The Materials Testing Lab (MTL) is one of the core lab of the department that offers training to undergraduate students in mechanical behavior of materials.
The lab comprises of several universal testing machines capable of carrying out conventional tension and compression tests over a wide range of temperature and strain rate. In addition, various hardness testers ranging from macro to micro indenters of different geometries are available in the lab.
The lab also houses a rotating bending fatigue equipment and two creep frames comprising of a table top creep frame and a full fledged creep frame for conventional creep testing. There is also a provision to determine the impact toughness of metallic materials by using Chirpy impact test. In addition, we have designed apparatus for carrying out mechanical tests in different corrosive environments for studying hydrogen embrittlement and stress corrosion cracking. This lab also have few muffle furnaces, cutting wheels and metallurgical sample preparation facility with optical microscopes. The department has a small laboratory rolling mill for rolling soft materials as well as a lathe machine to prepare samples for mechanical testing