Applications are invited from highly motivated
candidates for the office of the Dean of Research and Development,
IIT Kanpur on purely temporary and contractual basis for a period
of one year. The period may be extended based on requirement.
Post: Project Assistant (04)
Consolidated Salary Structure: 9000-900-18000.
(Higher start may be considered for exceptionally qualified and
experienced candidates).
Qualification: Master’s /Professional Degree
with Good academic record.
Desirable Experience: (i) One year experience in
at least of the following areas: Accounts, Establishment, Legal,
Purchase & Import, Hospitality and Project Management. (ii)
Computer literacy and ability to work independently will be preferred.
Age: Preferably below 30 Years.
Interested candidates may apply by September 23, 2013
giving complete information regarding educational qualifications
indicating year of passing, percentage of marks/division, details
of working experience and last Salary drawn along with Xerox copies
of testimonials at the address mentioned below.
R&D Office reserves the right to fix suitable criteria for short
listing of eligible candidates satisfying qualifications and experience.
Only short-listed candidates will accordingly be called for interview.
No TA/ DA/ will be paid for attending the written test/ interview.
Applications will be sent or emailed to:-
Deputy Registrar
Office of Dean: Research & Development
Ground floor, Faculty Building, IIT Kanpur.
E-mail :