Applications are invited from highly motivated
candidates for the office of the Dean of Research and Development,
IIT Kanpur on purely temporary and contractual basis initially for
a period of 3 years extendable to a maximum period of 5 Years on
a yearly basis (Subject to noteworthy performance).
Post: Sr. Project Manager (02)
Consolidated Salary Structure: 25000-2500-50000.
(Higher start may be considered for exceptionally qualified and
experienced candidates)
Essential Qualifications: First class post graduate
degree + 12 years relevant experience Or (CA/ICWA/CS) + 5 years
relevant experience of supervisory work in a Govt. office or
in educational Institute or in business organization of repute.
Desirable Experience: Candidates should have leadership
qualities and requisite experience in one or more of the following
areas: Administrative matters including Legal, labour Law, Recruitment,
Establishment, OR Accounting, Auditing and Financial
procedures, OR Project Management agreements, Contracts
& MoUs relevant to research OR Materials Management,
Procurement/distribution of materials, import procedure/ stores
accounting, stock verification, etc. Practical experience of using
relevant software’s in related areas is essential.
Age: Preferably below 40 Years.
Interested candidates may apply by May 23, 2013
giving complete information regarding educational qualifications
from class10th onward indicating year of passing, percentage of
marks/division, details of working experience and last Salary drawn
along with Xerox copies of testimonials at the address mentioned
R&D Office reserves the right to fix suitable criteria for short
listing of eligible candidates satisfying qualifications and experience.
Only short-listed candidates will accordingly be called for interview.
Applications will be sent or emailed to:- Deputy
Registrar, Office of Dean of Research & Development ,Ground
floor, Faculty Building, IIT Kanpur. KANPUR- 208016-U.P.