Advertisement Number: P.Rect./R&D/2023/251
Smart Materials Structures and Systems Laboratory (SMSS), Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur is seeking passionate and motivated researchers to work on developing a series of next-generation advanced robotic systems. Our team comprises researchers and professionals from diverse backgrounds including Robotics, Mechanical design, and Control, and is looking forward to augmenting its capabilities with a Researcher / Scientist in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Project No:- PIPL/DORA/2020022
Project Title:- Portscape (Actuator)
Name of the Post: Senior Project Engineer
Salary: INR 38800-3200-96400 per month.
(Higher starting salary may be considered for exceptionally qualified/experienced candidates as per IITK Rules)
Responsibilities: -
- Research, Development, and Implementation of AI/ML models based on Computer Vision Techniques for real-time detection.
- Preparing and publishing research articles in peer-reviewed journals
Essential Skillset: The ideal candidate should have,
- Experience working with Python/C++ Deep learning frameworks such as Caffe, Theano, TensorFlow, and Keras.
- Demonstrated implementations of geometric methods in Computer Vision.
- Hands-on with CudaNN and OpenCV implementations.
- Solid understanding of deep learning models (CNN, RNN, DNN, and LSTM).
- Design and Optimization of algorithms from the hardware perspective.
- Implementation in hardware accelerator platforms like FPGA.
- Strong fundamentals of probability and statistics and numerical computation methods.
- Good publications track record.
Minimum Qualification: Ph.D.* (Engineering stream), Or M.Tech + 3 years relevant experience, Or B.Tech with M.B.A. + 3 years relevant experience, Or B.Tech. + 5 years relevant experience.
Interested candidates may send their application, including the complete professional academic record (attach copies of certificates) and work experience to the undersigned, by e-mail ( The applicant must also provide addresses (including E-mail IDs) of referees (at least two) who can be contacted. Online interviews of shortlisted candidates will be conducted.
Last Date: 01-12-2023. *Extended till December 31, 2023.
Dr. B. Bhattacharya
Project Coordinator
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur - 16