The under mentioned rules and procedures are as per the guidelines laid down in the constitution and clearly spell out the general idea expressed there.
1. The Students' senate shall have a five member standing committee known as the Finance Committee (henceforth referred as FC), whose function will be to oversee the effective expenditure of the Gymkhana funds.
2. All members of the FC will be senators and one of them will be14 elected as Convener of the FC by the Senate.
3. The FC will function as a team, but for administrative convenience the responsibility will be distributed as follows:
Convener FC accounts relating to President's fund
Member 1 Cultural Council
Member 2 Games Council
Member 3 SFS
Member 4 Science and Technology
4. Every FC Member will be an ex-officio member of the Council he is attached to.
5. All remittances towards advertisements/sponsorships will be received at the DOSA Office. The parties for whom the advertisement appear must be informed to remit the amount by cheque / draft drawn in favor of "Students' Gymkhana, IIT Kanpur".
6. a) Sale of tickets for professional programmes must be made only through proper authorized, numbered and preferably printed ticket booklets with at least 3 counterfoils, one to be handed over at the entry gate, one kept at the sale counter and one to be kept by the ticket holder. Each of these ticket booklets should be recorded by the Gymkhana Office (DOSA Office) before issue for sale, and accounted for within a fortnight of the programme (i.e. all counterfoils and unsold tickets should be accounted for). All counter foils and unsold tickets are to be submitted at the DOSA Office. The amounts collected by such a sale should be accounted for in the normal way.
b) The complimentary passes should be of a different color and must have "NOT FOR SALE" and "COMPLIMENTARY PASS" printed on them. These passes must be numbered, stamped at the DOSA Office and must have 3 counterfoils (exactly as the ticket booklets) and must be accounted for through the DOSA Office. The passes must be restricted to the minimum possible. An account must be maintained of the recipients of passes.
c) Articles like T-Shirts etc. must be sold only through the mess bill or through receipts accountable to the DOSA Office.
d) Proper contracts must be drawn with the artists or external parties concerned, prior to any programme.
7. The membership fee for any club shall be received against a printed receipt only on which the club for which it is collected should be clearly mentioned. The receipt books shall be issued out by the Gymkhana Office and the executive responsible for the collection of membership fee shall submit the account in the Gymkhana office. Money collected may be used for the expenses of the club concerned. However, the amount collected must be informed to the FC regularly.
8. Money received from any other source excepting the membership fee of clubs shall not normally be used for expenses directly. All such money must be deposited with the DOSA Office. In exceptional circumstances the money may be spent directly if permitted in writing by the Chief Counsellor.
9. In the budgets presented by the councils, separate heads are to be made for refreshments, Inter IIT Meet, Cultural Festival, maintenence and estimated miscellaneous expenses in addition to those for Games/ Sports/ Clubs/ Cultural Science and Technology Sub-units and other activities.
10. Estimated income from all sources should be shown on the budget.
11. The executives must submit proper accounts for any expenditure made as early as possible after the amount has been spent and always earlier than a request for a fresh advance, subject to conditions laid down in the constitution.
12. As far as possible, payments shall be made by cheques by the DOSA Office,
13. Although payments will normally be made if a bill is verified by the executive concerned, the same will not be accepted as a valid and proper expenditure until it has been examined by the FC and approved/accepted.
14. While submitting bills/ vouchers, it is the duty of the executive to specify (on the reverse side of the bill/ voucher) the budget head to which it is to be assigned.
15. Excepting conveyance, there should be a receipt from the recipient of each and every expenditure, conveyance, and TA bills should be submitted only on proper forms available for the purpose (at the DOSA Office). Incase of a train journey money receipts should be attached.
16. In all cases of Gymkhana work, the most economical mode of transport is to be used (eg. Institute bus for local trips, bus/ mini-buses in other cities). If this is not done, the executive concerned should offer sufficient justification for the same.
17. Trips to other cities on Gymkhana expenses, prior information is to be given to the FC.
18. In all cases of a person going to another city on Gymkhana expenses, prior information is to be given to the FC.
19. DA will be paid to persons going out of station on Gymkhana work at the rate of Rs.35/- per day.
20. No DA will be paid if boarding is provided for the destination station.
21. a) A maximum commission of 25% of the value received may be paid to the individual responsible for procuring any advertisement for the Gymkhana. The elected executives will not be eligible to receive their commission.
b) Commissions must be given during the semester and and before the handing over of charge. The list of recipients displayed on Notice Boards.
22. Expenses on cash purchases are to be made out of an advance drawn. Such purchases must have the prior approval of the concerned authorities.
23. The expenses on refreshments and missed meals shall be minimized as far as possible. The upper limit on this item shall be as follows:
A: Presidential fund Rs. 600/-
B: Cultural Council
i) Festival Rs. 7000/-
ii)Others Rs. 500/-
C: Games Council Nil
D: SFS Rs. 1000/-
24. For the Cultural festival, the Cultural Secretary will be given a predetermined number of refreshments coupons of a fixed value. Additional coupons/ claims will not normally be entertained.
25. When visiting dignitaries are to be entertained the expenditure on "hospitality" may be commensurate with the needs of protocol, but only one or at most two (under exceptional circumstances) persons of the concerned councils may accompany the dignitaries.
26. Refreshments will normally imply tea, but should in no case exceed one drink (like cold coffee or nimbupani) per person.
27. Refreshments are generally to be discouraged for committee/ council meetings, but tea may be served at the discretion of the person chairing the meeting, specially if the meeting exceeds a certain length of time.
28. Expenditure on refreshments will generally be allowed only to persons involved in doing strenuous/ physical work for their council. In this category will be people like;
a) Audio and stage crew after a full fledged cultural council programme.
b) Games teams when matches are played with invited visiting teams.
In such cases,
i) the invited teams
ii) the players of the home team
iii) the persons involved in organizing the game will be eligible for refreshments.
29. Missed meal allowance will be given only as an exceptional measure when a person misses a meal due to unavoidable circumstances while doing Gymkhana work. The maximum allowance will be commensurate with the DA and allowance permitted (ie. Rs. 11/- for lunch/dinner Rs. 8/- for breakfast and Rs. 5/- for tea).
30. Under certain exceptional circumstances the persons involved in the organisation of a major programme, may be rewarded in kind (ie. a small celebration party). For this prior permission of the FC is required.
31. If the bills are in language other than English/ Hindi( i.e. Urdu), an English/ Hindi translation of the same should be attached with the original.
32. A stock register is to be maintained for each council. It is to be regularly checked, updated and officially handed over to the succeeding executives by the present executives (all permanent/ semi-permanent items should be noted. If transferred to other clubs should be noted in respective register). 33. When/ if objectionable procedures/ expenses are detected by the FC, they are to seek explanation, if any is forthcoming, from the executive concerned.
34. A written list of the objections is to be given to the concerned executive, and a copy of it is to left with the dealing assistant at the DOSA Office. 35. If the explanation given by the concerned executives is deemed unsatisfactory, the Counsellor of the committee is to be informed about the matter through the Convener of the Students' Senate.
36. If the objections are based upon the violation of established norms and procedures and the amount involved exceeds Rs. 500/- then the stoppage of further funds may be recommended to the Counsellor concerned by the FC via the convener.
37. If the objections are due to some technicality, the stoppage of funds is not to be requested for, but the lapse must be rectified at the earliest.
38. For persistent disregard and violations of established norms and procedures by an executive while in the office, severe and strict action will be taken by the senate. This will be commensurate with the amount of money involved and the seriousness of the charge. The action taken may include:
a. The introduction to a 'No-Confidence' or 'Censure' motion by the convener on the recommendation of the FC. In this case no counter motion can be initiated against the Convener for introducing matter.
b. Information regarding the incident being publically displayed and forwarded to parents/ guardians and/ or being recorded in his personal life.
c. Monetary fine upto the amount involved as recommended by the FC.
d. Stoppage of Gymkhana clearance from final clearance slip till the matter is cleared up.
e. Stoppage of provisional and/ or final degree till matter is cleared up.
f. Initiation of legal proceeding against him.
39. Any objections regarding TA/DA expenditure from non-students during Gymkhana work (eg. PTI's) is to be informed to the counsellor of the concerned council for necessary action.
40. The FC will submit regular reports (at least once every 3 months) on the status of Gymkhana finances at the moment.
41. The FC may also recommend adhoc financial measures consistent with the existing framework, which will require a simple majority for sanction and will be presented for approval as "resolutions".