Short  Description  Of  Projects




Submitted By:           

                                       Shantanu Nigam [94270]

                                       Varun Gupta [94301]

Project Guide:           Dr. Amit Ray




There is timelessness in the India of the past and indeed nations in an earlier era changed slowly and allowed change in only one or two aspects of , their life at a time. But change in the modern age has been much more rapid and all-encompassing, transforming nations in political, economic, social, technological and cultural terms. A half century or the span of almost two generations is as good as a time frame as any now to assess the change in independent India, and formal makers such as the golden jubilee, despite the celebratory spurt of activity and the din, provide an occasion for reflection.


                                        Gandhiji and other prominent leaders who advocated Swaraj insisted not on rapid industrialization of the country but on small scale industrialization for the villages. They emphasised on the development on microlevel (village level) and not on macrolevel (city level). However the villages have remained as poor as they were. In India today, in order to achieve high growth rates greater emphasis on rapid industrialization has resulted in the evolution of unplanned colonies. To make the condition worse it was accompanied by sprouting influx of population, mainly laborers from poor villages which has resulted in slums. Kanpur is a victim of such rapid industrialization.



Suggesting some measures that should be taken to improve the living conditions in the slum areas. These measures may not be sufficient but undoubtedly they will contribute to improve the conditions there.


Proper Management by the Municipal Corporation