Short  Description  Of  Projects


                THE  WATER  SAGA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Submitted By:                                                        



                               Amol Gupta(95036)

                                       Mayank Gupta(95158)

                                       Neha Gupta(94157)


Course Instructor:     Dr. Amit Ray





 Introduction :


Water is the basis of survival of life on earth. This is a fact which everyone realises but the fact that the water is a precious resource which needs to be managed carefully is a concern of only few. Water that reaches human civilisation is clear and pure but water that leaves the civilization is dangerously contaminated. Thus water consumption as well as water disposal, both are posing serious problem which might reach threating level if proper attention is not paid to this neglected dimension of environmental crisis.

Realising the gravity of the problem of water wastage in our campus, we took the responsibility of initiating a thought process among the people of our community. In this attempt we have explored the consumption pattern in the campus and strike out the factors leading to water wastage. Having introduced a problem, we also took opportunity to suggest preventive as well as curative measures to reduce the pressure on fresh water resources of our campus.



Earth is a water planet. Seventy percent of the planet is covered with oceans and seas, and of the rest, a high percentage is covered with rivers,streams,lakes,ponds,swamps and marshes. Furthermore ,the continents of Antarctica and Greenland along with extensive high mountain area are covered with Glacial ice. Thus there is plenty of water on earth ,and we will never face the problem of water shortage.

But, the water of usable quality and adequate quantity is often not in the right place at right time for human needs or demands. Lets look at the distribution of water on earth:


Oceans 97.2 Glaciers, Icecaps 2.2 Fresh water 0.6

Thus ,although water, extrinsically, is an inexhaustible resource as it is continuously recycled through the natural hydrological cycle, it is nevertheless short in supply. At one hand water requirements are rising steadily because of growth and multiplication of consumers, while on other water supplies suitable for consumption are diminishing due to pollution. Shortage of fresh water of acceptable purity and the increase in cost of water purification are crucial problems that plague modern utilization.





There is no doubt that man has ability to reverse the present trend of environment decay. But the question is  "How long will it take him to make the necessary adjustments in the outlook ?" No effective and lasting solution is possible unless there are fundamental changes in the human attitude and behavior. Water crisis is not a serious threat today, atleast not in the campus. But our vision has to be broadened and our insight into the future should be deepend. If the water strata goes down at the present rate, very soon we will face the serious problem of fresh water .It is a moral obligation of each person to adapt the practices which reduces wastage of water.