Hello World..!!
Science & Technology Council, IIT Kanpur needs no introduction. Formally, Science and Technology Council is a part of Student’s Gymkhana that provides opportunity and a platform for students to pursue their hobbies in field of science and technology.
Having said that, the fact that the SnT council occupies a place in the hearts of plenty of students whose life it has touched in some way or the other, can’t be stressed more! For a few of us (rather, pretty much most of us) its importance cannot be undermined. It occupies a pivotal position and we are saying this not just because of our involvement with it but more so because of the council’s objective to help us Learn, Innovate and Create! “So?”, you would ask! “So what? Why this blog?”
Ah well! While campus junta participation has been tremendous in the council activities (and we look forward to amplifying it even more with the upcoming council activities.), we felt there was something missing!. And this blog is the result of our efforts to provide you with the missing link!! Not to mention the obvious, but to touch more lives is our goal! And, not just this post but this whole series is ‘just a beginning’.. (of something good! of something new!! #Melodrama :P)!!
Want to know about the latest developments in the ever changing world of technology? Do you think you are not updated with the stance of current science..be it on the global level or even on the college level? Do you want to know about the developments and the projects undertaken by your peers here at different clubs of SnT council?! Or is your wingmate a genius in hiding who has made some awesome gadget that awes you?! We believe there’s a missing “LINK” which is the major barrier to finding or spreading information/ideas/answers!!
So, what is the solution? This blog of SnT..?? Well, Not really!The solution lies within you (the readers) :P. This blog is NOT meant to be a personal dossier. This is NOT an archive, NOT a wiki. This is in fact an informal platform that seeks to enlighten you (Oh wow! That was formal!) regarding what goes on inside the council, the projects undertaken, technologies used (and in some cases.. CREATED) and along with some interesting technical information, a forum to discuss and question even the established laws of science (If need be! :P)!!!
Undoubtedly, this endeavour of ours requires your support. So, bring in your ideas, thoughts, even predictions! (:P). If you have anything to share, entries are welcome!
Thinking about benefits, aren’t you?? :P
Well! You could reach out to a large audience through this ‘Official blog of SnT, IIT Kanpur’ + get cited for your efforts :P. (Just send in your entries to blog.sntiitk@gmail.com).
Looking forward to seeing an enthusiastic response! :)