Short  Description  Of  Projects

water  pollution in kanpur  city


Submitted By:         

                                      Gaurav Kumar (97134 CRE)

                                               Ashutosh Kumar (97084 AE)

                                               Swambhanu Chatterjee (96296 PRY)

Course Instructor:         Dr. Amit Ray


Project guide:                 Dr.Gautam Deo



In our project we have investigated the extent to which the drinking water supplies of kanpur are polluted. The potable water used by the citizens of kanpur is supplied mainly by the kanpurjal sansthan. Some industries and the affluent sections of the society as well as our institute depend on underground tube wells too for daily water needs. The underground water in kanpur poses no health hazards in most places.

However in certain areas, it has been revealed in our study that leakages in piped carrying industrial effluents have polluted the underground water basins in localities close to the industries.

In the course of our investigations, we analyzed data collected from laboratories, which test drinking water samples regularly. We ascertained the extent to which certain hazardous mineral and bioorganic constituents are present in our potable water and compared our findings with the WHO standards. We arrived at some interesting conclusions. We are going to delve on these observations in later pages. We have also enlisted in our report the way different pollutants affect our health. It is hoped that the pages to follow will enlighten the average reader about the state of water pollution in kanpur