Department of Civil Engineering

Advertisement Number: P.Rect./R&D/2022/005

Applications are invited for the position "Project Attendant (Level - 1)" in the project title "Estimation of effective hydraulic properties of macropores in soils using surface soil moisture observations."

Qualifications & Experience Essential: 8th Class + 4 years of relevant experience or 10th Class + 2 years of relevant experience

Desirable: Experience of farming rice and wheat crops, and familiarity with modern and local farming practices.

Job Profile: Non-technical job which includes harvesting of rice and wheat, regular data collection and maintenance of experimental plot.

Salary Range: Rs. 8000 - 400 - 24,000/-

No. of Post: 01

Application Procedure:

Candidates can apply by filling the Google Form available at the following link latest by 18.01.2022 (5:30 PM)


Short-listed applicants will be called for an online interview. Only the applicants who meet the minimum qualification will be considered.

The post is purely temporary and will be offered for a period of 1 year and renewed based on satisfactory performance until the end of the project.

Dr. Richa Ojha
Department of Civil Engineering
IIT Kanpur
Kanpur - 208016