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Materials Science & Engineering

Anandh Subramaniam, PhD (IISc. Bangalore)

Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Complex Intermetallics, Simulations at the Nanoscale using Finite Element Method, Intergranular Glassy Films.
Email: anandh[AT]iitk.ac.in
Ph: +91-512-259-7215 (O)
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~anandh
The broad areas of Research are Simulation of Dislocations and Epitaxial systems by Finite Element Method, Study of complex intermetallics. Finite Element Method (FEM) is not only a powerful tool for engineering analyses, but also for understanding the fundamental material behavior at the nano scale. In fact 'new phenomenon' and 'new materials' can be discovered using FEM simulations. This becomes possible because continuum behavior can be retrieved at the length scale of even a few lattice spacing. Various structures and defects in crystals can be simulated and associated processes can be understood using FEM. These include:

  •  Simulation of dislocations, epitaxial films, twins, grain boundaries, precipitates etc.
  •  Study interactions between these defects
  •  Formation of interfacial misfit dislocations in epitaxial thin films
  •  Precipitation and coherent to semi-coherent transition of precipitates

Rajesh Kitey, PhD (Auburn University)

Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Solid Mechanics, Fracture Mechanics, Experimental Stress Analysis, Optical Metrology, Mechanics of Thin Films, Composite Materials, Finite Element and Boundary Element Methods
E-mail: kitey[AT]iitk.ac.in
Ph: +91-512-259-7060 (O)
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~kitey
The interfacial properties, in particular interfacial adhesion and interfacial fracture toughness govern the mechanical integrity of thin film devices, inevitably subjected to repeated thermo mechanical loading while in operation. The laser spallation method proves better than contemporary interfacial strength characterization techniques due to its ability to dynamically load the interface in non-contacting fashion by employing short duration laser induced stress pulses (at strain rate ~ 107). The laser spallation setup will be installed to measure tensile and mixed-mode interfacial strength in thin film specimens, fabricated using polymer, low-k, metallic and ceramic films. The reliability testing and analysis will be conducted on multilayer thin film equipments such as solar cells, microelectronics devices, and MEMS and NEMS devices.