Title of Talk

Nano-Plasmonics for Single-Molecule Photochemistry and Chemical Microscopy



I will present my research group’s recent investigation on how the localized plasmon of a nanoparticle interacts with another plasmon, and with nearby molecules. The talk will cover three different yet related topics. First, I will demonstrate the use of scattering-type scanning near-field microscopy (s-SNOM) to directly visualize the capacitive / conductive coupling in dimeric nanoparticles and heterometallic nanorods. Second, I will talk about the use of gap-plasmons to locally induce photochemical reactions, and to follow chemical kinetics of individual organic molecules using the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). As a last topic, I will talk about the use of near-field coupling between a scanning probe and graphenes to visualize / identify the stacking domains (e. g., ABA versus ABC-type stacking in triple layer) hidden in multilayer graphenes.


Zee Hwan Kim, Associate professor


Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University, SOUTH KOREA 

e-mail: zhkim@gmail.com


Profile. B.S. (1995) Chemistry, Seoul National University, Ph.D. (2002) Physical Chemistry, Stanford University (thesis advisor: Richard N. Zare), Postdoctoral Associate (2002-2005), University of California, Berkeley (PI: Stephen R. Leone), Assistant and Associate Professor (2005-2013), Dept. of Chemistry, Korea Univ. (Seoul, KR)
Associate Professor (2013-present), Dept. of Chemistry, Seoul Nat'l Univ. (Seoul, KR)

Zee Hwan Kim is currently an associate professor of Department of Chemistry at Seoul National University. His Ph.D. thesis research focuses on the role of vibrational excitation on the gas-phase atom-polyatom reaction, and asymmetric angular momentum polarization of photofragments. As a postdoctoral associate at UC Berkeley in 2002-2004, he studied near-field microscopy techniques. Before joining the Chemistry Department at SNU, he was an associate and an assistant professor at Korea University (Seoul, Korea). His research group at SNU focuses on nanoparticle plasmonics, single molecule SERS, and development of optical nanoscopy techniques.

-KCS-Wiley Young Chemist Award (2009)
-Seok-Tap Teaching Award (Korea University, 2008) 


Selected Publications

1. Zee Hwan Kim, Frontiers of Physics, 2013, doi 10.1007/s11467-013-0338-4

2. H.- K. Choi, H. K. Shon, H. Yu, T. G. Lee, Zee Hwan Kim, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 1079

3. S-. H. Ahn, D-. S. Kim, D. Seo, W. Choi, G.- R. Yi, H. Song, Q-. H. Park, and Z. H. Kim, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2013, 15, 4190

4. D. S. Kim and Z. H. Kim Opt. Express, 2012, 20, 8689