short  Description  Of  Projects

Information Overflow.. Causes, Effects and Cures

A Chronological Study        


Submitted By:                    

                                        Asha Tarachandani (96069)

                                                 Gagan Bansal (96094)

                                                  Pallav Pandey (96175)


Course Instructor:            Dr. Amit Ray




The information revolution has brought unprecedented changes to man's life. Internet and email have become inseparable to a common man's life even in a developing countries like India. Almost everyone marvels at how the world has shrunk and how easy the life has become in last some years but few realize that this gift of boundless information is causing a kind of stress -Information Stress.

Information stress is the psychological condition resulting from over-exposure to information. It is also known as Technostress, lnfonnation Overload or lnfonnation Fatigue Syndrome. The technological boom is benefiting our society in many ways. It is bringing out positive personality traits of the people like competitiveness,

handwork, perseverance etc. But many cases of stress are observed in these overly competitive and hard charging personalities. Also, many people complain that they do not have enough time to do a job to their standards because they have to spend so much time just answering correspondence.



The report summarizes the effect of over exposure to information on the academic community of IIT Kanpur. The ill effects, primary causes and some possible cures are studied. We conclude that the first step to fight Information stress is to understand that excess of information is harmful. Though there are plenty of ways conventional and non conventional to combat this stress but still the best way out is to change our attitude towards it, Be less greedy and try to have only what is required.