AApplications are invited for a temporary position
of Senior Project Associate/Project Associate to
work in the EADS project on Communication,
Localization and Navigation using
Ad Hoc Networks at the department of Computer Science &
Engineering, IIT Kanpur under the supervision of the undersigned.
Salary Range:
Rs. 12,000-1200-24,000/10,000-1000-20,000 depending on qualication
and experience. Project duration is for 6 months. The above salary
ranges are inclusive of HRA and subsidy towards room rent.
Qualification and Experience:
M.Tech or B.Tech/MCA/M.Sc. or Equivalent + 2 years experience. The
candidate must have either Computer Science or Information Technology
or Equivalent as the major.
Applications are invited for a temporary position
of Senior Project Associate/Project Engineer to
work in the DST project on DISTRIBUTED SOFTWARE
ENGINEERING at the department of Computer Science & Engineering,
IIT Kanpur under the supervision of the undersigned.
Salary Range:
Rs. 10,000-1000-20,000/15,000-1500-30,000 depending on qualication
and experience. Project duration is 1 year. The above salary ranges
are inclusive of HRA and subsidy towards room rent.
Qualification and Experience:
M. Tech or B. Tech/ MCA/ M. Sc. or Equivalent + 2 years experience.
The candidate must have either Computer Science or Information Technology
or Equivalent as the major.
Preference will be given to the candidates having
background in Mobile Computing/Wireless networks and prociency
in programming C. Knowledge of using network simulator such NS-2
or TOSSIM will be an added advantage.
Interested candidates may send their resume to
the following address or by email latest by 16th September
R. K. Ghosh
Email: rkg@iitk.ac.in
Phone (0512) 259 7645