Short Description Of Projects
study of waste disposal system in Health Center, IIT Kanpur
Submitted By:
Amit Agarwal(98032)
Amit A. Shukla(98034)
Rajiv Bhatia(98296)
Course Instructor: Dr. Amit Ray
Everywhere today, development activities and biological pressure of overgrown population are causing blatant violation of environmental norms and manipulation of these rules at the expense of quality of natural environment. Hospital waste is one of the pollutants which can be dangerous to human beings and environment as a whole, if it is not disposed off in proper way. Indian government has recently framed laws to ensure proper disposal of hospital waste.
Thus, when we were given a chance to conduct such a study, we decided to find out what practices are being followed by the Health Center in our own campus, and to what extent are they in compliance with the government norms.