The Government
of India launched the Quality Improvement Program (QIP) in the year
1970. Main target of the Program is to upgrade the expertise and
capabilities of the faculty members of the degree-level engineering
institutions in the country. The Program is now being implemented
and monitored by the All India Council for Technical
Education. The basic objective of the continuity education program
is to provide the opportunity for learning during the short term
courses. The purpose of such programs is to provide an opportunity
to industry and academic people to update their knowledge in
their fields of expertise and also to help them acquire the
knowledge, skills and attitude required to function in other areas
where they may not have had any previous exposure. Engine Research
Laboratory has organized 7 short term courses in the field of IC
engines. Till now more than 500 people from various institutes and
industries had got the opportunity to learn.
Short-Term Course On "Design of Engines
for Emission Compliance" April 17-21, 2019 (Sponsored By: MHRD, Government of India).
Short-Term Course On "Advanced Course on
Engine Combustion, Diagnostics, Emission Control and Emerging
Fuels" , August 3-7, 2018 (Sponsored By: MHRD, Government of India).
Short-Term Course On "Advanced Course on
Engine Combustion, Diagnostics, Emission Control and Emerging
Fuels" , May, 2017 (Sponsored By: MHRD, Government of India).
Short-Term Course On "Advanced
Combustion, Emissions and Modelling Aspects" May 1-5, 2014 (Sponsored By: MHRD, Government of India).
Short-Term Course On "Advanced Engine
Technologies for Combustion and Emission Control" May 1-5, 2013 (Sponsored By: MHRD, Government of India).
Short-Term Course On "Advanced Engine
Combustion and Emission Control" July 17-22, 2012 (Sponsored By:
MHRD, Government of India).
Short-Term Course on "Engine Emission
Formation and Control" June 28- July 3, 2011 (Sponsored By:
MHRD, Government of India).
Short-Term Course on "Advanced Engine
Combustion and Diagnostics" June 23- 28, 2011 (Sponsored By: MHRD,
Government of India.
Short Term Training Program on "Diesel
Particulate and NOx Emissions: Formation and Control"
(September, 2010).
(Photo Gallery)
Short Term Training Program on "Diesel
Particulate and NOx Emissions" (February, 2010).
(Photo Gallery)
Short Term Training Program on "Diesel
Engine Management" (March 2009).
Workshop on "Advances in IC Engines and
Alternative Fuels" (March, 2007).
(Photo Gallery)
Short Term Course on "Advances in
Materials and Fuel Technologies for Automotive Application"
(June, 2006).
Short Term Course on
"Alternative Fuels and Emission Control" (November, 2004).
(Photo Gallery)