Dr. Somesh Kumar Mathur is a Professor in the Department of Economic Sciences at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur. His specialization includes, efficiency and productivity analysis, new trade and growth theories, evaluating trade agreements, gravity analysis, convergence issues, spatial planning, CGE and SMART analysis, TRIPS and other WTO Issues, and econometric theory. His research interests are: testing of new trade theories, application of spatial regression, gravity modelling, trade growth accounting, frontier areas in trade, evaluation of regional trade agreements, and applied econometrics and growth.
In such unprecedented times, we offer QIP for teachers of the AICTE and Non AICTE run institutions on the subject of Frontier Areas of International Trade and Econometrics
, to be offered online under the aegis of the Department of Economic sciences, IIT-Kanpur. In particular, participants would learn about the emerging fields in trade and econometrics, its real-world applications, and the future possibilities of the transformative methodologies would be covered in this course. This course is for social science teachers in engineering and non-engineering colleges, interested in expanding their knowledge, or simply curious about various econometric techniques and international trade and what influences the latter. We would like to know whether firms are adopting new 4IR technologies with other attributes including spatial dimension, for their trade across other firms domestically and internationally.
Whether or not the participants are an avid learner of international trade and econometrics, through this course they will get acquainted to use of deep learning methodologies for prescriptive forecasting using various statistical and econometric softwares. In addition, participants would learn about various partial and general equilibrium trade models (with special focus on structural gravity models and GTAP models) including some econometrics and various other deep learning methodologies. The partial and general equilibrium models will allow the participants to study the impact of trade on welfare, evaluate the RTAs and give us estimates of trade creation and trade diversion due to free trade alignment between member nations. We intend to deliver a greater understanding of firm level trade keeping market conditions, firm heterogeneity and efficiency of firms, technology, ICT adoption by firms (specifically the adoption of the Fourth Industrial Revolution-4IR), among other factors in mind.
W. Edwards Deming said “ Without data you’re just another person with an opinion”, we also understand the importance of data analysis in designing and implementing effective development policy thus, we aim to cover CMIE Prowess, ASI unit level data, NSS price level data, World bank enterprise survey data, WITS, TINA, GTAP and SMART simulations models. GVC estimates, rules of origin and newer WTO issues would be also covered.
In order to derive strategic and actionable insights from BIG datasets, we also require software skills, therefore, in order to achieve this objective we wish to train the participants on the use of R, MATLAB, STATA, EVIEWS, SPSS and cover deep learning methodologies like ANN to analyze high frequency data. Moreover, we explore the issues related with high frequency changing data by considering air pollution and COVID data sets using the Mathematical SEIR model, Econometric and AI models for the analysis. As far as Econometrics is concerned, we wish to cover nonparametric regression, spatial regression, testing convergence in data, count data models, panel data models, deep learning methodologies , RDD and DID models, impact evaluation models, volatility models, quantile regression, SFA and parametric DEA models, among others.
This systematic approach of combining theory, data-analysis and practical knowledge, will equip the participants to handle critically important tasks at hand and add to their human capital with a quest to understand trade policy impact on economy wide variables.
In summary, the participants are likely to get exposed to the following theories, methodologies and data sets
Become familiar with the utility of ANN and Deep learning methodologies like Lasso, SVMs,LSTM and Random Forest for international trade analysis and prescriptive forecasting.
Use partial equilibrium models structural gravity analysis for understanding relationship between trade and welfare, trade creation and trade diversion and firm level trade analysis
Use SMART,TINA,WITS and GTAP to understand economy wide impact of changes in trade policies
Build a deeper understanding of Trade and Service and Non-tariff barriers and what restricts trade in services?
Utilities of probability density functions and distribution functions in trade analysis and other economic applications
Get exposed to Econometeric techniques like non parametric regression, spatial regression, quantile regression,SFA, volatility models, count data models, simultaneous equations and VAR methodologies with non linearity, panel data procedures, Impact evaluation methodologies like RDD and DID, among others
Explore key concepts and historical turning points that have shaped contemporary international trade related issues like Brexit financial crisis, trade wars, removal of GSP reforms among others using GTAP analysis.
Analyze covid data and other high frequency data sets using various mathematical, econometric and statistical techniques including SEIR and wavelet analysis
Interactive lab Sessions on R,Matlab,Eviews,SPSS,Stata among others
Aim to cover data sets like CMIE Prowess, ASI unit level data, NSS price level data, World bank enterprise survey data, WITS, TINA,TRAINS, GTAP and SMART simulation models. GVC estimates, rules of origin and newer WTO issues would be also covered.
DEA and SFA analysis for efficiency and productivity analysis
Get familiar with new and new new trade theories which can explain trade across firms with role of sunk cost, intensive and extensive margins, selection, scale and reallocation effects of trade liberalization
Testing convergence of incomes per capita using growth and spatial econometrics
Trade indices for understanding trade patterns and direction of trade
Theoretical Model from Ricardo to Heckscher Ohlin, Linder's hypothesis, New Trade theory by Krugman, New-New Trade theory by Melitz, Chaney and Ottavianio.
Empirics of International trade: Gravity analysis and its latest formulation, Analysis of FDI and its spill-over effects, trade and inequality, trade and poverty, trade and environment, trade and labor, trade and institution and vice versa, among others.
Trade policy analysis using Partial and General Equilibrium tools: SMART and GTAP analysis for evaluation of regional trade agreements, Partial and General Equilibrium analysis for evaluating Trade Wars.
Movements of Exchange Rate and its determinants, choice of Exchange rate
International Monetary Policy and the new international financial architecture, role of the World Bank, IMF and WTO.
Global value chains and trade in intermediate products and tasks, fragmentation of the production process and its impact on returns to factors of production.
Trade facilitation and role of soft and hard infrastructure in connecting people, places, cities and regions.
Non-tariff barrier and its impact on trade and economic growth.
Financial crisis and its determinants.
Brexit impact on India
Tariff War impact on India
Removal of GSP reforms on India
Industrial revolution and trade
Impact of R, Matlab, Fusion & STRATA in social scenario
Covid and International Trade,Vaccination diplomacy
Trade indices for understanding trade patterns and direction of trade
Spatial econometric with focus on spatial convergence issues.
Machine language with focus on forecasting perceptive, Random Forest regression and support vector regression.
Use of programming languages like R, MATLAB, STATA and Python in economic analysis.
Impact evaluation model through RDD, DID, PSM.
Multivariate statistics like PCA, factor analysis and discriminant analysis.
Count data censored and truncated regressions.
Discrete choice modeling.
Application of econometrics in finance, ARCH and GARCH model, Multivariate GARCH model, volatility clustering, spillover, and Markov Switching Models.
Panel Data Model and its analysis and application.
Nonparametric regression and its application.
Time-series analysis with focus on VAR, co-integration, wavelet analysis, time-series models and high frequency data analysis through VAR co-integration and wavelet analysis.
R, MATLAB, Machine Learning, Wavelet Analysis & Spatial Analysis through STATA codes
Time-series, Markov Chain unit-root, structural breaks, panel unit-root
Limited dependent variables, simultaneous equation modelling, SURE, Quantile regression
Analysis of high frequency data like pollution and covid data sets
Introduction to econometrics, latest development using scalability, Eviews, STATA code
Resource persons would be professors and professionals from leading institutions like the IITK, DSE, JNU, IEG, University of California, Irvine, University of Washington, former member PM Economic Advisory Council of the PM, ICRIER, RIS, Ministry of External Affairs, GOI, Latrobe University, IIFT,ISID, TIES, IRS,GOI, Novartis among others
1. Faculty from AICTE Institutes coming under QIP program (maximum 30) |
No Registration fees |
2. Faculty from private/autonomous Institutions: Non IITK Faculty |
Rs. 590/- (Including GST) |
3. Students of IITK IITK Student |
No Registration Fees |
4. Students from other Educational Institutions: Non IITK Students |
Rs. 354/- (Including GST) |
5. Participant from Industry and R&D labs: Industrial Participant |
Rs. 590/- (Including GST) |
Step 1: Make Payment according to your category
Instructions, How to Pay? Click Here
Online Payment Link: Click Here
Course Code | 2020-21/45 |
Course Title | Frontier areas on Econometrics |
Course Duration | 15/03/2021 to 21/03/3021 |
Participants Category Course Fees + 18% GST IITK Students needs to pay only course FEE |
IITK Student (No Registration Fees) Non IITK Student (Rs. 354/-) Non IITK Faculty (Rs. 590/-) Industrial Participants (Rs. 590/-) |
Vinay Kumar
QIP IIT Kanpur
Email: qip@iitk.ac.in
Phone: 0512-259-7795
Yogendra Singh
QIP IIT Kanpur
Email: yogs@iitk.ac.in
Phone: 0512-259-7795
Webpage: www.iitk.ac.in/cce/Yogi/