Development of
Trackside Bogie Monitoring System has been identified under
Mission Programme-1 of technology mission of Railway safety. The
project envisages development of a system installed along the
track for detecting faults in bogies of Rolling Stock. This will
include development of appropriate instrumentation and signal
processing strategy for detecting various types of faults in
bogies. This will enable online monitoring of condition of

Geometric faults in
alignment and tracking of wheel cause premature wear as well as
abnormal stresses, with safety implications. Reprofiling and
replacing worn wheel sets constitute a significant proportion of
rolling stock maintenance costs. Failure to detect and rectify
bogies with misaligned wheel sets not only increases the wheel
sets removal rate, it also compromises other measures taken to
extend wheel set life, such as matching wheel tread and rail
profiles. Misaligned wheel sets are also responsible for
increased fuel consumption and accelerated track deterioration.
Misaligned wheel sets can be detected by measuring their angle
of attack on the track and/or tracking error in real time. This
angle also determines whether the two wheel sets in a bogie are
tracking correctly. Tracking error is the eccentricity between
the axle center and the track-centre line. Presently there is no
system for real-time online monitoring of the performance of the
bogies and wheel-sets. Bogies are checked during TXR examination
for lose or broken parts. Wheel sets are changed when they reach
the condemning limit. Problems like skewness in bogie frame or
asymmetric wheel-wear are attended to during preventive
maintenance schedule only.
It is proposed to develop a Truck/Bogie Optical Geometry
Inspection (T/BOGI) station. The system is required for
identifying “the abnormally running bogie” due to a part fallen
enroute during running or excessive clearances or hunting etc.
Since such an abnormal bogie after certain amount of running may
lead to safety problems, the track side bogie monitoring system
should be able to identify such a bogie in problem and
communicate to central control or maintenance depot. The system
will also help Indian Railways to develop self-aligning Rolling
Stock systems.
The instrumentation should also include sensors for detection of
components of the rolling stock which may fall on the track due
to failure of fastening and which may cause derailment.

Literature Review
Sensor Identification
Procurement of sensors and
Instrumentation Design
Laboratory experiments
Development of algorithms
Trials at VCF (Vehicle
Characterization facility), RDSO Lucknow
Prototype development and
Field Trials

Study report on literature
survey conducted.
Development of understanding
of causes for abnormally running bogie.
Identification of parameters
to be monitored.
Setting up of critical
performance limits by dynamic analysis and also recommend
suitable criteria for future evaluation of rolling stocks
using validated simulation techniques.
Identification and
development of hardware for sensing parameters, signal
processing and analysis.
Algorithm development.
Method of Calibration of the
system along with equipments required for carrying out the
Development of suitable
hardware for communicating data to remote location with
suitable software for generating alarm.
The prototype will be tested
extensively in the laboratory before field trials.
Transfer of Technology to
railways in the form of technical document indicating
detailed design, list of equipments along with the
procurement specification, hardware design, schematics,
general lay out drawings, source code for the software, list
of probable suppliers for each equipment and test scheme.
Manuals like user guide,
Quick reference guide, Trouble shooting guide for the
and software delivered.