All registered students of the Institute shall be the members of the Gymkhana and shall constitute its general body.
The Director of the Institute shall be the patron of the Gymkhana.
The Patron, from a panel of names suggested by the Student's senate, shall appoint the Chief Counselor, the Games Counselor, the Cultural Counselor, the Films Counselor, the Science and Technology Counselor and Treasurer of the Gymkhana.
The Counselors shall advice the respective wings of the Gymkhana.
All Counselors, other then the Chief Counselor, shall be subordinate to the Chief Counselor, in all decision making powers.
Chapter II
The Gymkhana shall function through the Student's Senate and its five Central Executive wings, namely the Presidential Council, the Games Council, the Cultural Council, the Films Council and the Science and Technology Council.
The Student's Senate (hereafter referred to as the Senate) shall be the central Representative Legislative and Supervisory body of students. It shall :-
1. serve as the main forum of expression of student opinion.
2. be in continuous touch with the general body, consult the students and act
as a feedback system.
3. act as the central policy making body.
4. guide and check the functioning of the executive wings of the Gymkhana
However, it should not interfere in matters of minor importance in order that the free functioning of the executive wings within the general policy framework defined by the Senate is not affected.
The Senate shall comprise of:
a. the Executives, namely the President, the General Secretary Games, the General Secretary Cultural, the General Secretary Films and the General Secretary Science and Technology Council.
b. Senators representing every undergraduate batch/year, 2-Yr M.Sc and Post-Graduate Students and Girls Hostel representative (in case no Senator has been otherwise elected from Girls Hostel).
The President, shall be the Chief Executive of the Gymkhana. He shall be the Chairman of the Presidential Council and shall supervise and coordinate the general affairs of the general body.
The General Secretary Games, shall be the Chairman of the Games Council and shall coordinate and supervise all activities of Games and Sports
The General Secretary Cultural, shall be the Chairman of the Cultural Council and shall supervise and coordinate all Cultural activities.
The General Secretary Films, shall be the Chairman of the Films Council and shall supervise
The General Secretary Science and Technology, shall be the Chairman of the Science and Technology Council and shall supervise and coordinate all scientific and technological activities.
The Senate meetings shall be convened and presided over by the Convener of the Senate. He shall direct the appropriate persons for the successful implementation of the decisions of Senate of the Student's Gymkhana.
The Parliamentarian of the Senate shall advice the Senate on Constitutional and procedural matters. His interpretation, on the floor of the Senate of the constitution and the rules and procedure shall be final.
In all the decision making bodies of the Gymkhana, at all levels, the organizational principles shall be democratic.
a. In matters of general interest of the Students, the executive councils/committees of the Gymkhana shall be subordinate to the Student's Senate, and there Student's Senate shall be subordinate to the General body.
b. The general interest of the Students shall be placed above the interest of any individual student.
Majority decisions shall be binding on all. Persons holding different views, shall have the right to committee and report directly to all higher bodies up to and including the general body (as in 2.11) but the decisions taken shall be executed until and unless higher bodies undo them.
The President or Convener shall refer the matter to the general body if so requested by at least 1/3 of the total strength of the Senate.
In case where some decision of the Senate has been passed with a large majority and substantial minority, (more than 1/3 of the Senators present voted against it) the President or the Convener of the Senate may refer the matter to the General body. The Senate in such an event shall not be able to table a no confidence motion against him.
The President as the Chief Executive of the Gymkhana shall have the power to requisition a meeting of any executive council or senate standing or sub committees. He can attend meetings of all councils/committees of the Senate except the Finance Committee, the Rules of Procedures Committee, and the Steering Committee; as a full fledged member and over rule any decisions taken by them. In the event of the President doing so, he shall be obliged, if requested by the concerned body, to requisition a meeting of the Senate and place his decision before it.
The Convener of the Senate may requisition and attend as full fledged member meetings of all the standing and ad-hoc committees of the Senate.
During summer and winter vacations, when many of the Senators are not present, the vacation Senate (consisting of all Senators present in Campus) shall normally discuss matters of urgent importance. Other matters if discussed shall require endorsement by the full Senate when it meets next.
In the handing over session which shall be jointly attended by the members of both the outgoing and incoming senate as full fledged members, the President and General Secretaries for Games, Cultural, Films, Science and Technology and the Convener of the outgoing senate shall handover the charge to the same of the next senate respectively in writing under the supervision of the Convener of the new Senate. The annual Gymkhana report, which shall consist of reports of all executives and committees, shall be presented in writing before the House foe comments.
a. Every Senator is expected to intimate to the Convener the reasons for his inability to attend meeting and take permission prior to the meeting for absenting himself. If a senator is absent without permission from two consecutive or non consecutive senate meetings, the Convener shall issue a warning to that senator. Thereafter, if a senator is absent without prior permission from two more meetings, he shall cease to be a senator. A Senator entering the meeting twenty minutes after it is called to order by the Convener shall be considered to be absent for the purpose of his article.
b. Every Executive should intimate the Convener the reasons for his inability to attend the meeting and should take permission prior to the meeting for absenting himself. If an Executive is absent without permission from two consecutive or non consecutive senate meetings, the Convener shall issue a show cause notice to concerned Executive. Thereafter, if an Executive fails to provide a satisfactory explanation or is absent without prior permission, warning shall be issued by the Convener. As a result of unsatisfactory explanation to the senate (according to the 2/3 of the total house) or further absence without prior permission, he shall cease to hold his post.
Chapter III
Elections shall be conducted by the Chief Election Officer to be appointed by the Senate. He shall purpose the names of members of the Election Council for ratification by the Senate.
Annual Gymkhana Election shall normally be held around 20 of January every year. Howeverunder exceptional situations, annual elections can be postponed for a maximum period of one month.
The President and the General Secretaries of Games, Cultural, Films and Science and Technology respectively shall be elected from the general body on the basis of one single transferable preferential voting system i.e. if there are n candidates, votes shall be required to give n-1 preferences. Counting shall be done in successive round. In the first round first preference votes only shall be counted and the candidate with the least first preference votes shall be declared unsuccessful. In the next round, second preference votes of the unsuccessful candidates shall be added to the first preference count of continuing candidates and again the candidates with the lowest tally shall be declared unsuccessful. This procedure shall be repeated until all about one candidate, who shall be declared successful, secures 50 percent of the total valid votes cast.
a. Senators who shall continue till the senate hands over charge, shall be elected from the students of:
1. Each UG Year other than the final year.
2. M.Tech Students other than those in the final semester.
3. Ph.D students
4. 2-Year M.Sc Students
b. Senators who shall officiate till July only, shall be elected from the students of
5. Final Year of UG.
6. Final Semester of M.Tech.
The number of senators in each group shall be at the rate of one senator over 80 students approximated to the nearest non-zero integer.
Mid-term Elections shall be held in the month of August for Senators from the
1. First Year UG
2. First Semester of M.Tech
The ratio of Senators to each group will remain as in Article 3.04.
Senators shall be elected on the basis of a preferential voting system. Each voter shall have three preferences to be cast in favor of different candidates, the preference vote carrying 5 points the second preference carrying 3 points and the third preference vote 1 point.
Senators for each class will be declared elected in the following way. The names of Senators will be listed according to first preference points. If the candidates got more than 275 first preference points, the requisite number of candidates in order points obtained will be elected. If otherwise, those getting above 275 points will be elected and the rest will listed again according to first and second preference points and candidates getting above 400 points will be considered for electionin order of points obtained. If the requisite number of candidates are still not elected the rest of the senators will be elected on the basis of combined first, second and third preference points.
The Convener and the Parliamentarian of the Senate will be elected from among the non-executive members of the Senate through an interactive process, where in, in successive round of voting the candidate with least number of votes, shall be eliminated ,until
a. either a candidate gets more than 50 percent votes of those present and is declared elected: or
b. all, but one candidate who shall be declared elected, gets eliminated.
a. For the post of President, General Secretary Games, General Secretary Cultural, General Secretary Films, the candidates should have a guaranteed stay in the Institute (going by the registration record) from thedate of election to February 15 of the following year.
b.For the post of General Secretary Science and Technology the candidate should have a guaranteed stay in the Institute (going by the registration record) from the date of election to March 15 of the following year.
Chapter IV
The Senate shall discharge its responsibilities mainly through itself and its committees. Selected discussions (e.g. finance, academics, hostel affairs of common interests) may be under-taken by the committees, though they may look into other issues and problems as and when directed by the Senate.
Senate shall have the following standing committees:
a. The Emergency Committee
b. The Finance Committee
c. The Steering Committee
d. The Rules and Procedures Committee
e. The Nominations Committee
f. The Committee of Students for Hostel Affairs (COSHA)
g. The Under Graduate Students' Academic Affairs Committee (UGSAAC)
h. The Post Graduate Student's Academic Affairs Committee (PGSAAC)
Committee (EC)
a. The Primary aim of the Emergency Committee is to represent the Senate in
urgent situations since the Senate meetings cannot be called at a very short
b. The Emergency Committee shall consist of the President, Convener of the Senate,
one Senator from every undergraduate year/batch, three Senators from Postgraduate
students, one Senator from 2 year M.Sc. and the Senator/representative from
the Girls Hostel
c. The President shall be the ex-officio Chairman of the Emergency Committee.
d. In case an emergency arises, the President shall requisition a meeting of the Senate without delay from the Convener of the Senate. If it is possible to convene the meeting of the senate within the desired time the emergency meeting shall be discussed by the full Senate, otherwise the Emergency Committee shall carry on with the matter till the Senate meets next.
e. Emergency Committee mentions shall require the support of at least half of its total strength.
Finance Committee (FC)
a. The Primary aim of the Finance Committee is to manage the finances of the
Student's Gymkhana, and it shall control and supervise the expenditures incurred
by the executive wings of the Gymkhana. It shall report to the Senate of Finances
and accounts periodically, as prescribed by the Senate.
b. It shall consist of four members including its Convener who shall be elected
by the Senate.
Steering Committee
a. The steering Committee shall coordinate and assist the Convener in steering senate session's meetings. It shall be responsible for publishing minutes of the Senate sessions/meetings.
b. It shall consist of the Convener of the Senate, who shall be its ex-officio convener, and one BUG Senator and one PG Senator.
4.06 Rules and Procedures Committee
a. The Rules of Procedures Committee shall be responsible for the interpreting
and updating the Gymkhana Constitution and Rules of the Procedure of the Senate
as and when required.
b. It shall consist of the Parliamentarian, elected by the Senate from among
Senators, and two other Senators, both not from the same year.
c. The Parliamentarian shall be the ex-officio Convener of the Rules of Procedures Committee.
Nominations Committee (NC)
a. The Nominations Committee shall nominate students' representatives to the various Institute bodies. It can call for an explanation, in case the nominee (s) is (are) not found suitable for the assigned task. All its nominations/actions are to be ratified by the Senate.
b. It shall consist of the President , the Convener, one PG Senator and one UG Senator.
c. The President shall be the ex-officio Convener of the Nominations Committee.
The Committee of Students for Hostel Affairs (COSHA)
a. The COSHA shall supervise and coordinate matters of common interest to all halls of Residence.
b. It shall consist of the President, the Incharge Hostel Affairs, Hall Presidents, and Mess Secretaries of every Hall of Residence and two Senators as Senate nominees.
c. The Incharge, Hostel Affairs shall be the Convener of the COSHA. The meetings of the COSHA shall be chaired by the President.
The Undergraduate Student's Academic Affairs Committee (UGSAAC)
a. UGSAAC shall advice and assist the Senate in all matters concerning the Undergraduate academic programme.
b. It shall consist of four student members of the Senate Undergraduate Committee (SUGC), both the student members of the Departmental Undergraduate Committee (DUGC) of each department, two undergraduate senators as senate nominees (only professional year students) and two student members of EPC. The President and Convener Student's Senate, shall be ex-officio members.
c. UGSAAC shall elect its Convener from among its members.
The Postgraduate Students' Academic Affairs Committee (PGSAAC)
a. The PGSAAC shall advice and assist the Senate in all matters and concerning the Postgraduate academic programme.
b. It shall consist of four student members of the Senate Post Graduate Committee (SPGC), both the student members of the departmental Post Graduate Committee (DPGC) of each department, two Postgraduate Senators as senate nominees, and the two student members of the EPC. The President and Convener Students' Senate shall be ex-officio members.
c. PGSAAC shall elect its own Convener from among its members.
The President and the General Secretaries of Games, Cultural and Films and Science and Technology, shall propose for ratification by the Senate, the names of students to be appointed in their respective positions as Secretaries/ Coordinators/ Captains etc., as members of their respective councils.
If the Senate feels that a person proposed as a member of a council is not capable enough , it may reject the proposed name and demand alternative names to be proposed.
A maximum no. of 5 members of any council can be members of the Senate at the same time.
Presidential Council
a) The aim of the Presidential Council shall be to help the President in discharging his duties and any other duty assigned by the Senate.
b) The President shall be the Chairman of the council and shall supervise the council's activity.
c) One member of the Finance Committee shall be ex-officio member of the Council.
Games Council
a) The aim of the Games Council is to organize and promote all extra curricular activities in the field of games and any other duties assigned by the Senate.
b) The General Secretary, Games shall be the Chairman of the council and shall supervise and coordinate all its activity.
c) The Council shall consist of the General Secretary, Games, the President or his nominee, Secretary and Captains appointed for various games and sports, one member of the Finance Committee, one nominee of the HEC of each Hall of Residence, and one representative from students residing in Married Student Quarters.
d) The General Secretary Games shall propose the names of students as captains and secretaries for various games activities to be ratified by the Senate.
e) The secretaries shall be responsible for the organizational part of the work, especially the off-field activities whereas the captains shall be responsible for on-field activities.
Cultural Council
a) The aim of the cultural council is to organize and promote all cultural extra-curricular activities and any other duty assigned by the Senate.
b) The General Secretary Cultural shall be the chairman of the council and shall supervise and coordinate all cultural activities.
c) The Council shall consist of the General Secretary Cultural, the President or his nominee coordinators and secretaries for different areas of Cultural Activity, one member of the Finance Committee and one nominee of the HEC of each Hall of Residence.
d) The Coordinators shall be responsible for the organization of all cultural programmes whereas the secretaries shall promote club activities.
Films Council
a) The aim of the Films Council is to organize and promote all Cinematic activities on behalf of the Students' Gymkhana and any other duty assigned by the Senate.
b) The General Secretary Films shall be the Chairman of the Films Council and shall supervise and coordinate all its activities.
c) The Council shall consist of the General Secretary Films, the President or his nominee secretaries for various activities, one member of the Finance Committee,
one representative from each Hall of residence and one representative from student residing in Married Student Quarters.
Science and Technology Council
a) The aim of the Science and Technology Council is to organize and promote all scientific and technological activities and any other duty assigned by the Senate.
b) The General Secretary Science and Technology council shall be the Chairman of the council and shall supervise and coordinate all its activities.
c) The council shall consist of the General Secretary Science and Technology, the President or his nominee, coordinators and secretaries of various activities, one member of the Financial Committee and one nominee of HEC of each hall of Residence.
d) The coordinator shall be responsible for the organization and shall promote club activities.
Chapter VI
The total funds of the Students' Gymkhana shall comprise of:
a) Contributions made by the Students as annual Gymkhana fees.
b) Regular contribution made by the Institute.
c) Funds from other sources such as membership fees for club, sale of tickets for professional programme, sponsorship, ad-hoc contribution from the institute etc.
every member of the Students' gymkhana shall pay a consolidated Gymkhana fee of Rs. 54/- (Rs. Fifty Four).
The total funds available under (a) and (b) of 6.01 will be determined by every senate as per the Budget scheme in effect at the time of adoption of this constitution as per the decision in the B.O.G. meeting held on October 1978.
All fees payable by the students in respect of the Gymkhana shall be collected centrally by the cashier of the Institute and deposited into the branch of the State bank of India in a separate account to be opened in the name of the Chief Counselor of the Gymkhana. Intimation regarding the amount credited to the Bank Account shall be sent by the institute Cashier to the treasurer of the Gymkhana. A formal receipt of the money as and when transferred to the Gymkhana Bank Account shall be looked for from the Chief Counselor of the Gymkhana.
Similarly the Institute contribution payable to the Gymkhana fund shall also be credited to the bank account under intimation of the Treasurer of the Gymkhana.
Each council will finalize its annual budget in consultation with the Finance Committee and the executive concerned will present in to the Senate for ratification.
If the Senate advises some changes in the budget of any council, the correspondingexecutive should meet his council members to modify the budget proposal, which he will put to the senate for ratification.
The senate will make all the final adjustment to the budget.
Only Senate will pass the Annual Budget.
All Equipment purchases will be done only with the approval of the Finance Committee.
Normally not even intra-committee budget heads shall be allowed to be exceeded. However if reallocation of funds is essential the executive concerned will obtain the permission of the Finance Committee and notify the Senate to the effect.
Advances, Purchases, Expenditure The Guiding spirit in the expenditure of the Gymkhana shall be economy at all stages and in all possible ways.
Advances will be given to the President and the General Secretaries of the Cultural,Games, Films and Science and Technology Councils( that is the five executives) or to any person they authorize, in writing, to do so against their name. All advances shall stand due against the names of the concerned executives unless and until satisfactorily accounted for in accordance with all the rules in force.
Accounts for any expenditure should be submitted as early as possible after the amount has been withdrawn. If more than one advance or a large sum is pending, a further advance should only be sanctioned with the written consent of the Convener of the Finance Committee.
Payments and Accounts
Payment for any bill will be made only after the same has been verified for payment by the concerned executive. However, no bill/ voucher will be accepted as valid and adjusted for unless scrutinized and accepted as proper, as per the rules laid down by the Students' Senate and by the Finance Committee.
Withdrawals from the bank account will be made by cheques signed by the Chief Counselor and Treasurer.
Accounts for all expenditure made from the Gymkhana funds will be maintained by the DOSA Office.
Disciplinary action
The senate shall take disciplinary action against any person(s) against whom a case of gross financial mis- management/ mal-appropriation has been reported and accepted as true after the concerned person(s) has(have) been given adequate opportunity to defend himself (themselves). The decision shall be referred to theChief Counselor for implementation.
Proceedings initiated by one senate and not completed during its terms will be continued by the next senate, possibly after re-appraisal of the issue, as a result of which the new senate may:
a) extend time limit for clearance of outstanding amounts
b) mitigate punishment
c) enhance punishment
However, if the Finance Committee of a particular year fails to point out cases of gross financial mis-management/ mal-appropriation of funds which are subsequently discovered by the succeeding Finance Committee, then disciplinary action will be initiated against the Financial Committee members also.( as per article 6.18)
Annual Report
The Financial Committee will present its final report before the joint session of the senate.
This Report must include:
a) A balance sheet (of income/ expenditure).
b) Any exceptional expenditure
c) Recommended action
Written annual report of the treasurer, checked by the audit board, should circulated to the students.
Amendment of articles of the constitution shall require the support of at least 2/3 of the total strength of the senate.
Amendment of Rules and Procedures of the Senate shall require the support of at least 1/2 of the total strength of the senate.
The senate can remove any executive from the office by passing a non confidence motion supported by at least 1/2 of its total strength.
The senate can remove the Convener of the Senate, the Parliamentarian and the Convener/Members of various Councils/ Committees by passing a non-confidence motion supported by at least 1/2 of its total strength.
Any executive, senate functionary or member of councils/ committees can be censuredfor his action with the with the support of at least 1/2 of the total strength of the senate.
The President shall call and chair general body meetings. He shall be obliged to call a general body meeting if requisitioned by the convener of the senate or at least 1/3 of the total strength of the senate or at least 1/4 of the total strength of the general body.
a) The Convener of the senate shall be obliged to call a meeting of the senate within 48 hrs. if requisitioned by the President or by at least 1/3 of the total strength of the senate .
b) In case a meeting of the Senate is requisitioned with a public notice under Article 7.07(a) to take a no-confidence motion against the Convener, the Convener must have the issue discussed and voted upon by the senate within 48 hrs. Failing this 1/2 or more than 1/2 of the total strength of the senate, may by a public notice remove the Convener and appoint a new Convener.
The Chairman/ Convener of any Council/ standing or ad-hoc committee of the Senate shall be obliged to call a meeting of the same if requisitioned by at least 1/3 of its total strength.
For general students opinion on a particular issue, the Senate may go for referendum. All referendums shall be conducted by a referendum in charge to be appointed by the Senate.
Not withstanding any other provisions for a referendum existing in the Constitution, a referendum to impeach an executive can be held only if:
a) 1/2 or more of the total strength of the senate votes in favor of this, or
b) 1/3 or more of the total strength of the Senate votes in favor of this. In such a case majority of the total strength of the General Body shall be required for impeachment.