Publications, Patents and Proceedings



  1. Chaturvedi, R. **, Ojsi, G., Shankar, P., Sen, I.S., Bagade, P., Mitra, P."GIS-based Evaluation of Groundwater Quality in Space and Time using Water Quality Index in Maharashtra, India (under review)"

  2. Pradhan, S. *, Sen, I.S."Tectonic control of deep meteoric water circulation in the Himalayas (under consideration)"

  3. Pradhan, S. *, Sen, I.S."Metamorphic CO2 fluxes offset the geological carbon sink in the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen (under review)"

    Earth and Planetary Science Letters

  4. Ansari, A., Sen, I.S., Sinha, R."Trends of water composition and discharge in the Ramganga River, Ganga Basin over the last forty years signal enhanced nitrate flux"

    Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 641, 131822


  5. Roy, N. *, Sen I.S., Boral, S., Shukla T., Velu, V."Isotope hydrograph separation reveals rainfall on the glaciers will enhance ice meltwater discharge to the Himalayan rivers (2024)"

    Water Resource Research, 60, e2023WR034528


  6. Shaifullah *, Sen I.S."A four-component mixing model reveals an early onset of snow meltwater runoff in the headwaters of River Ganga"

    Journal of Hydrology Vol. 628


  7. 2023

  8. Roy, N*, Sen I.S."CO2 consumption rates in the glacierized Himalayan headwaters: The importance of sulfuric and nitric acid-mediated chemical weathering reactions in geologic carbon cycle"

    Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems Vol. 24


  9. Shukla, T.,** Sen, I.S."Microplastics in freshwater ecosystems of India: Current trends and future perspectives (2023)"

    ACS Omega 2023


  10. Neelavannan, K., ** Sen, I.S., Sinha, N., Thakur A. K., Misra, S."Microplastics in the Ganga-Brahmaputra delta: Sources and Pathways to the Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve-an UNESCO World Heritage Centre"

    Environmental Advances Vol. 11


  11. Shukla, T, ** Sen, I.S.; Sundriyal S."Carbon emissions from emerging glacier-fed Himalayan lakes"

    Global and Planetary Changes Vol. 225


  12. Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Brito, A.C., Sen, I.S., Roy, R."Editorial: Human Impacts on River Catchments and Coastal Ecosystems: A Meta-Ecosystem Perspective"

    Frontiers in Marine Science Vol. 10


  13. Shukla, S., ‡‡ Meshesha, T.W., Sen, I.S., Bol, R., Bogena, H., Wang, J."Assessing impacts of Land Use Land Cover (LULC) change on stream flow and runoff in Rurh Basin, Germany"

    Sustainability Vol. 15


  14. Sen I.S., Nizam S., Ansari A.;Bowes M., Choudhary B., Glendell M., Ray S., Scott M., Miller C., Wilkie C., Sinha R"Geochemical evolution of dissolved trace elements in space and time in the Ramganga River, India"

    Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Vol. 195


  15. 2022

  16. Neelavannan K., **Achyuthan H., Sen I.S., Krishnakumar S., Gopinath K., Dhanalakshmi R., Rajalakshmi P.R., Sajeev R."Distribution and characterization of plastic debris pollution along the Poompuhar Beach, Tamil Nadu, Southern India"

    Marine Pollution Bulletin Vol. 175


  17. Nizam, S., ** Acharya, T., ‡ Sen, I.S., Dutta, S. ,‡"Occurrence, Sources, Spatial Distribution of High Level of Fluoride and Associated Health Risks in Shallow Groundwater of Ganga Basin, India"

    Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Jun 26.


  18. Nizam, S., ** Virk, H.S., Sen, I.S."High levels of fluoride in groundwater from Northern parts of Indo-Gangetic Plains reveals detrimental fluorosis health risks"

    Environmental Advances Vol. 8


  19. Nizam S*., Dutta, S‡., Sen, I.S."Geogenic controls on the high levels of uranium in alluvial aquifers of the Ganga Basin"

    Applied Geochemistry Vol. 143

  20. Neelavannan, S.**., Hussain, S.M., Sangode, S.J., Prakasam, M., Sen, I.S., Veerasingam, S., Tyagi, A., Kumar, P., Singh, P."A 51 Ka sedimentary sequence in a seamount basin, Eastern Arabian Sea: Records for palaeoceanographic and paleoclimatic conditions"

    Journal of Asian Earth Sciences Vol. 226


  21. Neelavannan, K.,** Sen, I.S., Lone, A.M., Gopinath, K."Microplastics in the high-altitude Himalayas: Assessment of microplastic contamination in freshwater lake sediments, Northwest Himalaya, India"

    Chemosphere Vol. 290


  22. Nizam, S.,** Mitra, A., Shukla, S., Misra, S., Sen, I.S."Time-Series Record of Ambient Platinum Group Elements over a Remote Himalayan Station: Insights over the Baseline Estimate to Judge Future Changes"

    Water, Air, and Soil Pollution Vol. 233


  23. 2021

  24. Shukla, T.,** Sen, I.S."Preparing for Floods on the Third Pole"

    Science Vol. 372


  25. Shukla, T.,** Sen, I.S., Boral, S.,* Sharma, S."A Time-Series Record during COVID-19 Lockdown Shows the High Resilience of Dissolved Heavy Metals in the Ganga River"

    Environmental Science and Technology Letters Vol. 8


  26. Nizam, S.,* Sen, I.S., Shukla, T.,** Selby, D."Melting of the Chhota Shigri Glacier, Western Himalaya, Insensitive to Anthropogenic Emission Residues: Insights from Geochemical Evidence"

    Geophysical Research Letters Vol. 48


  27. Mitra, A.,* Sen, I.S., Pandey, S.K., Velu, V., Reisberg, L., Bizimis, M., Cloquet, C., Nizam, S.*"Lead Isotope Evidence for Enhanced Anthropogenic Particle Transport to the Himalayas during Summer Months"

    Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 55


  28. Boral, S.,* Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Hemingway, J.D., Sen, I.S., Galy, V., Fiske, G.J."Controls on Short-Term Dissolved 87Sr/86Sr Variations in Large Rivers: Evidence from the Ganga–Brahmaputra"

    Earth and Planetary Science Letters Vol. 566


  29. Mitra, A.,* Sen, I.S., Walkner, C., Meisel, T.C."Simultaneous Determination of Platinum Group Elements and Rhenium Mass Fractions in Road Dust Samples using Isotope Dilution Inductively Coupled Plasma-Tandem Mass Spectrometry after Cation Exchange Separation"

    Spectrochimica Acta - Part B Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 177


  30. 2020

  31. Boral, S.,* Sen, I.S."Tracing 'Third Pole' Ice Meltwater Contribution to the Himalayan Rivers using Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes"

    Geochemical Perspectives Letters Vol. 13


  32. Nizam, S., * Sen, I.S., Vinoj, V., Galy, V., Selby, D., Azam, M.F., Pandey, S.K., Creaser, R.A., Agarwal, A.K., Singh, A.P., Bizimis, M."Biomass-Derived Provenance Dominates Glacial Surface Organic Carbon in the Western Himalaya"

    Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 54


  33. Shukla, T.,** Sundriyal, S., Sen, I.S."Contemporary Inorganic Carbon Fluxes from Rapidly Changing Glacierized Watersheds of the Himalaya"

    Journal of Hydrology Vol. 587


  34. Boral, S.,* Sen, I.S., Tripathi, A., Sharma, B., Dhar, S."Tracking Dissolved Trace and Heavy Metals in the Ganga River from Source to Sink: A Baseline to Judge Future Changes"

    Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems Vol. 21


  35. 2019

  36. Boral, S.,* Sen, I.S., Ghosal, D., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Hemingway, J.D."Stable Water Isotope Modeling Reveals Spatio-Temporal Variability of Glacier Meltwater Contributions to Ganges River headwaters"

    Journal of Hydrology Vol. 577


  37. Hemingway, J.D., Spencer, R.G.M., Podgorski, D.C., Zito, P., Sen, I.S., Galy, V.V."Glacier Meltwater and Monsoon Precipitation Drive Upper Ganges Basin Dissolved Organic Matter Composition"

    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Vol. 244


  38. Wu, F., Owens, J.D., Huang, T., Sarafian, A., Huang, K.-F., Sen, I.S., Horner, T.J., Blusztajn, J., Morton, P., Nielsen, S.G."Vanadium isotope composition of seawater"

    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Vol. 244


  39. 2018

  40. Sen, I.S., Boral, S.,* Ranjan, S.,‡ Tandon, S.K."Small but Important: The Role of Small Floodplain Tributaries to River Nutrient Budgets"

    ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Vol. 2


  41. Nizam, S.,‡ Sen, I.S."Effect of Southwest Monsoon Withdrawal on Mass Loading and Chemical Characteristics of Aerosols in an Urban City over the Indo-Gangetic Basin"

    ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Vol. 2


  42. 2017

  43. Mitra, A.,* Sen, I.S."Anthrobiogeochemical Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium Cycles of Earth: Emerging Environmental Contamination"

    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Vol. 216


  44. 2016

  45. Sen, G., Hames, W.E., Paul, D.K., Biswas, S.K., Ray, A., Sen, I.S."Pre-Deccan and Deccan Magmatism in Kutch, India: Implications of New 40Ar/39Ar Ages of Intrusions"

    Journal of Geological Society of India Vol. 6


  46. Sen, I.S., Bizimis, M., Tripathi, S.N., Paul, D."Lead Isotopic Fingerprinting of Aerosols to Characterize the Sources of Atmospheric Lead in an Industrial City of India"

    Atmospheric Environment Vol. 129


  47. Sen, I.S., Mitra, A.,* Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Rothenberg, S.E., Tripathi, S.N., Bizimis, M."Emerging airborne contaminants in India: Platinum Group Elements from Catalytic Converters in Motor Vehicles"

    Applied Geochemistry Vol. 75


  48. 2015—2010

  49. Sen, I.S., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B."Determination of Osmium Concentrations and 187Os/188Os of Crude Oils and Source Rocks by Coupling High-Pressure, High-Temperature Digestion with Sparging OsO4 into a Multicollector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer"

    Analytical Chemistry Vol. 86


  50. Sen, I.S."Platinum Group Element Pollution is a Growing Concern in Countries with Developing Economy"

    Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 47


  51. Sen, I.S., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Geboy, N."Complex Anthropogenic Sources of Platinum Group Elements in Aerosols on Cape Cod, USA"

    Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 47


  52. Sen, I.S., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B."Anthropogenic Disturbance of Element Cycles at the Earth's Surface"

    Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 46


  53. Sen, I.S., Bizimis, M., Sen, G., Huang, S."A radiogenic Os Component in the Oceanic Lithosphere? Constraints from Hawaiian Pyroxenite Xenoliths"

    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Vol. 75


  54. Sen, I.S., Bizimis, M., Sen, G."Geochemistry of Sulfides in Hawaiian Garnet Pyroxenite Xenoliths: Implications for Highly Siderophile Elements in the Oceanic Mantle"

    Chemical Geology Vol. 273



  • Sen, I.S., Dasgupta, A., Sen, Soumya., Karnik, Rohit “A low cost to detect E. coli. in water and method thereof” (Indian Patent Application Number 202211034165, Date of filing: 15.06.2022; Patent Number 482960, Date of Grant: 14/12/2023)

  • Choudhary, B., ** Pal, S., Harsha, K., Saxena, S., Sen, I.S. “Liquid quality measurement system” (Indian Patent Application Number 202011028877, Date of filing: 07.07.2020, Patent Number 360251, Date of Grant: 04/03/2021)
  • Sen, I.S., Harsha, K., Hanhauser, E.B., Karnick, R.N., Hart, A.J., Bono, M, Vaishnav C.H. “A Vessel and A Method for Purifying Water and Monitoring Quality of Water” (Indian Patent Application Number 202011024458, Date of filing: 10.06.2020, Patent Number 395528, Date of Grant: 27/04/2022)

Conference Proceedings

Note: * Ph.D. student supervision, ‡ MTech student supervision

  • Neelavannan, K., ** Sen, I.S., Sinha, N., Thakur A. K., Misra, S Microplastics in the Ganga River: Sources and Pathways to the Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve, poster number 14295, Goldschmidt Conference, Lyon, France, 2023

  • Shaifullah*, Sen I.S Seasonal trends of chemical weathering rate and CO2 consumption yield in the Upper Ganga Basin, poster number 14297, Goldschmidt Conference, Lyon, France, 2023

  • Roy, N*, Sen I.S., Strong and weak mineral acid-mediated chemical weathering pathways in the Central Himalayas: Its role on the chemical weathering and CO2 consumption rates, poster number 13816, Goldschmidt Conference, Lyon, France, 2023

  • Pradhan, S.*, Sen Quantifying the role of deep carbon fluxes on the geological carbon budgets of orogenic belts, poster number 14001, Goldschmidt Conference, Lyon, France, 2023

  • Shaifullah*, Sen I.S. Stable water isotope modeling reveals early onset of snowpack melting in the headwaters of the Ganga River, Frontiers in Geosciences Research Conference 2023, PRL Ahmedabad

  • Pradhan, S.*, Sen, “Carbon and Helium Isotopes to Address Himalayan Metamorphic CO2 fluxes to the Atmosphere.”: Frontiers in Geosciences Conference, 2023

  • Pradhan, S.*, Sen, I.S., Shukla. T., and Nizam, S., “The Magnitude and Implications of Atmospheric CO2 Released by Metamorphic Processes in the Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen.”: AGU Fall Meeting, 2022 

  • Shaifullah*, Sen I.S. Isotope hydrograph separation reveals an early onset of snow meltwater in the Himalayas, AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, 12-16 December

  • Roy, N*, Sen I.S., Boral, S., Shukla T., Velu, V. Evidence of Rain Induced Melting in the Upper Ganga basin, AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, 12-16 Dec.

  • Boral S*, Sen I.S. Tracing dissolved trace elements from source to sink: Spatio-temporal variability and baseline concentrations in Ganges to judge future changes. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2020, 224

  • Shukla T**, Sen I.S. The control of hydrological inorganic carbon input on plaeo-CO2 release from glacial lakes, Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2020 2376

  • Mitra A *, Sen I.S, Meisel T, Walkner C. Platinum Group Elements in Indian Environment: Magnitude and Pathways, Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2020, 1816

  • Mitra, A., * Sen, I.S., Vinoj V., Pandey, S.K., Planetary boundary layer height controls the transport of heavy metals to the Himalayan Glaciers, Accepted for oral presentation in Goldschmidt, 2020.

  • Boral, S., * Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Hemmingway, J.D., Sen, I.S., Galy, V. Controls on temporal variations in the dissolved 87Sr/86Sr of large rivers: Evidence from the Ganga and Brahmaputra. Goldschmidt Abstracts 2019, 334 (Oral Presentation).

  • Nizam S, * Sen IS, Galy V, Selby D, Vinoj V, Bizmis M & Azam MF. Biomass derived carbon key to western Himalayan Glacier melt. Goldschmidt 2019, 09c/385/Mo.

  • Chandra J., Paul D., Sen I.S., Ansari A.J., Uniyal A. Osmium isotopic composition of carbonatites and associated rocks from the Amba Dongar carbonatite complex, Gujrat reveals presence of old oceanic crust in the source. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2019, abstract #V11E-0128

  • Mitra, A.,* Sen, I.S., Meisel, T., Integration of air mass trajectory models and Pb isotope data to trace the long-range transport of atmospheric dust in India. Goldschmidt Abstracts 2018, 1783

  • Nizam, S.,* Sen, I.S., Azam M.F., Selby, D., Geochemical characteristics of cryoconite holes on Chota Shingri glacier, Western Himalaya, India. Goldschmidt 2018, 08i/235/Th.

  • Gupta, S., Tripathi, S., Sinha R., Karumanachi, S.K., Paul, D., Tripathi, S.N., Sen, I.S., Setting up a new CZO in the Ganga basin: Instrumentation, stakeholder engagement and preliminary observations, Abstract H41G-1535 presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, Louisiana. 11-15 Dec

  • Sen, I.S., Laxmi, V., Mishra G. ‡, Major and trace element fluxes to the Ganges River: Significance of small flood plain tributary as non-point pollution source, Abstract EP21D-1869 presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, Louisiana. 11-15 Dec

  • *Sen, I.S., Boral, S., * Ranjan, S., Tandon, S. Nutrient Transport by Small Floodplain Rivers: Their Importance and Contribution to Land-to-Ocean Fluxes. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2017 3591.

  • Nizam, S. ‡, Sen, I.S. Physical and chemical interactions between the southwest monsoon rains and aerosols over the Indo-Gangetic Basin, Goldschmidt 2017, 3068, 16e/368/Th.

  • Boral, S.*, Sen, I.S., D., Ghoshal., Sinha, R., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Hemmingway, J.D. Relationship between Indian summer monsoon and melting Himalayan glaciers. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2017 397 (Oral Presentation).

  • Mitra, A., * Sen, I.S., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Rothenberg, S., Tripathi, S.N., Bizimis, M., Emerging airborne contaminants in India: Platinum group of elements from catalytic convertors in motor vehicles, 4th Highly siderophile element geochemistry workshop, Durham, U.K., 2016

  • Nizam, S., ‡ Sen, I.S., V. Vinoj, Aerosol loading during waning phase of Indian summer monsoon over the Indo-Gangetic Basin: PM10 levels and heavy metal concentrations National Symposium on Tropical Meteorology (TROPMET) on Climate Change and Coastal Vulnerability, 2016

  • Boral, S., * Sen, I.S., Sinha, R., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Ghosal, D. Hydrological dependence of Ganges river on Himalayan cryosphere, Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2016 268.

  • Boral, S.*, Sen, I.S., Sinha, R., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B. Hydrological Dependence of River Ganga on Himalayan Cryosphere. TWAS ROCASA Conference, IISC Bangalore, India 2016 (invited, poster).

  • Huang, T., Owens, J., Sarafin, A., Sen, I.S., Huang, K-F., Blusztajn, J., Nielsen, S. Development of analytical techniques of vanadium isotope in seawater, AGU Fall Meet. Abstract PP31B-2233, 2015

  • Sen, I.S., Bizimis, M., Tripathy, S.N., Paul, D., Tyagi, S., Sengupta, D. Lead isotopes and trace metal ratios of aerosols as tracers of Pb pollution sources in Kanpur, India, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU 2015-14042, Vienna, Austria, 2015

  • Sen, I.S., Hemingway, Sengupta, D., Sinha, R., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Chakraborty, A. Seasonal variation of glacial melt proportion in the headwaters of the Ganges River: Preliminary results, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU 2015-5125, Vienna, Austria 2015

  • Peucker-Ehrenbrink B., Sen I.S., Geboy N. Anthropogenic osmium in airborne particles from Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Abstract V23E-2893, presented at 2012 Fall meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec

  • Sen I.S. and Peucker-Ehrenbrink B. Human impact on global element cycles, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2011, 75(3), A1837

  • Sanchez-hernandez Y., Maurrasse, F.J., Sen I.S., Moreno-Bedmar J.A. The Cabó section, Sierra de Prada, south central Pyrénnées, NE Spain: relation to Early Aptian oceanic oxygen conditions, Abstract PP21C-1808 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.

  • Gionfriddo, C.; Bizimis, M.; Sen, I.S.; Salters, V., Chalcophile elements in peridotites as a proxy for sulfide mineralization during serpentinization. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2010, 74 (12) Suppl. 1, A334

  • Sen I.S., Bizimis M., Huang S., Sen G. Origin of sulfides and pyroxenites in the Hawaiian mantle: Insights from PGE and Os isotopes, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2010, 74 (11), Suppl. 1, A933

  • Sen, I. S.; Luo, H.; Hall, J. S., Linking Migration with Fluid Mixing – A Case Study from Plutonio Field, Block 18, Angola, . Technology Fair, British Petroleum, Houston, Tx, 2009

  • Sen I.S., Bizimis M., Huang S., Sen G. Re-Os Isotope Systematics and PGE Abundances in Garnet Pyroxenite Xenoliths from Oahu, Hawaii: Implications on Melt-Peridotite Reaction in the Oceanic Mantle, Eos Trans. AGU 2008, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V43B-2160

  • Sen I.S., Bizimis M., Sen G. Platinum Group Element Abundances in the Hawaiian Mantle: Constraints from in-Situ Sulfide and Bulk Rock Analyses of Garnet Pyroxenite Xenoliths from Oahu, Joint Annual Meeting -Geological Society of America 2008, 141-13

  • Sen I.S., Sen G., Bizimis M. Sulfides in the Garnet Pyroxenite Xenoliths from Oahu, Hawaii, Eos Trans. AGU 2007, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl, Abstract DI33A-1126

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