
Lab Facilities

A metal-free clean laboratory was developed to provide optimal conditions for the separation and purification of isotopes for mass spectrometry. The laboratory consists of three isolated rooms. Some of the major equipment in our lab includes Agilent® 8900 ICP-MS/MS, Piccaro G2201-i Isotopic Analyzer (δ13C for CH4 and CO2), Continuous Flow Auto Analyzer from SEAL Analytical, UV/VIS Spectrophotometer from Agilent®, and High-Pressure Asher (HPA-S) from Anton Paar. We have state-of-the-art HEPA-filtered air ductless chemical work station (600 series) from AirClean System, acid evaporation system from Analab, polypropylene laminar flow fume hoods from NUAIRE and Nano Clean, sub-boiling distillation devices from PicoTrace (Cupola Distillation) and Savilex for purification of acids, and high precision balances from Mettler Toledo.

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