R R K Sharma
B.E. (Mechanical)
, VRCE Nagpur
Fellow Program in Management, IIM Ahmedabad

Telephone: +91-512-597172
Fax             : +91-512-597553
Email          : rrks@iitk.ac.in


"Hello Friends,

I come from the city of oranges - Nagpur. I have done my B.E. Mechanical from Vishweshwariya Regional College of Engineering, Nagpur and I am a Fellow of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. My primary research is Location-allocation problems and MRP Systems. I have secondary research interests in the field of Strategy."

- Dr. R.R.K. Sharma


Areas of Interest
  • Computers and Information Systems
  • Operations Research
  • Production and Operations Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Manufacturing Policy


Professional Experience


  • Tata Engg. and Locomotive Company Ltd. 1980-82
    • Joined as Graduate Engineer Trainee
    • Worked as Production In-charge in Rear Axle Shop, Press Shop and Frame Assembly Shop. Gained experience in supervising more than hundred skilled employees
    • Worked as Maintenance In-charge in Rear Axle Shop, Press Shop and Frame Assembly Shop. Gained experience in maintaining various general and special purpose machines.
    • Worked as Design Engineer in the Machine Tool Division. Designed hydraulic and pneumatic circuits for hydraulic presses, general purpose and special purpose machines.
  • TVS Suzuki Ltd. 1988-89
    • Worked as a Marketing executive and in-charge of MIS. Prepared the marketing strategy and coordinated the all India sales. Also prepared distribution plans for over 20000 two wheelers all over India.


  • 11th Std. Higher S.S.C (1975): 14th order of merit, Maharastra Board
  • B.E. (Mech.) Visvesvaraiya REC Nagpur (1975-1980). Won merit scholarship for three years
  • Fellow of IIM, Ahmedabad, India (1982-1988). Got the best research proposal award in 1986.
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur - Department of Industrial and Management Engineering
    • Lecturer (March,1989 - April 1990)
    • Assistant Professor (April 1990 - Dec 1995)
    • Associate Professor (Dec 1995 - Sept 2001)
    • Professor (Sept. 2001 - till present)
    • HAG Professor, Since Aug 1, 2012



Administrative Responsibilities
  • Computer Coordinator of the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur
  • DUGC (Departmental Undergraduate Courses Committee) Convener for the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur
  • DPGC (Departmental Postgraduate Courses Committee) Convener for the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur
  • Placement Coordinator for the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur
  • Head(2005-2007), Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur


Research Interests
  • Location-allocation problems and MRP systems
  • Strategy


Selected Publications

Book(s) or Chapter(s) in Book(s)

  1. Sharma, R.R.K., "Heuristics for Improved Performance in MRP Context", Vitasta Publishing House, (A Division of Theme International Development Office, South Asia), New Delhi, 2007. ISBN 81-89766-20-I

  2. Sharma, R.R.K., "An Application of Lagrangean Relaxation Based Approach to the Bulk Commodity Problem", "Recent Developments in Mathematical Programming", Chapter 23, edited by Dr. Santosh Kumar, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, London. 1991, pp.369-382.
    ISBN 2-88124-800-4 (Soft cover)
    ISBN 2-88124-820-9 (Hard cover)

  3. Sharma, R.R.K., Shukla, P.R. and Tripathy, A., "Application of Benders’ Decomposition-Larangian relaxation based Algorithm to the Warehouse Location Problems" in "Large Scale Optimization", edited by Dr.A. Tripathy, Ch.5., Oxford and IBH Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., 1991, pp. 58-90.
  4. ISBN 81-204-0593-5.

  5. Sharma, R.R.K., "Foodgrains distribution in the Indian context: An operational study", in "Operations Research for Development", Ahmedabad, India; Chapter 5, Eds. Prof. A. Tripathy and Prof. J. Rosenhead, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 1996, pp. 212-227.
  6. ISBN 81-224-1016-2.

  7. Sharma, R.R.K. and Sinha, Sharat, "A Sequencing based Multipass Heuristic for Improved Performance of MRP Context", in Lecture Notes in Operations Research", Part-7, Eds. Prof. Du, Prof. Zhang and Prof. Cheng, Beijing World Publishing Corporation, Beijing, 1996, pp. 659-668.
  8. ISBN 7-5062-2023-7.

  9. Sharma, R.R.K., "Processes of manufacturing and corporate strategy making : Mutual influence and performance", Innovation In Technology management : The Key to Global Leadership", Eds. Dunder F Kocaoglu et.al., Portland State University, Portland Oregon, USA., pp. 631- 634, Published by the PICMET, Portland State University, Engineering Management Program, Portland Oregon, 97207-0751, USA, 1997.
  10. ISBN 1-890843-00-8

  11. Sharma, R.R.K., "Heuristic to modify lot sizes to improve performance in MRP Context", Industrial Engineering Encyclopedia, published by International Journal of Industrial Engineering, USA, 1999.
  12. ISBN 0-9654599-X

  13. Sharma, R.R.K. and Rao, M.V., "Application of Genetic Algorithm to Single level Lot Sizing Problem with Shortage Costs", Operations management for Global Economy, Ed. Arun Kanda et. al., Phoenix Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 572-581, 1999.
  14. ISBN 81-7484-030-3

  15. Sharma, R.R.K. and Reddy, V.R.K., Difficulty in aligning Manufacturing Decisions with Objectives in Dynamic Environments", Operations management For Global Economy, Ed. Arun Kanda et.al., Phoenix Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 640-651, 1999.
  16. ISBN 81-7484-030-3

  17. Sharma, R.R.K. and Berry, V., "Developing New Formulations and Relaxations of Single Stage Capacitated Warehouse Location Problem (SSCWLP) : Empirical Investigation for Assessing Relative Strengths and Computational Effort", Logistics and Global Outsourcing, Kulwant S. Pawar, Chandra S. Lalwani and Janat Shah (Eds.), pp. 286-291, 2004.

    ISBN : 0 85358 129 0

  18. Sharma, R.R.K. and Pankaj, K., "A new GA based procedure for solving the portfolio selection problem", Proceedings, National Conference on Management Science and Practice - held in honor of Prof. J. L. Saha at I. I. M., Ahmedabad, 380 015, India during Mar 31 - Apr 1, 2006, Ed. Prof. N. Ravichandran, pp107-114, 2007, ISBN 81-8424-186-0.

  19. Singh, S.P. and Sharma, R.R.K., "A Hybrid Genetic Search Based Approach to Solve Single Period Facility Layout Problem", Proceedings, Asia Pacific Management Conference, XII, 2006, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 1311-1315.

  20. Sharma, R.R.K. and Sarkar, C., "CRM implementation and its influence on mode of strategy making chosen by the firm", Proceedings, 10th International Annual Convention on "Strategic Management for Firms in Developing Countries", Editors: Dr Atanu Ghosh and Dr Gargi Bannerjee, held at IIT Mumbai during May 10-12, 07, pp. 357-365, 2007, ISBN 10:81 8424 1984.

  21. Eugene Levner, David Pinto, Paolo Rosso, David Alcaide, and R. R. K. Sharma, Fuzzifying Clustering Algorithms: The Case Study of MajorClust, pp 821-830. Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 4827 Springer 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-76630-8 (Alexander F. Gelbukh, Angel Fernando Kuri Morales (Eds.): MICAI 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 6th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Aguascalientes, Mexico, November 4-10, 2007).

  22. Chatterjee, Devjani, Sharma, RRK and Shanker, K., “Important differences in management control systems, cultural dimensions and management practices of innovators, prospectors and defenders”, 3rd European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, The University of Winchester, UK, 15-16 Sept, 2008, Edited by Neil Marriot, Published by Academic Publishing Limited, Reading, UK, 44-118-972-4148, www.academic-publishing.org, pp. 71-82, ISBN 978-906638-14-6.

  23. Pandey, S. and Sharma, RRK, “Changing strategic focus and emergence of OD tools”, Managing Global Competition: A Holistic Approach, Eds. DS Chundawat, K Saxena and SS Bhadu, Macmillan, Delhi, 2008, pp. 39-45, ISBN 10: 0230-63646-2.

  24. Verma, Mayank and Sharma, RRK, “Relaxations and equivalence of two formulations of the capacitated lot sizing problem with back-orders and setup times”, Proceedings of the Global Conference on Business and Finance, V4(1), 2009, ISSN: 1931-0285 (CD); ISSN: 1941-9589 (ONLINE); pp. 42-53.

  25. Chatterjee, Devjani, Sharma, RRK, and Shanker K., “Management problem solving styles and behavioural practices of leaders in Innovators and Defenders”, Decision Sciences in Global Enterprise Management, Eds. Karuna Jain and Rahul Patil, Macmillan Publishers, 2009, ISBN: 10: 0230-63725-6; ISBN: 13: 978-0230-63725-2; pp. 222-234.

  26. Verma, Priyanka and Sharma, RRK, “Relaxations of Decomposed Single Stage Capacitated Warehouse Location Problem: Empirical Comparison”, Decision Sciences in Global Enterprise Management, Eds. Karuna Jain and Rahul Patil, Macmillan Publishers, 2009, ISBN: 10: 0230-63725-6; ISBN: 13: 978-0230-63725-2; pp. 524-538.

  27. Sharadindu Pandey and RRK Sharma, “Understanding Transformational Change Using ‘Competing Value’ Framework”, In Integrating Spirituality an Organizational Leadership (ISBN: 9780230639089). Macmillan India Advance Research Series, New Delhi (2009).

  28. Priyanka Verma and R.R.K. Sharma, “Strong and weak formulations of Single Stage Uncapacitated Warehouse Location Problem”, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Communications in Computer and Information Science, LNCS-CCIS, (Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Trends in Business Administration and Information Processing, BAIP), Trivandrum, India; 26-27 March, 2010. (accepted, to appear).

  29. Sharma, RRK, Rahul Sharma and Himangshu Hazarika, “Supply Chain Departments of Defenders, Prospectors and Analyzers: A Literature Review and Few Propositions”, Changing Ideas In Strategy, Ed. Prof. AP Sinha, Narosa Publishing, New Delhi; ISBN: 978-81-8487-100-5; 2010; pp.74-88.

  30. Uma Nair S., RRK Sharma and Kripa Shanker, “Implementing MIS in Organizations: Developing a Theoretical Framework and its Empirical Validation”, in Recent Advances in Management and Information Security; Aurika Vaish, Pratika Mishra, A Vaish, P Dixit and MD Tiwari (Eds); ISBN: 978-81-8329-375-4; Shree Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi; 2010; pp. 370-377.

  31. Devjani Chatterjee and RRK Sharma, "Choosing Right Control System for Organizational Strategies", LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2012; ISBN 978-3-659-24386-8.


    Journal Publication

  1. Sharma, R.R.K., "Modeling a Fertilizer Distribution System", European Journal of Operational Research, 51, 1991, pp. 24-34.

  2. Sharma, R.R.K. and Paradkar, S.S., "Modeling a railway freight transportation system", Asia Pacific Journal of Operations Research, 12, 1995, 17-36.

  3. Sharma, R.R.K. and Shivanshu, U., "Manufacturing strategy: Relating process to contents", Productivity, July-Sept, 1998, pages 272-279.

  4. Sharma , R.R.K., "A new algorithm for preparing PERT networks" , Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research, V 15 No. 1 ,1998,pages 37-48.

  5. Sharma, R.R.K. and Sharma, K.D., " A new dual based procedure for the transportation problem", European Journal of Operational Research, V 122 (3), 2000, pp. 611-624.

  6. Sharma, R.R.K., Sharma, N.K. and Purwar, P., "Influence of cognitive style of entrepreneurs on chosen processes of strategy making", Journal of Technical and Vocational Training, Chennai, India, V 16, 2000, pp. 17-22.

  7. Sharma, R.R.K., Seliger, G., Eggenstein, M., Shrotriya, S. and Upadhyaya, S., "Relating objectives and processes used in manufacturing organizations : New theoretical concepts and trends from field data from German and Indian manufacturing firms", Productivity, V 42(2), 2001, pp. 274-280.

  8. Sharma, R.R.K., Sharma N K and Baitha, N., "Impact of personality and environment on chosen strategy making process for small firms", Journal of Technical and Vocational Education, V 18, 2001, pp. 34-46.

  9. Sharma, RRK. and Saumya Prasad, " Obtaining a good solution to the uncapacitated transportation problem", European Journal of Operational Research, V144(3), Feb 2003, 560-564.

  10. Sharma, R.R.K. and Saxena, A., "Dual based procedure for the special case of transshipment problem", OPSEARCH (INDIA), V39, No.3-4, Aug-Oct. 2002, pp. 177-182.

  11. Sharma, R.R.K., Seliger, G., Eggenstein, M., Shrotriya, S. and Behera, A., " Relating objectives to manufacturing decisions in dynamic environments : Implications of an exploratory study to Indian and German manufacturing firms", International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, V5, Nos. 5/6, 2003, pp.472-491.

  12. Sharma RRK. and Wadhwani, V., "Multipass heuristic for improved performance in MRP system with capacity imbalance", Asian Journal of Operations Management, (accepted, forthcoming).

  13. Singh, S.P. and Sharma R.R.K., "A review of different approaches to the facility layout problem", International Journal of Advanced Manufacutring Technology, 2005, article available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00170-005-0087-9

  14. Sharma, R. R. K. and chaudhary, R., "ERP implementation and its effect on a few variables of organization structure and manager's job", Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, Volume V., Number 3, 2005, pp. 140-149.

  15. Sharma, R. R. K. and Berry, V., "Developing New Formulations and Relaxations of Single Stage Capacitated Warehouse Location Problem (SSCWLP): Empirical Investigation for Assessing Relative Strengths and Computational Effort", European Journal of Operational Research, (accepted, to appear).

  16. Iraj Mahdavi, Sharma, R.R.K. and Amiri, Z.R., "Formulation of web document classification: Transforming the quadratic problem into 0-1 integer linear", International Journal of Digital Management, ISSN 1738-8554, VI, No.1, Jan 2006, pp. 63-70.

  17. Singh, S. P. and Sharma R.R.K., "Two-level modified simulated annealing based approach for solving facility layout problem", International Journal of Production Research for a possible publication; 2007, iFirst, pp. 1-20.

  18. Sharma, R.R.K. and Sharma, Abhishek, "ERP implementation in defenders and its influence on manager's job: A case study", International Journal of Business Research, V7(2), 2007, pp 136-141.

  19. Sharma, R.R.K. and Gupta, Piyush, "Management control systems for manufacturing organizations", Review of Business Research, V7(3), 2007, pp 194-198.

  20. Sharma, R.R.K., Sharma, Abhishek and Krishna, Jayant, "ERP implementation in a multi client-multi process organization: effect on manager’s job and organization structure", European Journal of Management, 2008, (accepted, to appear).

  21. Singh, S.P. and Sharma, R.R.K., "Genetic algorithm based heuristic for the dynamic facility layout problem", European Journal of Management, V8(1), 2008, pp. 128-134.

  22. Sharma, R.R.K. and Singh, S.P., "A review of various linearization of the QAP: A comparative study for assessing relative computational effort", Review of Business Research, V8(1), 2008, pp. 185-190.

  23. Shardindu Pandey and Sharma R.R.K., “Relating OD interventions to the strategy of the firm”, European Journal of Management, 2008, V8(1), pp. 44-53.

  24. Sharma, R.R.K. and Muralidhar, A., “A new formulation and relaxation of the simple plant location problem”, Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research, (accepted, to appear).

  25. Sharma, RRK, Bhartia, G., and Dhanania, K., “Relationship of manufacturing and design department: An empirical validation of theoretical framework”, International Journal of Business Strategy, V8(2), 2008, pp. 89-94.

  26. Pandey, S. and Sharma RRK, “Combining exploitative and exploratory cultures: The case of a technology giant”, The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, V8(2), 2008, pp. 127-133.

  27. Singh, Vinay and Sharma, RRK, “Organizational alignment through balance scorecard (BSC) system in defenders, prospectors and innovators”, International Journal of Business Strategy, (accepted to appear).

  28. Pandey, S. and Sharma RRK, “Matching symbolic interaction with relational bonding: Lessons from Toyota’s network”, V 5 (1), International Management Review Journal, 2009, pp. 50-55.

  29. Uma Nair S., Sharma RRK and Kripa Shanker, “Relating Strategy of Organization to its Management Information Systems”, International Journal of Business Strategy, 2009, V 9(1); 2009; pp. 132-136.

  30. Pandey, S. and Sharma RRK, “Organizational factors for Exploration and Exploitation”, Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, V 4, Issue 1, 2009, pp. 48-58.
  31. FP Su, KK Lai, RRK Sharma and TS Kuo, “Patent priority network: Linking patent portfolio to strategic goals”, Journal of American Society of Information Science and Technology, V60(11), 2009, pp. 2353-2361.

  32. Sharadindu Pandey and RRK Sharma, “An empirical study of leadership characteristics in exploration-exploitative units”, International Leadership Journal, V1(3/4), Spring/Summer 2009, pp. 54-70;

  33. Sharadindu Pandey and RRK Sharma, “Organization Development Interventions for Prospectors: A Theoretical Framework and its Empirical Validation”, Global Business and Management Research; ISSN: 1947-5667; Universal-Publishers, Boca Raton, USA. Website: http://www.gbmr.ioksp.com; V 1(2); 2010; pp. 1-18.

  34. Uma Nair S., RRK Sharma and Kripa Shanker, “Relating culture to implementation of management information system in an organization”, International Journal of Business Research, 10(1), 2010, pp. 133-140.

  35. Priyanka Verma and RRK Sharma, “Vertical Decomposition Approach for Two Stage Capacitated Warehouse Location Problems”, Global Business and Management Research; ISSN: 1947-5667; Universal-Publishers, Boca Raton, USA; V 2(2&3); 2010; pp. 275-284.
  36. Mayank Verma and RRK Sharma, “A New Lagrangian Relaxation Based Approach to solve Capacitated Lot-sizing Problem with Backlogging”, Global Business and Management Research; ISSN: 1947-5667; Universal-Publishers, Boca Raton, USA; V 2(2&3); 2010; pp. 285-295.

  37. RRK Sharma, KK Lai and WG Chaoyang, “Influence of Strategy and Culture on Management Control Systems (MCS): A Conceptual Framework”, International Journal of Strategic Management, V 10(1); June 2010; 164-168.

  38. Vinay Singh and RRK Sharma, “Relating critical success factors of information system implementation with the organizational strategy”, International Journal of Business Strategy, 2010, V 10(2), pp. 119-123.

  39. Adhir Tondon, RRK Sharma and Uma Nair S., “ERP implementation approach in defender organizations: An empirical study”, International Journal of Business Research, 2010, V 10(2), 281-284.

  40. SP Singh and RRK Sharma, “A Hybrid Genetic Search Based Approach to Solve Single Period Facility Layout Problem”, Asia Pacific Management Review”, V15(2), 2010, pp. 301-312.

  41. 41. N Gupta, RRK Sharma and NK Sharma, “Research Culture in Academia: A Conceptual Scheme and its Application”, AIMS International Journal of Management, (accepted, forthcoming).

  42. Rajesh P Mishra, RRK Sharma and SP Singh, “A lagrangian relaxation procedure for solving twin objective facility layout problem”, International Journal of Business Research, 2011, V 11(2), pp. 170-174.

  43. Namrata Gupta, RRK Sharma and NK Sharma, “Role of culture in academic performance: Case of two Indian Institutes of Technology”, Review of Business Research, 2011, V 11(1), pp. 145-150.

  44. Priyanka Verma and RRK Sharma, “Vertical Decomposition Approach to solve Single Stage Capacitated Warehouse Location Problem”, American Journal of Operational Research, V 1 (3), 2011, pp. 1-18. (accepted, forthcoming).

  45. RRK Sharma and Priyanka Verma, “Hybrid Formulations of single stage uncapacitated warehouse location problem: Few theoretical and empirical results”, International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, (accepted, forthcoming).

  46. R Shriniwas Sharma, RRK Sharma, Vinay Singh and SP Singh, "A lagrangian based procedure for solving simple plant layout problem", Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, V12, (accepted, forthcoming).

  47. RRK Sharma, SM Patil and Tandon, A., "Customization and best practices model for ERP implementation: An Analysis", International Journal of Business Strategy, V12 (1), 2012, pp. 1-9.

  48. Amit K Gupta and RRK Sharma, "Deterministic joint replenishment problem with restriction on total storage capacity", International Journal of Strategic Management, V 12 (1), 2012, pp. 27-36.



  51. Sharma, RRK, Dubey Sonal, Verma, Priyanka, Verma, Mayank, "Solving Single Stage Uncapacitated Warehouse Location Problem by Combination of OR Based Heuristic and Genetic Algorithm", International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Method, (accepted, forthcoming).

  52. Saba Azeem and RRK Sharma, "An understanding of hard and soft discounters during boom and recessionary phase", International Journal of Strategic Management, V12 (4), 2012; pp. 44-51.

  53. RRK Sharma, G Chandra Mouli, Mayank Verma, Priyanka Verma, "Evaluating strong, weak and hybrid formulations of the single stage capacitated warehouse location problem", International J of Operations Research, (accepted, forthcoming).


  55. Sharma, RRK, Sharma, R Shriniwas, and Kulkarni, Apoorva, "FEW IMPROVEMENTS TO AN ALGORITHM FOR PREPARING PERT NETWORKS", Review of Business Research, V 13, 2013, pp. 29-34.

  56. Sharma, RRK and Mokashi,, "ADD, DROP and INTERCHANGE heuristics for the portfolio selection problem", International J of Operations and Quantitative Methods, V 19, No. 1, pp. 59 – 70, March 2013.

  57. RRK Sharma and Pritee Agarwal, "Solving Single Stage Capacitated Warehouse Location Problem (SSCWLP) by Branch and Bound and Benders’ Decomposition Methods: A Comparative Study", International J of Operations and Quantitative Management, V 19 (3); Sep. 2013; pp. 147-156.

  58. Sharma, RRK and Pritee Agarwal, "Solving SSCWLP using Benders' decomposition: Theoretical and Computational Study for Different Formulations", International J of Strategic management, V 14 (1); 2014; pp. 35-44.


  60. RRK Sharma and Deepa Mishra, "Relating Postponement and Flexibility to Strategy of the Firm", Journal of International Management Studies, 2014; (accepted).

  61. RRK Sharma and Surajit Saha, "Relating Architectural and Modular Innovation to Organization Structure of the R&D Function", European J of Business Research, V14 (3); 2014; p. 29-38.

  62. Ajay Jha and RRK Sharma, "Relating Flexibility, Market Attractiveness and Postponement in Supply Chains", International J of Business Strategy, 2014; (accepted).

  63. Niraj K Vishvakarma and RRK Sharma, "RFID implementation critical success factors and RFID adoption strategies: A theoretical framework", International J of Business Strategy, MAR 2015 (accepted).

  64. Niraj K Vishvakarma and RRK Sharma, "Relating organizational strategy, culture and control systems with implantation strategy of Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)", Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, MAR 2015 (accepted).

  65. Niraj K Vishvakarma, Winston James and RRK Sharma, "RELATING "INTERNET OF THINGS" (IoT) ARCHITECTURES TO STRATEGY TYPES OF ORGANIZATIONS: A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK", Journal of International Management Studies, 2015: (accepted).

  66. Mayank Verma and RRK Sharma, "Lagrangian based approach to solve a two level capacitated lot sizing problem", COGENT ENGINEERING (Open Access Journal); 2015; (Manuscript No: COGENTENG: 113R2); (accepted).

  67. Surajit saha and RRK Sharma, "Relating Big Five Factor of Personality and Innovative Leadership", European Journal of Management; 2015; (accepted).

  68. Pratima Verma and Sharma RRK, "Relating organization culture and structure to enhance the Horizontal Strategy in Conglomerates", California management Review, V 2(1); 2014; pp. 25-34.

  69. Vimal Kumar and Sharma, RRK, "TQM implementation: Relating Critical Success Factor to Strategy of the firm", California Management Review, V 2(1); 2014; pp. 19-24.

  70. Sharma, RRK, Ajay Jha, Adhir Tandon and Hasan, Syed Ali, "Relating ERP Configuration models to Business Strategy of the firm", California management Review, V 2(1); 2014; pp. 45-50.

  71. Vimal Kumar and Sharma, RRK, "TQM implementation: Difficulty encountered by firms with different strategies and cultures", Review of Business Research, V 14 (1); 2014; pp. 93-98.

  72. Pratima Verma and Sharma RRK, "Relating leadership, control systems and employee attributes to successful implementation of horizontal strategy in conglomerates", Review of Business Research, V 14 (1); 2014; pp. 105-110.

  73. RRK Sharma and Deepa Mishra, "Relating HR Outsourcing to Supply Chain Strategy", Journal of International Management, V 14(1), 2014; pp. 7-12.

  74. RRK Sharma and Pritee Agarwal, "Approaches to solve MID_CPLP problem: Theoretical results and empirical investigation", American J of Operational Research, 4, 2014, pp. 142-154.

  75. Vimal Kumar and RRK Sharma, "TQM Implementation: Relating Leadership Styles to Achieve Continuous Improvement AND/OR Innovation", California Business Review; V 2(2); 2014; pp. 13-20.

  76. RRK Sharma and Deepa Mishra, "Relating Postponement and Flexibility", Journal of International Management Studies, 2014; (accepted).

  77. RRK Sharma, Vimal Kumar and Tanmay Kulshrestha, "TQM Implementation: Difficulty Encountered by Organizations having Different Strategies and Values", European J of Business Research, V 14(2); 2014; pp. 33-42.


International Conferences (Published)

  1. Sharma, R.R.K. and Potty, V.S., "Multipass Heuristics for Improved Stockout Performance in MRP Systems" in "Design Automation and Computer Integrated Manufacturing", edited by Dr.V. Raju (Chairman, Department of Manufacturing Sciences, Rochester, Institute of Technology, USA) and others, Section-10, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 1991, pp.275-282.

  2. Sharma, R.R.K. and Namdeo, S., "Two stage capacitated warehouse location problem: Developing new strong constraints", Proceedings, Fifith International Conference on Operational Research for Development: ICORD V", held at Jamshedpur, INDIA during Dec. 19-21, 2005, pp. 330-333.

  3. Sharma, R.R.K. and Suhail, A., "Different cultures of prospectors and defenders", Proceedings, International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Methods - VII, Jaipur India, Aug 3-5, 2006, pp. 777-782.

  4. Singh, S.P. and Sharma, R.R.K., "Best permutation for dynamic plant layout problem", Proceedings, International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Methods - VII, Jaipur India, Aug 3-5, 2006, pp. 356-362.

  5. Priyanka Verma and Sharma R.R.K., "Vertical decomposition approach to solve the single stage capacitated warehouse location problem", Proceedings of 2007 IEEE IEEM conference held in SINGAPORE during Dec 4-8, 2007, pp. 907 – 911; ISBN : 978-1-4244-1529-8.

  6. Sharma, RRK, Lai, KK and Mingche Hong, “Relating national culture of Taiwan to the culture of its business organizations: Implications for internationalization of Taiwanese business”, Proceedings of International Conference of International Academy of Business and Economics at Las Vegas, USA, Oct 16-20, 2008.

  7. Sharma, RRK, Shah, H. and Seliger, G., “Few models on the flexibility of reverse supply chains”, Proceedings of AIMS-6 international conference on management held at Greater Noida, INDIA during Dec. 28-31, 2008.

  8. Sharadindu Pandey and RRK Sharma, “Managing Transformational Change in Prospectors and Defenders”, IABE Proceedings (ISSN 1931-7498), Stockholm, Vol.4, Number 1, pp.71-84, 2008.

  9. Verma Mayank, Mehta P, Sharma RRK; Supply Chain of Natural Gas: An Indian Perspective; Proceedings of International Conference on the Issues and Challenges in Supply Chain Management; pp 173-178, IT-BHU; 28-30 Mar '08.

  10. Verma, Priyanka and Sharma, RRK, “Vertical Decomposition Approach for Two Stage Capacitated Warehouse Location Problems”, Proceedings, ICOBM conference, Malaysia, 2010; paper number 77.

  11. Verma, Mayank and Sharma, RRK, “A New Lagrangian Relaxation Based Approach to solve Capacitated Lot-sizing Problem with Backlogging”, Proceedings, ICOBM conference, Malaysia, 2010; paper number 82.

  12. Verma, Mayank and Sharma, RRK, “Solving multi-item multi-period capacitated lot sizing problem with considerations of backorders and setups”, accepted for presentation at the 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE 2010) at SINGAPORE.

  13. Verma, Mayank, Sharma, RRK, "Lagrangian relaxation and bounded variable linear program to solve a two level capacitated lot sizing problem", IEEE; ICNCS of ICECT 2011, (accepted).

  14. RRK Sharma and Pritee Agarwal, "Solving Single Stage Capacitated Warehouse Location Problem (SSCWLP) by Branch and Bound and Benders' Decomposition Methods: A Comparative Study", Tenth AIMS International Conference on Management, Jan 6-9; 2013; IIM Bangalore India, pp. 2756-2761.

  15. Namrata Gupta and RRK Sharma, "Women in Leadership Positions: Gender Culture in Scientific Research Organizations", Tenth AIMS International Conference on Management, Jan 6-9; 2013; IIM Bangalore India, pp. 2278-2285.

  16. RRK Sharma, Ajay Jha and Sandeep Rajput, "Developing Proprietary or Open Source Technology: Learnings from Five Case Studies", IEEM 2013; 12 Dec 2013; Thailand, Bangkok; 978-1-4799-0986-5/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE.


Sponsored Projects

"Food Distribution in the Indian Context", Project funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt of India, under the "Young Scientist" scheme, Amount Rs. 90,000. Principal Investigator: Dr. R.R.K. Sharma, Nov, 1991 to Nov, 1993. (Co-Investigator – None)

"Developing Optimal Network of Freight Terminals and Designing Physical Layout of Terminals for Indian Railways", Project funded by 3-I network of INDIA, Amount Rs. 6,90,000. Principle Investigator : Dr. RRK Sharma, (Co-Investigator – Dr. BR Marwah, Dr. PK Kalra and Dr. SG Dhande), March 2001 – Feb 2002.

Software Packages Developed

Ad-Selection for T.V. Commercials

Given a budget for a particular advertising campaign, this package produces a plan that maximizes total number of exposures to the target population. The package is being used at the Mudra Communication Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad (1987).

Programming language used : Pascal.
Code Length : 10,000 lines

Project Management

Given activities and its immediate preceding activities, this package constructs a network using arrow on node notation. (1986).

Programming language used : Pascal.
Code Length : 2,500 lines

Distribution Management

Given various cost parameters of a distribution system, this package produces a plan that minimizes the total transportation and warehousing costs. (1988).

This distribution package was developed on VAX-750 at IIM, Ahmedabad.

Programming language used : Pascal.
Code Length : 20,000 lines

Distribution Management

Given various cost parameters of a single stage warehouse location problem (for the uncapacitated case) it uses lagrangian relaxation based specialized technique for embedded in the branch and bound procedure for producing the optimal location-allocation plan. (1992).

Programming language used : Pascal.
Code Length : 8,500 lines.

MRP Simulation Package

This program reads the essential inputs of a material requirement planning system and allows the user to design his own lot sizing and sequencing heuristics. It carries out simulation for a specified period of time and prints out vital statistics such as theoretical inventory carrying cost, actual inventory carrying cost, set up cost, machine utilization, aggregate lateness, and units lateness. The program is self documented through the use of superior data structures and most appropriate variable names. (1993).

Programming language used : Pascal.
Code Length : 3,000 lines.

Goods Traffic Simulation Package for Indian Railways

This program takes into account various parameters of Indian railway system such as number of stations, connectivity between stations, number of paths available for goods trains between any pair of stations, number and type of goods trains available, yard capacity at a station, given traffic movement profile; and computes the congestion levels, delays in the system and the empty haulage costs of the goods rakes.

Programming Language Used : C

Code Length : 3500 lines


M Tech Thesis Supervised
  1. Potty, V., "Simulation of Heuristic Procedures in the MRP Environment", M Tech Thesis at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur (Completed 1990).

  2. Paradkar, S.S., "Scheduling of Loaded and Empty Wagons for Goods Transportation by the Railways", M Tech Thesis at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur (Completed 1991).

  3. Yoganandan, Y., "Coordinated Scheduling in Material Requirement Planning Systems", M Tech Thesis at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur (Completed 1992).

  4. Majumdar, S., "Mean-Variance based approach to portfolio revision", M Tech Thesis at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur (Completed 1993).

  5. Sreekanth, S., "Dynamic nature of alignment between manufacturing strategy and corporate strategy: A conceptual framework", M Tech Thesis at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur (Completed 1993).

  6. Saxena, D., "Organization structure rigidity and its effect on Managerial cognition: An integrated view", M Tech Thesis at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur (Completed 1994).

  7. Sinha, S., "Heuristics for improved coordination of MRP systems", M Tech Thesis at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur (Completed 1994).

  8. Ghosh, A. "Processes of Corporate and Manufacturing Strategy Making: Mutual influence and Effect on Performance", M Tech Thesis at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur (Completed 1996).

  9. Tripathy, P.R., "Role of Culture in Superior Performance", M Tech Thesis at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur (Completed 1996).

  10. Upathyaya, S., "Relating Manufacturing Policy making process to its contents", M Tech Thesis at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur (Completed 1997).

  11. Purwar, P., "Matching managerial information processing modes and strategy making processes used by them", M Tech Thesis at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur (Completed 1997).

  12. Arora, R., "Lot Sizing rules in Pure Assembly Systems", M Tech Thesis at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur (Completed 1997).

  13. Gupta, S., "Heuristics for improved performance in MRP systems with capacity imbalance", M Tech Thesis at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur (Completed 1997).

  14. Rao, M.V., "Genetic Algorithm for multilevel lot sizing problem with shortage cost", M Tech Thesis at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur (Completed 1998).

  15. Sharma, K.D., "An O(n²) heuristic for the simple transportation problems", M Tech Thesis at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur (Completed 1999).

  16. Saxena, Amit, "A new heuristic procedure for the Transshipment problem", M Tech Thesis at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur (Completed 1999).

  17. Reddy, V.R.K., "A dynamic model of Manufacturing Strategy", M Tech Thesis at the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur (Completed 1999).

  18. Saumya Prasad, "Developing a good heuristic for simple transportation problem", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (completed 2000).

  19. Muralidhar, A., "A New Appraoch for the Simple Transportation Problem", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2000).

  20. Wadhwani, V., "Comparing relative performance of lot sizing and scheduling based multiass heuristics in MRP systems", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2000).

  21. Behera, A., "Verifying theory of dynamic model of manufacturing strategy : More evidence", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2000).

  22. Baitha, N., "Relating environment, personality and strategy making process for small firms", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2000).

  23. Agarwal, S., "Comparative performance of different multipass heuristics in the context of MRP systems", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2001).

  24. Shrotriya, S., "Relating objectives and processes to manufacturing decisions : A study of German and Indian manufacturing firms", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2001).

  25. Binay, K., "Developing new relaxations of capacitated plant location problem : An empirical investigation of their effectiveness", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2001).

  26. Bhagat, B.N., "Towards a comprehensive framework of various flexibility measures : A case study of medium sized steel plant", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2001).

  27. Berry, Vishal, "Developing different formulations of SSCWLP (single stage capacitated warehouse location problem) and empirically establishing relative strengths of many of its relaxations", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2003).

  28. Gupta, Ravindra, "A few findings related to simple plant location problem", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2003).

  29. Mishra, Sunil Kumar, "Empirically verifying efficacy of good solutions given by heuristic due to Sharma and Prasad [EJOR, 2003] for the simple transportation problem", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2003).

  30. Modi, P., "New formulations and relaxations of the single stage uncapacitated warehouse location problem", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2004).

  31. Kumar, Akhilesh, "A new heuristic procedure for strong relaxation of the capacitated plant location problem", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2004).

  32. Jain, A., "New formulations and relaxations of the single stage capacitated warehouse location problem", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2004).

  33. Chaudhary, R., "ERP implementation and its influence on a few parameters of organization structure and manager's job: An exploratory study", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2005).

  34. Namdeo, S., "Developing new strong constraints for the two stage warehouse location problem - With and without restrictions on the arc flow", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2005).

  35. Pankaj K., "GA based algorithm for optimal portfolio selection problem", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (to be completed 2006).

  36. Joshi, A.B., “New heuristics for solving multiperiod assignment problem”, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2007).

  37. Inamdar, B.R., “Forecating for nanotechnology : A new approach based on recent research and developments”, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2007).

  38. Chirag Jain, “A few dispatching policies for a two echelon distribution system”, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2007).

  39. Amit K Gupta, “Modelling Operations of Fire Stations in a Few Districts of Uttar Pradesh, INDIA”, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2009)

  40. Sonal Dubey, “Solving single stage un capacitated warehouse location problem by a combination of OR based heuristic and genetic algorithm: An empirical investigation”, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2010).

  41. G Chandra Mouli, “Empirical investigation of strong, weak and hybrid formulations of the single stage capacitated warehouse location problem”, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2010).

  42. Sushil Pandey, “Lagrangian relaxation based approach for the single stage capacitated warehouse location problem”, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2011).

  43. Suraj M Patil, “Best practices in design of ERP packages: Identifying contexts of success and failure”, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2011).

  44. Hardih Shah, "Design and Flexibility Measurements of Disassembly Network", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2003).

  45. Arvind Shukla, "Comparative performance of LIFO/FIFO and CRR scheduling rule in the context of Indian Railways: Results of a 'C' Simulation Program", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2012).

  46. Vimal Kumar, "Equal distribution of shortages in supply chain of food corporation of India: Using Lagrangian Relaxation Methodology", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2012).

  47. Agnivesh, "Relaxing Strong Constraints in a Combined Formulation of Simple Plant Location Problem: Applying Lagrangian Relaxation Methodology", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2012).

  48. Ananya Dubey, "Lagrangian Relaxation Methodology for Twin Objective Facility Layout Problem", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2012).

  49. Sandeep Mokashi, "Solving Portfolio Selection Problem for each of the Twin Objectives: Max. Mean and Min. variance", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2012).

  50. Sandeep Singh Rajput, "Developing Proprietary or Open Source Technology: Learnings From Five Case Studies", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2013).

  51. Adwait Parulekar,"Lagrangian Procedure with Relaxation of the Flow Balance Constraints for the Single Stage Un-capacitated Warehouse Location Problem: Few Theoretical and Empirical Results", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2013).

  52. Tanmay Kulshrestha, "Role of values and strategy in TQM Implementation", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (work in progress).


Ph. D. Thesis Supervised

  1. Singh, S.P., "Solving the Static and Dynamic Plant Layout Problems: Developing a few GA and SA based heuristics", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2007).

  2. Verma, Priyanka, "New Relaxations of the Multistage Warehouse Location Problem", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2010).

  3. Chatterjee, Devjani, "Strategy, Structure and Management Control Systems for Prospectors, Defenders and Innovators", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2011).

  4. Pandey, Shardindu, "OD interventions for Defenders, Prospectors and Innovators", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2010).

  5. Nair, Uma, "Relating organizational strategy and MIS implementation (types and processes) structure, culture and culture clash", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed MAR 2014).

  6. Verma, Mayank, "Capacitated lot sizing with back orders in multilevel situations", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2012).

  7. Vinay Singh, "Relating strategy, structure and systems (including MIS) in a BSC approach & relating strategy and critical success factors for MIS & relating environmental uncertainty and its influence on political games and MIS implementation", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2012).

  8. Amit Kumar Gupta, "Solving two versions of JRP and the inventory optimization problem of Food Corporation of INDIA", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (completed 2014).

  9. Pritee Agarwal, "Solving SSCWLP by Benders Decomposition and Branch and Bound Methods; and solving MID CPLP by Different Lagrangian Relaxation Procedures", Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (Completed Nov; 2014).

  10. Saba Iqbal, "Exploring relationship between environment, retail strategies and retail decisions", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (Completed Feb; 2015).

  11. Ajay Jha, "Open and Proprietary standards, Performance Metrics and Felxibility and Postponement in Supply chain management", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (work in progress).

  12. Niraj Vishwakarma, "Supply Chain management", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (work in progress).

  13. Vimal Kumar, "Role of Leadership; Culture and values in TQM Implementation", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (work in progress).

  14. Pratima Verma, "Role of Leadership; Culture in Horizontal Strategy", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (work in progress).

  15. Surajit Saha, "Matching Personality and Projects; And Important Differences in Architectural and Modular Innovation", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (work in progress).

  16. Deepa Mishra, "Relating Bridging and Buffering in Supply Chains and Culture and Strategy to Outsourcing in Supply Chains", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (work in progress).

  17. Ali, "Some variants of Wagner-Whitin Lot Sizing Problems", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (work in progress).

  18. Tekle Hai Manot, "e-business in Supply chains", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (work in progress).

  19. Tesfaye, T., "e-integration in supply chains", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (work in progress).

  20. Vinayak Drave, "Effect of e-commerce on On Line Retail; Logistics and Enablers for different types of On-Line retail formats; Humanitarian SC: case study of SWINE FLU VACCINES", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (work in progress). Just Joined.

  21. Dhan Singh, "Formulating and Evaluating SC strategy; SC for mass customized SC", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (work in progress). Just Joined.

  22. Priyank Sinha, "Getting good primal and dual solutions to min-cost-flow problem", Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (work in progress). Just Joined.



M.Tech Level Courses Offered

1. Introduction to Computing
2. Probability and Statistics
3. Managerial Accounting, Finance and Economics
4. Manufacturing Policy
5. Operations Research for Management
6. Modules in Organization Behavior and Marketing
7. Strategic Management
8. Human Resource Management
9. Marketing
10. Computer aided Decision Systems
11. Operations Management
12. Design of Production Systems

B. Tech. Level Courses Offered

13. Operations and Control of Production Systems
14. Cost and Financial Management

Courses for the MBA

15. Organization Behavior
16. Production and Operations Management
17. Manufacturing Policy
18. Manufacturing Planning and Control
19. Manufacturing Strategy & Systems
20. International Business
21. International HRM
22. Supply Chain Management

MBA Special Studies Guided

Guided several MBA special studies in the area of Marketing, Advertising, Technology Strategy and Policy, WTO and its impact on India, ERP implementation and Manufacturing Strategy.




  1. VIJAYSHREE AWARD, 2005, India International Friendship Society, New Delhi, Award given at the hands of Honorable Minister Shri Haroon Yusuf, Minister for Transport and Power, Govt. of Delhi.

  2. GLORY OF INDIA GOLD MEDAL, 2005, International Institute of Success Awareness, New Delhi, Award given at the hands of Dr. Bhisham Narain Singh, Honorable Ex Governor of Tamil Nadu State, India.

  3. My biography is included int he book titled, "2000 outstanding intellectuals of the 21st century" edited by Sara Rains, International Biographical Centre, St. Thomas Place, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 4GG ENGLAND, 2007, Fourth edition, P.526; ISBN: 1903986257.

  4. Prof. R. R. K. Sharma, LFIBA, Life Fellow, International Biographical Association, St. Thomas Place, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 4GG ENGLAND.

  5. Prof. R. R. K. Sharma, The LIBC Leading Educators of the World 2005, given by International Biographical Centre, St. Thomas Place, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 4GG ENGLAND.

  6. Prof. R. R. K. Sharma, The IBC Decree of Excellence, given by International Biographical Centre, St. Thomas Place, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 4GG ENGLAND.

  7. Prof. R. R. K. Sharma, Deputy Director General of International Biographical Centre, given by International Biographical Centre, St. Thomas Place, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 4GG ENGLAND.

  8. Prof. R. R. K. Sharma, Hon. Director General of International Biographical Centre, given by International Biographical Centre, St. Thomas Place, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 4GG ENGLAND.

  9. Prof. R. R. K. Sharma, The Archimedes Award, given by International Biographical Centre, St. Thomas Place, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 4GG ENGLAND; to be received at OXFORD UNIVERSITY, ENGLAND in 2006.

  10. Prof. R. R. K. Sharma, The AMERICAN MEDAL OF HONOR, given by American Biographical Institute, Inc, 5126 Bur Oak Circle, PO Box 31226, North Carolina, 27622, USA, Web: www.abiworldwide.com.

  11. Prof. RRK Sharma, nomination to IBC’s Hall of Fame, International Biographical Centre, St. Thomas Place, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 4GG ENGLAND.

  12. Prof. RRK Sharma, nomination to IBC’s Life Time Achievement Award, International Biographical Centre, St. Thomas Place, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 4GG ENGLAND.

  13. Prof. RRK Sharma, nominated as 2006 Man of The Year, American Biographical Institute Inc., 5126 Bur Oak Circle, PO Box 31226, North Carolina, 27622, USA. Web : www.abiworldwide.com

  14. Prof. RRK Sharma, biographee, Marquis Who's Whoin Asia, 890 Mountain Ave, Suite 300, New Providence, NJ 07974, United States of America.

  15. Prof. RRK Sharma, biographee, Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 890 Mountain Ave, Suite 300, New Providence, NJ 07974, United States of America.

  16. Prof. R.R.K. Sharma, Invited to Join the Editorial Board of AIMS International Journal of Management, http://www.aims-international.org/aijm/editorial.htm

  17. Prof. RRK Sharma, nominated as 2008 Man of The Year, American Biographical Institute Inc., 5126 Bur Oak Circle, PO Box 31226, North Carolina, 27622, USA. Web : www.abiworldwide.com

  18. Prof. RRK Sharma, Judged as OUTSTANDING EDITOR : AIMS International Journal of Management, at AIMS-6 conference, Dec 28-31, 2008; held at Greater Noida.

  19. Prof. RRK Sharma, Judged as OUTSTANDING MANAGEMENT RESEARCHER, at AIMS-7 conference, Dec 20-22, 2009; held at IIM Bangalore, India. Award given at the hands of Prof. MR Rao (Ex Director: IIM BANGALORE INDIA and Ex Dean Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, INDIA).

  20. Prof. RRK Sharma, awarded the title of "FELLOW of AIMS INTERNATIONAL", at AIMS-9 conference, Jan 1-4, 2012; FLAME PUNE, India.

  21. Prof. RRK Sharma, recipient of the Dr Manubhai M Shah Memorial Award 2013 instituted by the INDIAN COMMERCE ASSOCIATION (ICA). Award carried a cash prize of Rs 1 Lakh, trophy and a certificate of excellence. Award to be given at the 66 Annual Conference of ICA at BANGALORE UNIVERSITY on 5 DEC 2013.

