National Wind Tunnel Facility

Applications are invited for the temporary positions to work full time in NWTF Project # MISC/NWTF/20100147.
(1) Post: Project Engineer
Number of Post : 04
Salary range: Rs. 26400-2200-66000 Per month
Qualification: M.Tech. or B.Tech. + 3 years relevant experience
Desirable: The candidate must have qualification and experience in one of the following areas. Hands on experience in a wind-tunnel facility is preferred.

  1. Experimental Fluid Mechanics: Experience in conducting experiments and analyzing some practical problems will be preferred.
  2. Computational Fluid mechanics: Experience in analyzing complex flows using commercial software.
  3. Structural Engineering: Exposure to use various design & analysis software(s) namely Solidworks, Ansys, Catia, Abacus/Nastran etc.
  4. Experimental studies on Civil/Wind Engineering structures/buildings.
  5. Electronics/Instrumentation: Experience in LabVIEW Based Data Acquisition and Motion Control Systems. Hands-on exposure to design and development of electronic interface systems for sensor based measurement will be preferred.

(2) Post: Senior Project Associate

Number of Post : 01
Salary range: Rs. 21600-1800-54000 Per month
Qualification: B.Tech. +1 years relevant experience
Desirable: The candidate must have qualification and experience in one of the following areas. Hands on experience in a wind-tunnel facility is preferred.

  1. Structural design: Experience with Solid works/Catia/Ansys/Abacus/Nastran
  2. Experimental Fluid mechanics
  3. Computational Fluid mechanics: Experience in analyzing complex flows using commercial software.


The appointment shall be for a period of one year.
Interested candidates/persons may apply on plain paper giving details of their qualification, experience and other relevant information to:

Coordinator/Office NWTF
National Wind Tunnel Facility

IIT Kanpur - 208 016

Application should reach NWTF office on or before May 21, 2018
Coordinator, NWTF