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The National Service Scheme (NSS) at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) on 5th March, 2024(Just before the Lok Sabha Elections in May 2024) organized a session aimed at creating awareness about the importance of voting among new and young voters. The event witnessed enthusiastic participation from NSS volunteers who actively engaged in various activities designed to educate and inspire fellow students about the significance of the voting process.

Awareness Session Highlights:

The awareness session commenced with an informative presentation by the Coordinator, who provided valuable links and resources to familiarize the participants with the voting and polling procedures. Recognizing that many attendees were new voters, the session aimed to empower them with the knowledge and understanding necessary to exercise their democratic rights effectively.

Creative Presentations:

Following the informative session, NSS volunteers showcased their creativity and talent through engaging presentations. A skit, thoughtfully crafted and performed by the volunteers, depicted scenarios highlighting the importance of voting in shaping the future of the nation. The skit effectively conveyed messages of civic responsibility and the power of collective action in driving positive change through democratic participation.

Moreover, volunteers recited several thought-provoking poems that resonated with the audience, emphasizing the significance of each individual's role in the democratic process. The poems served as a powerful reminder of the rights and responsibilities inherent in the act of voting, inspiring attendees to reflect on the impact of their participation in shaping the destiny of the country.

Pledge for Electoral Integrity:

As the event drew to a close, participants and volunteers gathered to reaffirm their commitment to uphold the sanctity and dignity of the voting process. Led by the NSS coordinator, attendees took a solemn pledge to exercise their voting rights responsibly, to respect the electoral process, and to promote fairness and transparency in all aspects of democratic governance.

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Impact and Reflections:

The awareness session organized by NSS IITK left a lasting impression on the participants, fostering a sense of civic duty and engagement among the student community. The interactive and creative approach adopted during the event effectively conveyed the importance of voting as a fundamental pillar of democracy.

Participants expressed gratitude for the opportunity to gain insights into the voting process and appreciated the efforts of NSS volunteers in organizing an engaging and informative session. Many attendees shared their newfound enthusiasm for participating in the upcoming elections, motivated by a deeper understanding of their role in shaping the future of the nation.


The NSS IIT Kanpur's initiative to promote voting awareness among new and young voters reflects its commitment to nurturing responsible citizenship and democratic values. Through interactive sessions, creative presentations, and collective pledges, the event succeeded in inspiring and empowering participants to actively engage in the democratic process.

Moving forward, such initiatives serve as catalysts for building a more informed, inclusive, and participatory democracy, where every voice matters, and every vote counts.