Short Description Of Projects
Submitted By:
Ajit Pal Singh Dogra. (93016)
Amit Jayaswal. (93026)
Rajesh Kumar. (93206)
Course Instructor: Dr. Amit Ray
Dr. Prashant Kumar
It wasn't a tall order before we chanced upon a novel invention of sorts - the roller blades or the roller discs as they are called. These were an improvisation over the cylindrical rollers prevalent in the conventional roller skates. The two pair of rollers for each skate in such conventional prototype entail a profound problem - they prohibit easy turning. Turning involves moving to one edge of the skate depending on the direction of turn which may lead to twisting of ankles and a very unpredictable, unsafe yet adventurous experience. The disc rollers which are disc shaped with rounded edges, are used in tandem. This adds a degree of freedom allowing the skater to turn whilst skating. They are inherently unstable during a turn because the normal reaction and the weight of the skater produce a toppling couple. This was the exact kind of challenge we were looking for but by the time we came up with our own unique solution we were vexed by an clipping from a daily.
With the basic philosophy of minimum modifications, we replace the cylindrical rollers on a normal pair of available skates with a pair of roller balls per skate to achieve the best results we could. Though constrained by the purse and the calendar, we were able to incorporate the technology of composite materials by using glass fibre reinforced epoxy material in the manufacture of balls.