Applications are invited for temporary positions
of Project Scientists (3) and Senior Project
Scientist (1) in a DST sponsored project entitled "SETTING
Scientists/Senior Scientist will be involved in executing high quality
research using the interdisciplinary High Performance Computing
(HPC) facility that is being set up at Computer Centre, IIT Kanpur.
Each Scientist will be under overall supervision of one or more
faculty members in the HPC area of the Institute.
Qualifications: Ph.D. in Science/Engineering with
strong background on Computational science/engineering. M.Tech with
4 years of research experience in computational areas listed below
may also be considered.
The candidates should have a proven record of high quality research
using advanced computational methods in at least one of the following
broad areas: (i) Computational mechanics and fluid dynamics, (ii)
Computational materials Science and Engineering and (iii) Computational
Chemistry and Biology iv) Computational condensed matter physics.
Knowledge of parallel computing and familiarity with high performance
computers would be desirable. The Senior Project Scientist is expected
to have 1-2 years of additional research experience after Ph.D.
However, if no suitable candidate is found at Senior Project Scientist
level, Project Scientists can be considered for all the available
Salary range:
Senior project scientist: Rs. 18000-36000 per month (consolidated)
depending on qualification and research experience.
Project scientist : Rs. 15000-30000 per month (consolidated) depending
on qualification and research experience
Applications on plain paper giving details of the
educational qualifications, research experience and list of publications
should reach the following address on or before June 30,
2010. A letter of reference, preferably from Ph.D. adviser,
should also reach the following address before June 30,
2010. The maximum tenure of appointment will be for the
duration of the project (till September, 2012).
Dr. Amalendu Chandra
Department of Chemistry
IIT Kanpur 208016