
Courses Offered

Some courses that I teach regularly in IIT Kanpur include:

Geochemistry (ES413)

Internal structure of atoms, electronic structure, chemical bonding, and chemical properties of elements. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and its application in Earth Sciences. Aquatic geochemistry, primary silicates and chemical weathering, acids and bases, dissolution and precipitation reactions, mineral stability diagrams, Eh-pH diagrams, oxidation-reduction reactions. The origin and evolution of Earth and the solar system through high temperature chemical processes, trace elements in igneous processes, modeling trace element partition during magma genesis. Radiogenic isotope geology and geochronology. Stable isotope geochemistry. Earth’s hydrosphere and its interaction with surficial rocks, sediments, soils, biosphere and the atmosphere.

Aqueous Geochemistry (ES643)

Water Cycle/Earth’s Surface Processes/Rivers and Oceans, thermodynamics, solutions and equilibrium constant, Kinetics, Acid and Bases/Salts/Mineral Stability Diagrams, General Controls of Natural Water Chemistry, Water Isotopes-Understanding Water Evolution, Water Characterization Techniques, Aqueous Geochemistry and Ore Deposits, Aqueous Geochemistry of Acid Mine Drainage, Geochemical Cycling of Redox Sensitive Trace Metals, Chemical Weathering, Atmospheric CO2 and Climate, Contaminant Geochemistry (Focus on Arsenic)

Isotope Geochemistry & Applications (ES649)

Atoms and nuclei, Decay systems and Geochronology, Radiogenic isotope geochemistry of the mantle, Radiogenic isotopic geochemistry of the continental crust and ocean, Radiogenic isotopic geochemistry to track surface processes, Stable isotope geochemistry, Stable isotope geochemistry and its application, Unconventional isotopes and approaches, Mass Spectrometry and lab practices

Fundamentals of Earth Sciences (ESO213)

Solar System and Earth; The primitive Earth; Geological Time scale; Origin of life and major geological events; Numerical Dating. Rocks, minerals and soils; Plate Tectonics and Mountain building; Deformation and Geodynamics; Earthquakes, Volcanoes. Earth, Ocean, Land, Rivers, Atmosphere, Biosphere, Cryosphere and Climate; Energy budget; Carbon Cycle; Hydrological Cycle; Weathering and erosion. Coupled processes in Earth System; climate change, Geological resource (minerals, hydrocarbons and water); Sustainability and Anthropocene activities.

Awards for Teaching

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Invited Talks

Date Title Locaation
07-2023 The geochemical perspective of the drivers and impacts of melting Himalayan glaciers GFZ, Potsdam, Germany
06-2023 Tracking the glacier meltwater of “Third Pole” fed rivers in space and time using isotopic tracers Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain
06-2023 The drivers and impact of melting Himalayan glaciers ETH Zurich, Switzerland
03-2021 Surface impurities in the Himalayan glaciers: Its sources, pathways, and spatial variation Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune (online due to COVID-19 pandemic), India
02-2021 New paradigms in water quality monitoring National Water Mission, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India (online due to COVID-19 pandemic)
08-2020 Surface impurities in the Himalayan glaciers: Its sources, pathways, and spatial variation Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India (online due to COVID-19 pandemic)
08-2020 Study of emerging contaminants contributed by PGEs rich particulates from vehicular emission using the ICP-MS/MS technique Agilent Technologies (online due to COVID-19 pandemic), India
12-2019 Source and Transport Pathways of Surface Impurities to the Himalayan Glaciers: A Coupled Organic-Inorganic Perspective University of Leoben, Austria
04-2018 Underestimated Glacier Mass Loss in “The Third Pole” and its Contribution to Global Sea-Level Rise Environmental Science & Technology Symposium-India
03-2018 The drivers of deglaciation in the Himalayas and its impact on global sea level rise University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA
10-2017 The Third Pole: Frozen water in the Himalayas Columbia/Snake River Expedition, Portland, USA
03-2016 Will the rivers run dry? Global River Observatory Meeting, onboard cruise vessel Mekong Sun, Thailand
02-2014 Earth System Sciences Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal, India [Outreach Activity]
12-2013 Elemental Journey: Humans have changed how chemicals move on Earth’s surface Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, India
09-2013 Tracing Earth system processes: From petroleum systems to aerosols Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
10-2013 Osmium and Vanadium isotopes as tracers of Earth system processes Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata, India
08-2013 Osmium and Vanadium isotopes as tracers of Earth system processes Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
08-2013 Osmium and Vanadium isotopes as tracers of Earth system processes Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
04-2013 Humans have changed how chemicals move on Earth’s surface Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, India
11-2011 Platinum Group Elements and osmium isotope geochemistry: A tale from Earth’s mantle to the atmosphere Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata, India
01-2011 A radiogenic Os component in the oceanic lithosphere? Constraints from Hawaiian garnet pyroxenite xenoliths Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, USA
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