Application are invited from qualified candidates
for one post of PROJECT MECHANIC to work in a IGCAR-
entitled Dynamics of a single fuel subassembly –effect of
the nonlinearity introduced due to clearance. (SPS-IGCAR-MECH. 20080368)
Essential Qualification: A High School with ITI
good skills, in Seperation Machine in the Lab.
Salary: Will be commensurate with qualifications
The appointment will be purely temporary based
and initially for 01 Years from the date of appointment. Subject
to mutual agreement and the funds being available, the tenure of
the position could be extended. Candidates should apply with full
details of education and experience to the following address on
or before 14 April 2010.
Dr. Pankaj Wahi (Mechanical Department)
Address for correspondence
Dr. Pankaj Wahi, Dr. Ishan Sharma
FB -357 IIIrd Floor NL -103 ME Deptt.
Department of Mechanical
Indian institute of Technology
Kanpur-208016, India
Phone: 0512-2596092