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What We Do


  • Dedicated orientation sessions for new DAP students and parents.
  • Dedicated orientation sessions with new DAP students specific to their concerns and needs.
  • Accessibility Facilitation Forms filled and documented to better support each DAP student.

Disclaimer: Cell for Differently Abled Persons, CDAP at IITK can take any action for a DAP student only if the student informs of the issue and seeks help/support from CDAP. Any and all accommodations available via CDAP can only be accessed if the student/legal guardian has requested it. None of the facilities/accommodations can be availed without a prior request to CDAP. CDAP is not a financial or an administrative body; it merely coordinates amongst various entities of the institute and can act only as a recommending body to the various entities of the institute.

What We Do

Academic Accommodations

Accommodations in Class

  • Special tutors may be assigned for students to assist after class hours.
  • Seating preferences in class for better accessibility.
  • Laboratory assistance based on individual needs.
  • Accessible format as in slides, permission to record lectures, etc., may be requested to faculty.

Accommodations in Examinations

  • Reader/scribe may be provided.
  • Raised chair/table may be provided.
  • Accessible format of question paper as in preferred fonts or font size.
  • Extended time as directed by Government of India regulations.

Disclaimer: Cell for Differently Abled Persons, CDAP at IITK can take any action for a DAP student only if the student informs of the issue and seeks help/support from CDAP. Any and all accommodations available via CDAP can only be accessed if the student/legal guardian has requested it. None of the facilities/accommodations can be availed without a prior request to CDAP. CDAP is not a financial or an administrative body; it merely coordinates amongst various entities of the institute and can act only as a recommending body to the various entities of the institute.

What We Do

On Campus Residency

Accommodations for Campus Residency

  • Ground floor hostel rooms may be assigned for easy accessibility.
  • Infrastructural needs such as ramps.
  • Transport facility (e-rickshaw) to and from hostel to academic area, based on mobility concerns.
  • Coordination with Health Centre and Counselling Services.
  • Accessible computer terminals in library and New Core Lab building.

Disclaimer: Cell for Differently Abled Persons, CDAP at IITK can take any action for a DAP student only if the student informs of the issue and seeks help/support from CDAP. Any and all accommodations available via CDAP can only be accessed if the student/legal guardian has requested it. None of the facilities/accommodations can be availed without a prior request to CDAP. CDAP is not a financial or an administrative body; it merely coordinates amongst various entities of the institute and can act only as a recommending body to the various entities of the institute.

What We Do

Career Support

Accommodations in Placements

  • Special accessible terminals to take placement exams.
  • Dedicated volunteers to assist and navigate during placement drives.
  • Special placement drives held by SPO, IITK ( ).
  • Seminars/Interaction Sessions with our DAP alumni community.

Disclaimer: Cell for Differently Abled Persons, CDAP at IITK can take any action for a DAP student only if the student informs of the issue and seeks help/support from CDAP. Any and all accommodations available via CDAP can only be accessed if the student/legal guardian has requested it. None of the facilities/accommodations can be availed without a prior request to CDAP. CDAP is not a financial or an administrative body; it merely coordinates amongst various entities of the institute and can act only as a recommending body to the various entities of the institute.

What We Do

Technical Cognizance and Awareness

  • Cognizance and procurement of new assistive tech (Hardware and Software).
  • Conferences, seminars, sensitization sessions.
  • Participation in policy development discourses at national level.
  • Showcase of assistive tools and technologies developed within IITK.

Disclaimer: Cell for Differently Abled Persons, CDAP at IITK can take any action for a DAP student only if the student informs of the issue and seeks help/support from CDAP. Any and all accommodations available via CDAP can only be accessed if the student/legal guardian has requested it. None of the facilities/accommodations can be availed without a prior request to CDAP. CDAP is not a financial or an administrative body; it merely coordinates amongst various entities of the institute and can act only as a recommending body to the various entities of the institute.


Assistive Tools for Accessible Content

The document below provides several options embedded within the common operating systems and internet browsers to make regular doc files, pdf files, web content accessible for DAPs. Step by step detailed procedures have been given with examples specific to visual and auditory accessibility.


Accessibility Software

The document below provides several dedicated software specific to various accessibilities concerns. These software may be used with computers, mobile phones, tablets etc and provide facilities such as screen readers, text to speech conversion, word prediction to help typing, screen readers for mathematical or scientific documents and so on.





Government of India Resources


Sign Language and Braille


NGOs and other Organizations


Annual Day 2022

Inauguration by Prof. Abhay Karandikar, Director IITK and
Mr. Prashant Naik, Chief Guest

Welcome Address by Prof. Kaushik Bhattacharya (Coordinator, CDAP)

Motivational Talk: Mr. Arman Ali (Executive Director at National
Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People)

Talk on Employment in Banking Sector by Chief Guest,
Mr. Prashant Naik (Manager, Union Bank of India Maharashtra)

Talk: Learning from Challenges Mr. Pawan Patel, (Alumni, Batch 2019)

Informative Talk: Mr. Sachin Pandey (Member of SAKSHAM)

Group Dance by Students from Dr. Ambedkar Institute of
Technology for Handicapped, Kanpur

Group Dance by Students from Dr. Ambedkar Institute of
Technology for Handicapped, Kanpur


International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2019

Inauguration of program by Prof. Y. N. Singh (Chairman, CDAP)

Inaugural address by Prof. Manindra Agrawal (Deputy Director, IITK)

Launching of CDAP activity booklet

Talk on Real Life story: Mr. Nipun Malhotra (Director, NIPMAN Foundation)


UDAAN 2021 & 2022

Motivational talk : Sharad Kumar Indian para high jumper,
paralympics 2012

Cricket Team: IIT Kanpur vs. Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology
for Handicapped, Kanpur

Chess Match: IIT Delhi vs. IIT Kanpur

Motivational Talk: Mr. Vijay B. Munishwar Athletics | Powerlifting | Weightlifting

Talk translated by Sign Language Interpreter


Health Camp for Differently Abled Persons (2020) in Collaboration with Dean of Resources Alumni office and ALIMCO

Health camp for all differently abled community in collaboration
with DORA office

Assessment session by expertise


Camp: Distribution of Assistive Devices by ALIMCO and DORA Office (2020)

Distribution camp of assistive devices post assessment

Dr. Sudhir Kamle (CDAP faculty member)


ALIMCO Exhibition 2020


image of Faculty Member
Dr. Anubha Goel
Faculty, Civil Dept.
(Coordinator & PI, CDAP)
Prof. Siddhartha Panda
Faculty,Chemical Department
image of Coordinator
Prof. Ashutosh Modi
Faculty, Computer Science Department
image of Staff Member
Dr. Namrata Singh
REO, Chemistry Department
(Staff Member, CDAP)
image of Staff Member
Ms. Sraddha Maurya
(Staff Member, CDAP)
image of Project Assistant
Ms. Ritika Gupta
(Project Assistant)
image of Project Assistant
Mr. Sandeep Singh
(Grievance Officer, PwD)
image of (Junior Assistant)
Mr. Lakhan Lal Gautam
(Junior Assistant)

Student Representatives

image of chairman
Tejas Jain
image of chairman
Ranjeet Agrahari
image of chairman
Gopal Gupta
PhD, Design

Contact Information