
Naveen Tiwari, PhD ( U of Massachusetts Amherst-USA)

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Associate Professor

Research Interests: Transport Phenomena,Instabilities in micro-scale free surface flows, Flow through porous media.
Ph:  +91-512-259-6751 (o)
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
My research interest is in transport phenomena at small length scales. Current research work is primarily focused on the instabilities in driven micro-scale free surface flows over heterogeneous surfaces. The wetted face of the solid substrate can have heterogeneities such as non-uniform temperature, topographical variations, solid-liquid interactions and so on. These heterogeneities lead to fascinating behavior of the free surface of the thin liquid film. Understanding of the dynamics and instability of such thin liquid film flows can be critical for micro- and nano-applications. Theoretical and computational work is on-going to better understand the dynamics of such flows.