Short  Description  Of  Projects

Pollution in IITK



Submitted By:           

                                            Bijendra Vishal 98106 CSE

                                            Nitin Saxena 98247 CSE

                                            Nitin Kumar 98246 MME


Project Guide:             Dr. Nirmal Kumar




The most undesirable constituents of drinking-water are undoubtedly those that are capable of having a direct impact on public health and for which guideline values have been developed. The management of these substances is in the hands of organizations responsible for the provision of the supply, and it is up to these organizations to instill in their consumers the confidence that this task is being undertaken with responsibility and efficiency.


To a large extent, consumers have no means of judging the safety of their drinking-water themselves, but their attitude towards their water supply and their water suppliers will be affected to a considerable extent by the aspects of water quality that they are able to perceive with their own senses. I


The acceptability of drinking-water to consumers can be influenced by many different constituents; for most of the substances for guideline values have been set by the WHO (refer the book: "Guidelines for drinking water quality " : Volume 1 Recommendations .Second Edition ). There are a number of other water constituents that are of no direct consequence to health at the concentrations at which they normally occur in water but which nevertheless may be objectionable to consumers for various reasons.

The concentration at which such constituents are offensive to consumers is dependent on individual and local factors, including the quality of the water