4.1 Changes in Rules and Procedures:
a. Inadequacies in the Rules and Procedures shall be referred by the
Convener of the Student's Senate to the Convener of Rules and
Procedures committee for corrections.
b. All Rules and Procedures may be repeated to, or amended in any
session of the Student's Senate provided the following have been included
in the previously agenda for the same:
1. written notice of the proposed action,giving the text of the
desired modification together with a statement of its purpose
and effect, and
2. the opinion of the Rules and Procedures committee on the desired
c. Any such modification shall be subject to a simple majority in the
Student's Senate.
4.2 Point of Order
a. A Member may raise a point of order, if ,in the opinion of the member
1.Any constitutional provision or rules or procedure is being transgressed.
2. Any established convention of the Student's Senate is being transgressed.
3. An objectionable procedure is being followed.
b. If any member wishes to raise a point of order, the Convener of the
Student's Senate shall permit him to do so immediately.
4.3 Order of Business
a. The order of business at sessions of the Student's Senate shall be as
1. Ratification of draft minutes.
2. Announcements.
3. Remarks by the Convener and the President, and reports by all
General Secretaries.
4. Reports of sub-committees.
5. Unfinished business.
6. New business.
b. The order of business may be over-ruled by a simple majority in the
Student's Senate.
4.4 Resolution:
a. Consensus: A decision of the Student's Senate may be arrived at by
consensus of the proposal:
1. does not require a resolution for its passage under any of
these rules and procedures.
2. is not objects to by any member of the Student's Senate or if
all objections are withdrawn.
3. is not meant to give expression to the opinion of the General
Body of the Students.