We get a high on Chlorine !!!


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Welcome to IITK swim centre

Everyone knows the joke:

Why are fish smart?

Because they're always in schools............

and the smartest fish in the smartest tech school???


With an objective to give you an opportunity to experience the sport of swimming and water polo the swim centre offers excellent pool facilities and a trained coach to put you through the swim program!

The pool provides you an ideal environment to cool off after a hectic day of classes and labs. Coach V R Vadi guides you through the learning process. He knows how to get you swimming and the enthusiasm of the Institute team keeps you going at it !! Moreover, the fun part of it is that you have the support of enthusiastic, lively and kewl Institute swimmers and water polo players.

If you are untrained..... can just-about-float.....work by "more splash than speed"

but got loads of interest in swimming........polo

Then you've come to the right place......... IITK swim centre.

You might as well be one of our squad who get high on chlorine and who will most happily give you details of what you can look foward to.... be it warming up with a variety of sports- touch rugby, handball or football ........ chalking out strategy for water polo games.... designing our own swim team kits...or just making treats happen !!

Besides acquiring swimming and water polo skills, you can go through a higher level of training that will enable you to compete for a place on our home aquatics team.......and a run at the Inter IIT Aquatics Meet....... a dream come true !!

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