Computing for
Management, Prentice Hall of India, 2005
Page Preface
Enterprise Resource Planning: A managerial perspective, Pearson Education, 2013
Book Website
Research Publications
Veena Bansal,
Identifying Critical Success Factors for ERP in SMEs through a Case Study, International Journal of Future Computer and Communication, 9(5), 471-47, 2013.
Tripti Negi and Veena Bansal,
A Methodology to Bridge Information Gap in ERP Implementation Life Cycle, International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 9(2), 70-82, 2013.
Veena Bansal and A K Mittal,
Mining patent database to build technology roadmap, Proceedings of International Conference on Management of Technology- Step to Sustainable Production, June 8-10, Croatia, 1-10, 2011.
Tripti Negi and
Veena Bansal,
Integrating Process and Data Model to Aid
Configuration of ERP Packages, Proceedings of Business
Information Systems: BIS2009,
April 27-29, 2009, Poznan,
Poland,228-239, Springer.
Tripti Negi and
Veena Bansal,
A data modeling technique to aid configuration
of ERP packages, 2nd
International conference on Decision Sciences in Global
Enterprise Management,
IIT Bombay, India, 3-5 January 2009.
Tripti Negi and
Veena Bansal,
Analysis of business process modeling techniques
to model informational
process perspective, 12th Annual International Conference
of SOM, IIT Kanpur,
India, 19-21 December 2009
Tripti Negi and
Veena Bansal, Addressing the gap between requirements engineering
and configuration in ERP systems, 6th International Conference in
Information Science, Technology and Management (CISTM 2008), IIT
Delhi, 31st
July-2nd August 2008. (ISBN: 978-1-935160-02-1).
Veena Bansal and
Tripti Negi, A
Metric for ERP Complexity , Business Information Systems,
Springer Brelin Heidelberg, 2008
Smriti Sharma and
Veena Bansal, Evaluating Effectiveness of Computing Facilities in
Academic Institutes, In Proceedings of International Conference
on Software and Data Technologies, Portugal, Sep 11-14, 2006.
Veena Bansal and
Vivek Pandey, A Decision-Making Framework for IT Outsourcing
using the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Journal of Academy of
Business and Economics South Stockholm University, Sweden, 2006.
Veena Bansal and A
K Mittal, Mining the Patent Database, Directions, Indian
Institute of Technology, vol 7, no 3, pp 62-69, Feb 2006.
Tripti Negi and
Veena Bansal, Time
Series:Similarity Search and its Applications, in Proceedings
- International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and
Informatics: ICSCI-04, Pentagram Research Centre Pvt. Ltd., Jan
7-9, Hyderabad, India, pp 528-533, 2005.
Avinash Tiwari and
Veena Bansal, PATSEEK:
Content Based Image Retrieval System For Patent Database, in
Proceedings- International Conference on Electronic Business-04,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Dec 5 - 8, pp 2004.
Vivek Pandey and
Veena Bansal, A
Decision-Making Framework for IT Outsourcing using the Analytic
Hierarchy Process, in Proceedings - International Conference
on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: ICSCI-04, Pentagram
Research Centre Pvt. Ltd., Feb 12-15, Hyderabad, India, pp
528-533, 2004.
Veena Bansal and
R.M.K. Sinha, Partitioning
and Searching Dictionary for Correction of Optically-Read
Devanagari Character Strings, International Journal on
Document Analysis and Recognition, vol 4, no 4, pp 269-280, July
Veena Bansal and
R.M.K. Sinha, Segmentation
of touching and fused Devanagari characters, Pattern
Recognition, pp 875-893, (35) 2002.
Veena Bansal and
R. M. K. Sinha, A
Complete OCR for Printed Hindi Text in Devanagari Script,
Sixth International Conference on Document Analysis and
Recognition, IEEE publication, Seatle, USA, 2001.
Veena Bansal and
RMK Sinha, A
Devanagari OCR and A Brief Overview of OCR Research for Indian
Scripts in Proceedings of STRANS01, held at IIT Kanpur, 2001.
Veena Bansal and
R.M.K. Sinha,
Integrating Knowledge Sources in Devanagari Text Recognition
, IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man and Cybernetics , Vol. 30, 4,
Veena Bansal and
R.M.K. Sinha, On
how to describe shapes of Devanagari characters and use them for
recognition, in Proceedings - Fifth International
Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, IEEE
publication, Bangalore from Sep 21-23, 1999.
Veena Bansal and
R.M.K. Sinha, Partitioning
and Searching Dictionary for Correction of Optically-Read
Devanagari Character Strings, in Proceedings - Fifth
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition,
IEEE publication, Bangalore from Sep21-23, 1999.
Veena Bansal,
to Information Technology, in Lecture Notes of 6th SERC
School on Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Department of
Mechanical Engineer, IIT Kanpur, Padmini Printers. 1999.
Veena Bansal and
R.M.K. Sinha, Segmentation
of Touching characters in Devanagari, Indian Conference on
Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP'98),
pp. 371 - 376, December 21-23, New Delhi, 1998.
Veena Bansal and
R.M.K. Sinha, On
Integrating Diverse Knowledge Sources in Optical Reading of
Devanagari Script, Proceedings of the International
Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis
(ISAS-96), USA, 1996.
Veena Bansal and
R.M.K. Sinha, Designing
a front end OCR system for Indian scripts for Machine
Translation - A case study for Devanagari, Symposium on
Machine Aids for Translation and Communication (SMATAC-96), New
Delhi, India, 1996.
R.M.K. Sinha and Veena Bansal, On
Devanagari Document Processing, IEEE International Conference
on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vancouver, Canada, 1995.
Consultancy and Sponsored
Introducing Radically Simple IT Methodology of Shinsei
Bank, Japan, Sponsored
by two Indian software companies and Shinsei bank, April
Consulted ITCIT, India in July 2005 to build a model for
selecting an activity to
outsource from a pool of activities.
ITCIT uses this model to help their clients
pick activities to
outsource to ICTIT, India
Conducted workshop for ICFAI faculty on SAP in Dec 2005
Conducted a SAP workshop for faculty of various academic
institutes like NITIE,
Symbiosis in Jan 2007 on SAP with Prof.
Gopal Nayak from XIMB
Change management strategy for RCI, DRDO, Hyderabad for
their SAP implementation, June 2007
Completed: Development of Text
and Image Based Tools for Technology Mapping from Patents
Literature with a Specific Application to Language Technology,
CRM And Molecular Structure, MCIT sponsered project, 2005-2007
Completed: Post Processing for Devanagari OCR, DST
project, 2000-2002.
and Seminar Presentations
A Decision-Making
Framework for IT Outsourcing using the Analytic Hierarchy
Process, IABE, Las Vegas, Nevada, 15-18 Oct 2006
Effectiveness of Computing Facilities in Academic Institutes, In
Proceedings of International Conference on Software and Data
Technologies, Portugal, Sep 11-14, 2006.
Evaluation, Rating and
Certification of Web Documents, International conference on
Tehnology, Knowledge and Society, organized by Common Grounds,
Melbourne, Australia, at Hydarabad, Dec 12-15, 2005
PATSEEK: Content
Based Image Retrieval System For Patent Database, International
Conference on Electronic Business-04, Tsinghua University,
Beijing, China, December 2004.
Evaluation, Rating
and Certification of Web Pages, IIITM Tiruvanathapuram,
Kerala, 2004
IT scenario at IIT
Kanpur, IIIT, Hyderabad, 2004
Evaluation, Rating
and Certification of Web Pages, IIIT Hyderabad, 2004
An Enhanced
Analogy based Model for Effort Estimation of Software Projects,
Motilal Nehru Regional Engineering College, Allahabad, 2001
Knowledge sources in Devanagari Text Recognition,
Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur,
Knowledge sources in Devanagari Text
Recognition, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
IIT Bombay, June 2000
Knowledge sources in Devanagari Text Recognition, Indian
Institute of Management, Lucknow, April 1999
On how to describe
shapes of Devanagari characters and use them for recognition,
presented at Fifth International Conference on Document
Analysis and Recognition, Bangalore, Sep 1999
Knowledge sources in Devanagari Text Recognition,
Solution Research Center, IBM, IIT Delhi, March 1999
Partitioning and
Searching Dictionary for Correction of Optically-Read Devanagari
Character Strings, presented at Fifth International
Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Bangalore,
Sep 1999
Designing a front
end OCR system for Indian scripts for Machine
Translation - A case study for Devanagari, Presented at
Symposium on Machine Aids for Translation and Communication
(SMATAC-96), New Delhi, 1996
Introduction to
Information Technology, an invited talk at SERC School on
Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, IIT Kanpur, 1999
Information Technology: an overview, an
invited talk at DST sponsored Contact Program for young
scientists, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT
Kanpur, 2000
and Courses Organized
Short-Term Course on Software Project management, from
July 1 - 7, 2005. 28 Faculty members from various colleges and
institutes attended the course. Dr. Keshav Nori, Prof. H Karnick,
Prof. TV Prabhakar, Prof. Jayanta Chaterjee and Prof. Y N Singh
supported the course through their teaching.
Short-Term course on ERP systems for Faculty and
Practicing Managers, 1-31 March 2008
Organized a two day workshop on Role
of patent literature in technology development, at IIT
Kanpur, Dec 1-2, 2005, sponsored by MCIT
Research Interests
ERP Systems, Business Processs Reengineering, IT in management
Teaching Interests
ERP Systems, e_Commerce, Software Project Management
Courses Taught
At IIIT-Delhi
Data Structures and
Algorithms, Critical Reading
At Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Software Projects
At IIM Lucknow
Introduction to Information
At Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
HBTI Kanpur
Compilers Computer
Organization Operations Research
Data Structures Simulation
Numerical Methods Formal
Languages: Fortran, Pascal, C, PL/I, Cobol,
At Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, University of Connecticut, USA
At Department of Industrial Engineering and
Management, IIT Kanpur
Integration with IT-MBA646 Management information
systems-MBA645 Computing for management-MBA641 Introduction
to computing-IME603 Managing Software
Projects-IME671 Mathematical Statistics- BSO209
(Tutorial) Computer Aided Decision Systems- IME624
Negi, Bridging the Information Gap between
Requirements Engineering and Configuration Phases in an ERP
Implementation, 2009
Jasweer Kumar,
Technology Driven
Re-Engineering of Indian
Service and Its Acceptance
, May 2008
Insia Fatima,
Automated classification of E-mails , June 2007
Abir Mukherjee, IT
Outsourcing Decision Making Defying AHP Limits and Underlying
Assumptions , May 2006
Smriti Sharma,
Measuring Effectiveness of Computing Facilities in Academic
Institutes, May 2005
Tripti Negi, Time
Series: Similarity Search and its applications, June 2004
Vivek Pandey, A
Decision-Making Framework for IT Outsourcing using the Analytic
Hierarchy Process, May 2003
Evaluation, Rating and Certification of Web Documents, March
Himanshu Sadana, IT
Scenario in IIT Kanpur, Feb 2003
Himanshu Kumar
Mishra, COCOMO Model: A study and web enabled data
collection, Feb 2002
S. V. Rao, An
Enhanced Analogy based Model for the Effort Estimation of
Software Projects, March 2002
Punit Kumar Mishra, Efficient Mining of
Association Rules in Large Database, March 2001
Association with other Institutes
Adjunct Faculty at
IIM Lucknow
Visiting Faculty at
Tribhuvan University
Visiting Faculty and
Faculty-in-Charge, Students Affairs at IIIT-DELHI