Doclet API

Interface ParameterizedType

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ParameterizedType
extends Type

Represents an invocation of a generic class or interface. For example, given the generic interface List<E>, possible invocations include:

        List<T extends Number>
A generic inner class Outer<T>.Inner<S> might be invoked as:


Method Summary
 ClassDoc asClassDoc()
          Return the generic class or interface that declared this type.
 Type containingType()
          Return the type that contains this type as a member.
 Type[] interfaceTypes()
          Return the interface types directly implemented by or extended by this parameterized type.
 Type superclassType()
          Return the class type that is a direct supertype of this one.
 Type[] typeArguments()
          Return the actual type arguments of this type.
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.javadoc.Type
asAnnotationTypeDoc, asParameterizedType, asTypeVariable, asWildcardType, dimension, isPrimitive, qualifiedTypeName, simpleTypeName, toString, typeName

Method Detail


ClassDoc asClassDoc()
Return the generic class or interface that declared this type.

Specified by:
asClassDoc in interface Type
the generic class or interface that declared this type.


Type[] typeArguments()
Return the actual type arguments of this type. For a generic type that is nested within some other generic type (such as Outer<T>.Inner<S>), only the type arguments of the innermost type are included.

the actual type arguments of this type.


Type superclassType()
Return the class type that is a direct supertype of this one. This is the superclass of this type's declaring class, with type arguments substituted in. Return null if this is an interface type.

For example, if this parameterized type is java.util.ArrayList<String>, the result will be java.util.AbstractList<String>.

the class type that is a direct supertype of this one.


Type[] interfaceTypes()
Return the interface types directly implemented by or extended by this parameterized type. These are the interfaces directly implemented or extended by this type's declaring class or interface, with type arguments substituted in. Return an empty array if there are no interfaces.

For example, the interface extended by java.util.Set<String> is java.util.Collection<String>.

the interface types directly implemented by or extended by this parameterized type.


Type containingType()
Return the type that contains this type as a member. Return null is this is a top-level type.

For example, the containing type of AnInterface.Nested<Number> is the ClassDoc representing AnInterface, and the containing type of Outer<String>.Inner<Number> is the ParameterizedType representing Outer<String>.

the type that contains this type as a member.

Doclet API

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