a. The Steering committee shall consist of the following:
1. The convener of the Student's Senate, who shall be the ex-officio convener
of the steering committee, and
2. Two Senators both not from the same year.
b. The Steering committee shall be responsible for the optimum utilization of the sessions of
the Student's Senate. It shall finalize the agenda for every session of the Student's Senate.
For this purpose it shall meet at least once before every session of the Student's Senate.
c. The Steering committee shall be responsible for the recording of the sessions of the Student's
Senate. for this purpose the steering committee shall meet within four days of every session of
the Student's Senate and prepare tyhe draft minutes for ratification by the Student's Senate.
d. The Steering Committee shall also provide any other assistance required by:
1. The Convener of the Student's Senate.
2. The Student's Senate.
3. The sub- committees of the Student's Senate.
3.2 The Rules and Procedures Committee:
a. The Rules and Procedures Committee shall consist of:
1. A Senator who shall be the convener of the committee.
2. two other senators both not from, the same year.
b. The Rules and Procedures Committee shall be responsible for the observance of due
procedures in the Student's Senate. It shall:
1. Prepare, delete, add amend and bring up-to-data all rules, procedures, structures,
norms, conventions, codes of conduct, etc.
2. Advice the the Student's Senate on all matters concerning rules, procedures, structures,
norms, conventions, codes of conduct, etc.
3. Study all proposed constitutional amendments and give its opinion on the same.
4. Study all proposed changes in these rules and procedures and give its opinion on the same.
5. Advice the Student's Senate on all matters relating to the formation and functioning of
its sub-committees.
c. All recommendations of the rules and procedures committee shall be subject to the approval by a
simple majority of the Student's Senate .The interpretation of these rules and procedures by the
Parliamentarian shall be final.