1.1 Introduction:

The membership, duties, powers and privileges of the Students' Senate are defined in the Constitution of the Student's Gymkhana. These rules and procedures are in addition to, and in further clarification of the provisions of the Student's Gymkhana.

1.2 Frequency

The Student's Senate shall meet at least once a month.

1.3 Notification

A minimum notice of twenty four hours shall be given before every session of the Student's Senate to :

a. all members of the Student's Senate and

b. the General Body of the Students.

1.4 Agenda:

a. The agenda of the Sessions of the Students Senate shall be finalized by the steering committee of the Student's Senate. The agenda shall be circulated to the members of the Student's Senate. The agenda shall be circulated to the members of the Student's Senate and general body of Students by the Convener of Student's Senate at least three days in advance of the sessions. Late additions to the agenda are, however, permitted at the discretion of the Convener of the Students Senate. The agenda may be over-ruled by a simple majority in the Students' Senate.

b. The agenda cannot be overruled in a requisition meeting called under Article 7.07of the Constitution.

1.5 Quorum:

a. One-half of the total strength of the Students' Senate shall constitute the quorum. The quorum shall be required at the commencement of each session. Members shall not leave during sessions without the permissions of the Convener of the Student's Senate. If quorum is absent at the beginning of any session , the Convener shall adjourn the session for lack of quorum without transacting any business. Sessions adjourned for lack of quorum shall require quorum for reconvening.

b. For a requisition meeting called under Article 7.07 of the Constitution, adjourned once due to lack of quorum, the Convener will call another meeting within 3 days at the same place at the same time. For such a meeting if the quorum requirements of Article 1.5(a) of the rules and Procedures are not met then the matter shall be referred to the general body under the provision of Art. 2.13 of the Constitution.

1.6 Attendance:

In case any member of the Students' Senate is unable to attend a session, he shall communicate the reasons of the same to the Convener of the Students' Senate in advance of the Session and this communication shall be read out at the session. Any member who absents himself without explanation from two consecutive or non-consecutive sessions shall be served a show-cause notice by the Convener of the Student's Senate. If the member is unable to provide an explanation to the satisfaction of the Student's Senate, the Convener of the Students; Senate shall propose a censure notice against the defaulting member.

1.7 Presence of the General Body:

All sessions of the Students' Senate shall ordinarily be open to the General Body of the Students. However the Students' Senate may resolve to hold a closed door session on the basis of a simple majority. Members of the General body may express their views either through the members of the Students' Senate or ask for permission to speak themselves. The Convener of the Students' Senate shall request all members of the general body of the Student to leave in case any confidential matter comes up for discussion. The Convener of the Students' Senate shall request a General Body member to leave if found violating the code of conduct as per Art 1.8 below.

1.8 Code of Conduct during the presence of the General Body :

a. Members of the General Body should address the Convener of the Students' Senate during the course of discussion

b. Members of General Body shall have to take the permission of the Convener of the Students' Senate before expressing a viewpoint for maintaining the order.

c. Members of the General Body should not make any irrelevant personal comment on the floor of the house or make any coarse remark of offensive nature.

1.9 Presence of Counsellors and other special invitees:

The Students' Senate may, consensus invite the Counsellors of the Students' Gymkhana or may other special invitees as and when necessary.

1.10 Minutes:

a. The responsibilities for the recording of the minutes of the sessions of the Students' Senate shall rest with the Convener of the Students' Senate. The actual recording of the minutes shall be done by the steering committee of the Students' Senate. The recorded minutes shall constitute a draft and not an official record.

b. Circulation:

The draft minutes shall be published and circulated by the Convener of the Students' Senate amongst:

i. Members of the Students' Senate.

ii. Counsellors of the Students' Gymkhana.

iii. The General Body of the Students.

Within a period of two weeks of the session in question, if this has not been done, all subsequent sessions of the students senate shall be compulsorily adjourned if so demanded by even one member of the Students' Senate

c. Ratification:

When procedure laid down in Art. 1.9(b) above has been followed the draft minutes shall be placed for ratification at the first subsequent session of the Students' Senate. However, if less than twenty-four hours have elapsed since the circulation of the draft minutes, ratification shall be done in the next session if so demanded by even one member of the Senate. Ratification of the draft minutes shall constitute the first item on the agenda. Changes if any, shall be included in full in the minutes of session in which ratification is done. On ratification, the convener shall sigh the ratified minutes, whereupon they shall become official.

1.11 Parliamentarian:

The Parliamentarian to the Students' Senate shall be the Convener of the Rules and Procedures Committee. He shall advice the Students' Senate on procedural matters, and his interpretation of these rules and procedures shall be final. He shall also act as the Convener of the Students' Senate in the absence of Convener of Students' Senate.

1.12 Office of the Students' Senate:

a. An office of the Students' Senate shall be maintained by the Convener of the Students' Senate, who shall be responsible for the upto date maintenance of the following:

i. The Constitution of the Students' Gymkhana with amendments.

ii. Minutes of the sessions of the Students' Senate.

iii. The Rules and Procedures of the Students' Senate with amendments.

iv. Reports of the sub-committees of the Students' Senate.

v. All correspondence relating to the convening and functioning of the Students' Senate.

b. The Convener of the Students' Senate shall be responsible for the production, on demand, of all the above documents in original to the following:

i. Members of the Students' Senate.

ii. Members of the General Body of the Students.

iii. Any other person or body authorized by the Students' Senate.




2.1 General Provisions

a. The Student's Senate may appoint as and when necessary an investigative subcommittee to investigate any particular matter and report to it These sub-committees may be either adhoc or standing.

b. No sub-committees of the Student's Senate shall have nay executive function whatsoever unless otherwise explicitly specified in the terms of reference.

c. Members of all the sub-committees of all the Student's Senate shall ordinarily be senators, but in special circumstances the Senate may, by resolution, also include any other General Body member in a sub-committee, except in the case of the Steering Committee, the rules and procedures committee and the finance committee, in which case the membership shall be limited to the senators.

d. All adhoc sub-committees of the Student's Senate shall go out of existence when the outgoing senate hands over charge to the successor senate. The standing sub-committee however, will continue till charge is handed over to successor committees.

2.2 Formation:

a. Prior to the appointment of any sub-committee, the Student's Senate shall decide by a simple majority the following:

1. its terms of reference.

2. its strength and

3. in the case of an adhoc sub-committee, its period of existence.

b. The Convener of the Student's Senate shall invite nominations for membership of a sub-committee under formation from senators. Senators shall nominate themselves and no seconding shall be necessary, if the number of nominations received is in excess of the proposed strength of the sub-committee, the Convener of the Student's Senate shall call withdrawals if any. If the remaining number of nominations is still in excess of the proposed strength, the Convener of the Student's Senate shall hold an election on the basis of one votes for every member of the Student's Senate. The voting shall be by secret ballot if so demanded by even one member of the Student's Senate.

c. The Convener of the Student's Senate shall declare the result of the election immediately on conclusion of the same. Unless otherwise resolved in the terms of reference, the sub-committee shall come into existence immediately after declaration of the results of the election.

d. If the number of nominations received is less than the proposed strength of the sub-committee, the Convener of the Student's Senate shall make a second call for the same. If the number is in excess of the proposed strength ,the procedure laid down in Art.2.2(b) above shall be followed. Otherwise , the Convener of the Student's Senate declare the members of the sub-committee duly elected.

e. In case no nominations are received even after the second call, the Convener of the Student's Senate shall officiate as the Convener of that sub-committee and shall appoint one UG and one PG Senator to discharge the functions of that sub-committee. The sub-committee thus formed, must be ratified by the Student's Senate .

f. The Student's Senate shall elect the Convener of the Sub-Committee from amongst the members of that Sub-Committee as per the procedure specified in At.2.2(b),(c) and (d) above. No Sub-Committees shall be formed without the specific nominations of a Convener, unless specified in the terms of reference.

g. In case any post of a Sub-Committee of the Student's Senate falls vacant in the middle of its term, the Convener will call for nominations for that post.

2.3 Duties of Convener

The Convener of Sub-Committee shall be responsible for the proper functioning of the same. He shall: a. convene and preside over all sessions of that sub-committee

b. coordinate its activities and ensure its compliance with the terms of reference.

c. be responsible for the preparation of the sub-committee's report to the Student's Senate within the time specified in terms of reference.

d. ensure that an adequate opportunity has been provided to the general body of the Student to express their views both before and after the preparation of the sub-committee's draft report.

e. Submit the final report of the sub-committee to the Convener of the Student's Senate who shall, circulate the entire text of the report as a part of the agenda for a subsequent session of the Student's Senate amongst all those listed in Art.1.9(b). Unless this has been done, the Student's Senate shall not proceed to discuss the report of the committee if so demanded by even by one member of the Student's Senate.

2.4 Functions:

a. The Convener of a sub-committee may ask for a preliminary discussion on the floor of the Student's Senate if he thinks that the same is necessary.

b. Ordinarily, all recommendations of a sub-committee shall be on the basis of a consensus. In case of dissent the dissenting members shall attach a note of dissent to the report of the sub-committee for the consideration of the Student's Senate.

c. The Convener of a sub-committee shall be directly responsible for all communications within the sub-committee. He shall route all business with other individuals or bodies through the Convener of the Student's Senate., who shall be obliged to render the assistance asked for.





a. The Steering committee shall consist of the following:

1. The convener of the Student's Senate, who shall be the ex-officio convener of the steering committee, and

2. Two Senators both not from the same year.

b. The Steering committee shall be responsible for the optimum utilization of the sessions of the Student's Senate. It shall finalize the agenda for every session of the Student's Senate. For this purpose it shall meet at least once before every session of the Student's Senate.

c. The Steering committee shall be responsible for the recording of the sessions of the Student's Senate. for this purpose the steering committee shall meet within four days of every session of the Student's Senate and prepare tyhe draft minutes for ratification by the Student's Senate.

d. The Steering Committee shall also provide any other assistance required by:

1. The Convener of the Student's Senate.

2. The Student's Senate.

3. The sub- committees of the Student's Senate.


3.2 The Rules and Procedures Committee:

a. The Rules and Procedures Committee shall consist of:

1. A Senator who shall be the convener of the committee.

2. two other senators both not from, the same year.

b. The Rules and Procedures Committee shall be responsible for the observance of due procedures in the Student's Senate. It shall:

1. Prepare, delete, add amend and bring up-to-data all rules, procedures, structures,norms, conventions, codes of conduct, etc.

2. Advice the the Student's Senate on all matters concerning rules, procedures, structures, norms, conventions, codes of conduct, etc.

3. Study all proposed constitutional amendments and give its opinion on the same.

4. Study all proposed changes in these rules and procedures and give its opinion on the same.

5. Advice the Student's Senate on all matters relating to the formation and functioning of its sub-committees.

c. All recommendations of the rules and procedures committee shall be subject to the approval by a simple majority of the Student's Senate .The interpretation of these rules and procedures by the Parliamentarian shall be final.




4.1 Changes in Rules and Procedures:

a. Inadequacies in the Rules and Procedures shall be referred by the Convener of the Student's Senate to the Convener of Rules and Procedures committee for corrections.

b. All Rules and Procedures may be repeated to, or amended in any session of the Student's Senate provided the following have been included in the previously agenda for the same:

1. written notice of the proposed action,giving the text of the desired modification together with a statement of its purpose and effect, and

2. the opinion of the Rules and Procedures committee on the desired action.

c. Any such modification shall be subject to a simple majority in the Student's Senate.


4.2 Point of Order

a. A Member may raise a point of order, if ,in the opinion of the member

1.Any constitutional provision or rules or procedure is being transgressed.

2. Any established convention of the Student's Senate is being transgressed.

3. An objectionable procedure is being followed.

b. If any member wishes to raise a point of order, the Convener of the Student's Senate shall permit him to do so immediately.


4.3 Order of Business

a. The order of business at sessions of the Student's Senate shall be as follows:

1. Ratification of draft minutes.

2. Announcements.

3. Remarks by the Convener and the President, and reports by all General Secretaries.

4. Reports of sub-committees.

5. Unfinished business.

6. New business.

b. The order of business may be over-ruled by a simple majority in the Student's Senate.


4.4 Resolution:

a. Consensus: A decision of the Student's Senate may be arrived at by consensus of the proposal:

1. does not require a resolution for its passage under any of these rules and procedures.

2. is not objects to by any member of the Student's Senate or if all objections are withdrawn.

3. is not meant to give expression to the opinion of the General Body of the Students.