Short  Description  Of  Projects





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Submitted By:                    

                                        Kapil Lalwani

                                                 Nanda G. Saha

                                                 Vishal Dhal


Course Instructor:            Dr. Amit Ray





Toxic waste contaminates ground water, oil spills destroy shorelines, fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide thus adding to the greenhouse effect, and use of fluorocarbon gasses depletes the earth's protecting ozone layer. The goal of environmental ethics, then, is not to convince us that we should be concerned about the environment -- most of us already are. Instead, environmental ethics focuses on the moral foundation of environmental responsibility, and how far this responsibility extends. There are three distinct theories of moral responsibility to the environment. Although each supports environmental responsibility, their approaches are radically different.

The first of these theories is anthropocentric, or human centered. Environmental anthropocentrism is the view that all environmental responsibility is derived from human interests alone. The assumption here is that only human beings are morally significant persons and have a direct moral standing. Since the environment is crucial to human well being and human survival, then we have an indirect duty towards the environment, that is, a duty that is derived from human interests. This involves the duty to assure that the earth remains environmentally hospitable for supporting human life, and that its beauty and resources are preserved so human life on earth continues to be pleasant.

A second general approach to environmental responsibility says that if at least some animals qualify as morally significant persons, then our responsibility toward the environment also hinges on the environmental interests of these animals. On this view, then, environmental responsibility derives from the interest of a morally significant persons, which includes both humans and at least some animals. Like anthropocentrism, though, environmental obligation is still indirect.

The third and most radical approach to environmental responsibility, called eco- centrism, maintains that the environment deserves direct moral consideration, and not one which is merely derived from human (and animal) interests. The theory suggests that the environment has direct rights, that it qualifies for moral personhood, that it is deserving of a direct duty, and that it has inherent worth. Common to all of these claims is the position that the environment by itself is on a moral par with humans.

However, at this stage eco-centrism is irrelevant to the entire normative process. For, the eco-centric and anthropocentric approaches will produce exactly the same list of prioritized environmental duties, and will resolve duties between human-centered and environment-centered duties with exactly the same outcome. Although eco-centrism fails as a normative theory, eco-centrism may have merit as a way of expressing emotional outrage at environmental damage and demanding change. .


To reduce pollution.


Train employee  in chemical handling and procedure

Consider replacing hazardous non-hazardous alternatives.

Install a solution recycling system.

Reduce drag out and spilling by reducing the speed of parts lifted from plating tanks.

Consider replacing aqueous plating with ion vapour deposition. .

Change copper-bright dipping.from a cyanide dip and chromic acid dip & a sulphuric acid/hydrogen peroxide dip.













This project after successful implementation will be a mile stone towards better hygiene of the city.