Applications are invited for the Position of Sr.
Project Associate (one) in the project titled "Quantum
Phase Transitions and Non-Equilibrium dynamics of classical and
quantum systems" supported by the CSIR, New Delhi. The details
are as follows:
Project duration: Three Years
Appointment Duration: Initially for one year
Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Physics. (First
class or equivalent)
1. Knowledge in Quantum Mechanics and Advanced Statistical Mechanics.
2. Project is essentially theoretical, though knowledge in programming
is desirable.
Salary range: 12,000-24,000/- Per month as per institute rules.
Last date for receipt of application: 7th October, 2010
Application on plain paper, along with a summary of bio-data may
be sent to the undersigned by post or by email. Please note that
no TA/DA will be given to the candidate called for interview.
Dr. Amit Dutta
Associate Professor
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Kanpur – 208016, India
Tel: 0512-259-7471