Short  Description  Of  Projects

Environmental study of village

in U.P .(Kursuali )                                                                                       


Submitted By:                    

                                      Harish chandra (95117) (Chemical Engineering)

                                                Ram lakhan kamal (95234) B. tech. (Electrical Engineering)

                                                Vijay kumar (95323) (Chemical Engineering)

Project Guide:                 Dr. Amit Ray         


Course Instructor:            Dr. Amit Ray






This village is 2-3 k.m. from IIT Kanpur . We have chosen to work on this topic as we know that most of the population of India live the village. If we want a better environment and better living standard in our country we should improve the conditions of the villages. For this purpose we visited this village and made a survey related to the problem of health, education, problem of drinking water, hygienic condition and awareness towards environment. Population of this village is around 2000. we have made our survey dividing the whole village in the category landless people, landlord people and the middle class people. survey is based on some questionnaires related to education, health, hygienic condition, awareness towards the environment and their living standard.



A village can be made a better place, if we implement some of this suggestion. But in our survey we people noticed that no one wants to come forward to take initiative steps. People are generally envious to their neighbors. People are not cooperative among each other. But if we want to develop the village, government has to take some initiative steps and gram panchayat should be made active. People who are capable of doing something for the village, they do not want to do anything for their poor fellow people because their command will go if poor people will be educated and strong. Unless otherwise problem of population and poverty be solved nothing can be done .How can a person think for education and development if he is fighting for their survival value.

Some of tips may be useful in their contents:

Free land should be distributed among landless people.

A medical trainer can be arranged by government, who can give essential information.

A committee should be made, which can take care of cleanliness of the village by gram panchayat.

Government may give preference to provide a government job to such a family that has no land no other  means for their Survival value.