Short  Description  Of  Projects

The Ethics Behind Overuse of Paper In Academic

Activities In I.I .T. Kanpur



Submitted By:                                                       

                        Avinash Dhoot 98096 B. Tech, CSE

                           Subandhu Arya 98373 B. Tech, ME

                           Vishal Varshney 98409 B. Tech, MME



Project Guide:     Dr. Amit Ray





We had assessed the awareness amongst our educated community about the environmental degradation crisis happening at various levels all around us. We analyzed the viability of re-use of one sided blank papers by recycling or other means, given that we have the luxury of using paper more than most other places in the country. This was an electronic survey for acquiring a general idea about how much paper do we waste in IIT Kanpur, to know about the actions taken in advance and opinions. There were 3 separate surveys for the students, faculty, and HODs respectively. The questionnaires have been appended.