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Department of Earth Sciences Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur |
Earth System Processes |
Introduction; Controls of earth system processes, geomorphic systems, threshold and equilibrium, scale of analysis; Endogenic processes and landforms, global morphology and plate margin landforms; Exogenic processes and landforms, fluvial, coastal, aeolian and lacustrine processes & landforms; Endogenic-exogenic interactions; Long-term landscape development; Interaction between lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and cryosphere. |
Environmental Geology |
Earth-environment interaction; Fundamental concepts of environmental geology, Environment of water, sediments and soils, Weathering, soil formation and erosion; Water quality controls in nature; Environmental impact of resource exploration and use; Land use management; Geological considerations of toxic and radioactive waste disposal; Environment vs. development. |
Geological Hazards |
Geological hazards and environmental impact; Landslides: cause, classification, zonation and protection; Earthquakes: historical seismicity, classification, interplate and intraplate earthquakes, effect on ground structures, magnitude and intensity scales, seismic zonation; Floods: hydrology and types of floods, nature and extent of flood hazard, flood hazard zoning, flood control and protection; Land subsidence; Snow avalanches; Rock bursts; Mapping, monitoring and management of geological hazards. |
Laboratory practices in geosciences |
Remote sensing applications – Geological/geomorphological features extractions from remote sensing data; Resistivity survey – determination of layered parameters (resistivity and thickness of layers); - Application of structural geology in Civil Engineering; Tectonic landform interpretation using satellite data; Paleoseismic interpretation; Ground penetrating Radar – mapping of buried structures, depth determination of underground bodies; Field exercise of stratigraphic section, sedimentary structures, field logging; Core logging and facies analysis; Grain Size analysis – Grading of sediments; Magnetic susceptibility – Measurement of susceptibility of sediments and rocks samples; X-ray diffraction – sample preparation and interpretation of XRD charts for qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of mineralogy; Wet lab chemistry, Normality and molarity, pH of solution, Conductivity and total dissolved solids; Soil sampling and profiling; Soil chemistry – pH determination; C & N elemental analysis; Soil organic matter estimation; Soil carbonates, Loss on ignition; 4 days field survey – field mapping of geological structures and geology, report writing and submission. |
Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS for Geo-resource Evaluation |
Basic principles of image interpretation and GIS; Interpretation of regional geological and geomorphological features; River basin studies; Identification of groundwater potential zones; Lake and wetland studies; Water quality mapping; Vegetation Mapping and forestry applications; Applications in glaciology and snow hydrology; Applications in oceanography and coastal zone mapping; Mineral resources evaluation; Microwave remote sensing and its application in monitoring earth resources, snow surface, ocean and atmosphere; Application of thermal infrared data for mapping surface moisture and rock types and environmental studies. |
Photogeology in terrain evaluation |
Introduction to physical and structural geology; Landforms and drainage patterns; Elements of photogeology; Stereoscopy; Elementary photogrammetry; Photographic systems, types of cameras, films and filters; Photo-interpretation key; Quantitative interpretation of toposheets and airphotos; Applications in engineering geology, landuse, land wastage, hydrogeology, mineral exploration and change detection. |
Global Climate Change |
Introduction to global climate; Global climatic models; Methods of reconstructing climate; Quaternary climates, sea level changes, glacial/interglacial cycles; Geological records of climate change, sedimentology, stable isotopes, geochemistry; Geochronology – relative and numerical methods; Vegetation dynamics, migration history, response of vegetation to climatic reversals; Pre-Quaternary climates, evolution of climate through geological time. |
Paleoseismology and Tectonic Geomorphology |
Plate tectonic and its relation to Earthquakes; Historical and modern seismicity; Mapping of active tectonic landforms in different tectonic environments; Field techniques in paleoseismology, identification of old (prehistoric) earthquake by trenching, estimation of magnitude, slip rates, and recurrence interval of faults, prediction of future earthquake, identification of paleo-liquefaction features; Dating techniques; Correlation of Paleoseismic data with existing geodetic and geophysical data; Delineation of seismogenic faults and their related seismic hazard; Seismic Hazard Assessment (SHA). |
Isotope Geochemistry and Applications |
Nucleosynthetic processes and the isotopic abundances of elements, Decay mechanisms of radioactive atoms, Equations of Radioactive Decay and Radiogenic Growth, Geochronology using radioactive decay schemes of Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, U-Th-Pb, K-Ar, U-series disequilibrium method of dating, 14C dating, Fission track Dating, Analytical methods in Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry, Isotope Geochemistry of the Earth's Mantle and crust, Isotopic evidence regarding the formation of the Earth, Stable Isotope Theory, Kinetic and equilibrium isotope fractionation, Analytical methods in Stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry, Specific applications of stable isotopes in hydrology, climate and environment, archaeology and palaeontology, Carbon cycle and climate. |
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology |
Classification and Nomenclature of Igneous Rocks; Textures and Petrogenetic Interpretations; Thermodynamic evaluation of phase diagrams; Phase Rule and One Component System; Phase Diagrams for Binary Systems (Solid solution, Eutectic, and Peritectic systems) such as Forsterite-Fayalite, Albite-Anorthite, Diopside-Anorthite, Orthoclase-Albite, and Forsterite-silica; Three component Systems (Anorthite-Diopside-Forsterite, and Anorthite-Forsterite-silica); Effect of P, T & fluids on Melting; Chemical Petrology: Major and minor element, and isotopic compositional variations; graphical and mathematical models of magma evolution; Fractionation of trace elements during melting and crystallization; Rare Earth Element (REE) patterns and modeling source magma composition; Generation and diversification of magmas; Mid-Ocean Ridge Volcanism; Mantle Plumes and Ocean Island Basalts; Subduction related Arc magma generation; Types of metamorphism; Classification of metamorphic rocks; textures; Metamorphic mineral assemblagesand chemographic (ACF, AKF, and AFM) diagrams; Metamorphic Facies; Metamorphic Reactions. |
Departmental Compulsory courses (DC): |
DC-1: Earth, life and sustainability |
Basics of the habitable planet and the carbon-based life, volcanism and extra terrestrial impact governing climate change, evolution of oxygen and CO2 in the atmosphere, major transitions and evolutionary biology; global glaciation, mass extinction events, the Cambrian Explosion, human and molecular evolution. Microbial interactions, relationships between diversity and physiology in modern and ancient environments, and influence of microbial community structure on biogeochemical cycles. Ecosystems, coupling of biogeochemical cycles and climate, paleo records of climate variability/change, anthropogenic effects; Phylogeny, evolutionary patterns, as well as their distribution in time and space, predator-prey relationships, biomineralization, paleobiogeography, and other approaches to high-resolution stratigraphy. |
DC-2: Mineralogy & Crystallography (with focus on structure and chemistry) |
Chemical and physical properties and identification of rock-forming minerals; crystallography, Unit cells, Symmetry, 32 Crystal Classes,Systems, Plane and BravaisLattices, Axial Ratios, Parameters, Miller Indices, Point Groups, Crystal Form, Zones, Crystal Habit, Stereographic Projection of Crystal Faces,Polymorphs and Pseudomorphs, Twinning; optical mineralogy, uniaxial, biaxial minerals; introductions to x-ray crystallography; crystal structures, chemistry, and origin and significance of the rock-forming minerals, Mineralogy of the Earth's crust, upper mantle, lower mantle, and its Core. Independent project includes use of electron microprobe (EPMA) and x-ray facilities. |
DC-3: Continuum mechanics and geological structures |
Ongoing Processes: Perspectives of a dynamic planet; Concept of a continuum, stress, strain and Generalized Hooke’s law unresolved problems & critique. Physics of Deformation: Rock rheology and their analytical treatment. Anderson’s theory of faulting. Fundamental theorems of elasticity, Navier-Stokes equation and its solutions for low Rayleigh number earth processes. Geological structures, their field characteristics & Analysis: Plate Tectonics Joints and shear factures; faults, folds, cleavage-foliation and lineation, shear zone and progressive deformation. Geometry, kinematics and tectonic setting of major types of structures: extensional, compressional and strike-slip tectonic environment. Laboratory exercises with basic tools of structural geology. |
DC-4: Physics and chemistry of the earth system |
Earth-System Structure and Behaviour: Concept & Basic Properties of a system as a composite body whose behavior cannot be directly derived from those of its subsystems. A quick review of earth evolution, Its elemental Composition, and how it organized itself in an interacting system of lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphereSubsystems: Atmosphere and Oceans: general outline of their structures and regimes, of their constituents, spatial extents, circulations and interactions; Earth-System Processes (Cycles): Intrinsic couplings amongst the earth’s sub-systems propagate instabilities; The Rock, Hydrological, and the Biogeochemical Cycles (including the Carbon & Erosion and Nutrient Cycles) -their pathways- structures, fluxes and process rates. |
DC-5: Earth Structure and its Physical fields |
Earthquakes, waves & Earth Structure; Earthquakes: their basic mechanism (Faulting and Elastic Rebound Theory) magnitude-wise geographical distribution, and relation to Plate tectonic processes. Reconnoitering earthquake waves propagating through the earth: body waves, their velocities, ray parameter and ray trajectories. Surface waves: Rayleigh and Love waves, their Group and Phase velocities and their depth sensitivities. Seismic tomography; Velocity- depth earth Structure models for the whole earth. First (velocity jumps across Moho and the CMB) and Second order discontinuities (variations in velocity gradients) within the crust mantle and core, and their character and implications to early earth processes and its evolution.Rheological and Density discontinuities: Lithosphere & Asthenosphere; Crust, Mantle and Core; Geophysical Fields: Potential, Electromagnetic &Thermal; Mathematical methods for data analysis. |
DC-6: Earth Surface processes and hazards |
Fundamentals of the Earth Surface system: Earth’s energy balance, global heat transfer, a global interactive model, topography and bathymetry, liberation and flux of sedimentshydrologic cycle and water budget. Guiding Principles of earth’s processes: Conservation, transport rules, event size and frequency; rates of processes and ages of landscapes. Whole Earth morphology and large-scale topography; geomorphic systems, Threshold and equilibrium; scale in geomorphology, Exogenetic and endogenetic processes, climatic vs. geomorphic processes.
The Surface water system: Drainage basins and river systems, river morphology and hydrology, hydraulic geometry and governing principles of open channel flow; fluvial erosion, sediment transport and depositional landforms, river dynamics. The Groundwater system: Groundwater in hydrological cycle, groundwater flow and storage; chemistry of groundwater. The Atmospheric System: Atmospheric composition and mixing, atmospheric circulation, greenhouse effect. The Ocean and Coastal system: Coastal environment, waves, tides and currents, The relative movement of land and sea; physics of sand movement in the littoral system, coastal erosion and resulting topographic features, coastal deposition and landforms.Cryosphere – growth and decay of ice sheets, controlling factors, Himalayan glaciers; Wind activity and geomorphic work, desertification and controlling factors.
Geological hazards: Landslides: cause, classification, zonation controls and mitigation measures; Earthquakes: historical seismicity, classification, interpolate and intraplate earthquakes, effect on ground structures, magnitude and intensity scales, seismic zonation; Floods: River floods - hydrology and types of floods, nature and extent of flood hazard; flood frequency analysis, natural and anthropogenic flooding, flood hazard zoning, flood risk assessment - flood control and protection; Land subsidence; Snow avalanches; Rock bursts; Mapping, monitoring and management of geological hazards. Global geomorphology and tectonics: Earth’s physiography and landscape evolution; Landforms and tectonics of plate margins and plate interiors; Tectonic uplifts and denudation – rates and controlling factors, Sea level change – evidence, mechanism and effects; coupled tectonic-surface process models. |
DC-7: Hydrological system analysis/Engineering Hydrology (CE361) |
Planet Earth’s Hydrosphere: Its Contents and Diverse Processes that Fashion Climate & Ecology; Planet Earth’s Fresh water System in the context of the Hydrological Cycle, Balanced at all Scales. Its Interconnected Sub-components, their Water Holding Capacity, time scales, Transport Characteristics, Quantification &Variabilities; A River Basin as a Balanced Open System, Detailed Structure of Its Components and their Inter-dependent Variabilities; Insightful understanding provided by the Linear Systems Theory; Linear Systems Theory & Applications: Analysis of Hydrological Systems at various Scales from Watershed to River Basins, through simple Worked Examples.; Chemical transport and nutrient cycle. |
DC-8: Phase equilibria and Geochemistry |
Fundamental chemical principles, Elements, Atoms, and Chemical Bonds, electronic structure, chemical bonding, and chemical properties of elements. Fundamental Thermodynamic Concepts: Fundamental Thermodynamic Variables, Equations of State, Temperature, Absolute Zero, and The Zeroth Law Of Thermodynamics, Energy and The First Law of Thermodynamics, exact differentials and state functions, The Second Law and Entropy, Statistical Mechanics: A Microscopic Perspective of Entropy, Enthaply and heat capacity, The Third Law and Absolute Entropy, Gibbs Free Energy, Criteria for Equilibrium and Spontaneity, Temperature and Pressure Dependence of the Gibbs Free Energy, The Maxwell Relations, Solutions and Thermodynamics of Multicomponent Systems, Phase Equilibria, Raoult's law and Henry's Law, Chemical Potential, Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams. Chemical kinetics and Diffusion rate Law, Ionic (Radii) Substitutions, Geochemical Classification of Elements, Trace Elements in Igneous Processes, Modeling Trace Element partition during magma genesis, Primary silicates and chemical weathering, Aqueous Geochemistry, Acids and Bases, Dissolution and Precipitation Reactions, Mineral Stability Diagrams, Oxidation-Reduction Reactions, Eh-pH diagrams, brief introduction to radiogenic and stable isotope geochemistry. |
DC-9: Field Geology Part-1 |
Field mapping – lithological and structural; Identification of rock types and interpretation of their genesis; Stratigraphic mapping and interpretation of depositional environments, Field exposure to landforms and surface process interpretation; sample collection methods for laboratory analysis. Visits to observational facilities. |
DC-10: Sedimentary processes & stratigraphic principles |
Basinal Sedimentary Systems : Sedimentary basins and production of sediments; Transport of sediment grains; depositional processes and forms; Post-depositional changes-lithification and diagenesis. Sediment grain, Bedforms and Sedimentary Structures: Mechanics of sediment transport and transport laws; Grain size parameters and distribution, grain shape and form; primary grain fabric; Bedforms& inorganic primary sedimentary structures. Sedimentary Faciesanalysis : Concept of sedimentary facies; facies relationships; controlling factors; facies association and models; Fluvial environments and facies; Lacustrine facies, Deltaic environments and facies models. Clay Sedimentology: Origin of clay minerals,clay minerals in fluvial, aeolian and lacustrine environments, paleoenvironmental interpretations. Techniques in clastic sedimentology: Grain size determination; X-ray diffraction; Heavy mineral analysis;cathodoluminescence microscopy.
Earth’s history in rock record, stratigraphic principles – lithostratigraphy, cyclostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, event stratigraphy; depositional models, accommodation space seismic and sequence stratigraphy; Magnetostratigraphy, Application of paleomagnetism to the solution of problems in stratigraphic correlation and to the construction of a high-precision geological timescale, climatic and tectonic controls on stratigraphic development, case studies. |
DC-11: Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology (CE652) |
Classification, Nomenclature of Igneous Rocks, Igneous texturesand petrogenetic interpretations; Thermodynamic evaluation of phase diagrams; Phase Rule and One Component System; Phase Diagrams for Binary Systems (Solid solution, Eutectic, and Peritectic systems), Ternary eutectic and peritectic systems; Bowen’s Reaction Series,Effect of pressure, temperature& fluids on Melting, Olivine Geothermometer; Chemical Petrology: compositional variations, analyses and NORMS, Interpretations of Variation Diagrams; graphical and mathematical models of magma evolution; Fractionation of trace elements during melting and crystallization; Rare Earth Element (REE) patterns and modeling source magma composition; Generation and diversification of magmas; MORB Volcanism; Mantle Plumes and Ocean Island Basalts; Arc Magmas; Origin and composition of Continental Crust;Types of metamorphism, Contact and Regional Metamorphism; Classification of metamorphic rocks; metamorphic textures; Metamorphic mineral assemblages and chemographic (ACF, AKF, and AFM) diagrams; Metamorphic Facies; Metamorphic Reactions; Thermodynamics of Metamorphic Reactions; Radiometric Age Dating of Igneous & Metamorphic Rocks. |
DC-12: Shallow earth exploration principles and practice |
Introduction to geophysical methods of exploration and their applications, physical properties of rocks, minerals and ores, types and scales of survey. Principles of gravity and magnetic methods, Working principle of gravimeters, fluxgate and proton precession magnetometers, gravity and magnetic surveys, data reduction, anomalies, geological interpretation and modeling for simple geometrical shapes. Fundamentals of electrical and electromagnetic methods of prospecting, origin of self potential and induced polarization, surveys, instruments, application and interpretation. Theory and geometry of seismic wave propagation, Reflection and refraction methods, CMP technique, seismic sources and arrays, Data processing sequence, velocity analysis, stacking and migration, Seismic interpretation. Introduction to well logging, formation evaluation, principles of electrical, nuclear, density and sonic logging with applications. |
DC-13: Field Geology II |
Introduction to geophysical methods; resistivity surveys – Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) and resistivity profiling; Shallow seismic surveys; GPR surveys and data interpretation; Well-logging and data interpretation; seismic data interpretation. |
DC-14: Geological Evolution of the Indian Plate |
Overview of geologic and tectonic evolution of the Indian plate, major geologic and tectonic features of the Indian sub-continent, Cratons (Dharwar, Signbhum, Bastar, Bundelkhand); Aravallis and their Archaean development; Proterozoic basins, Gondwana basin,; Rifting, drifting and the evolution of India’s continental margins; Rajmahal and Deccan volcanic province and the concept of LIPIS; Phanerozoic stratigraphic records of peninsular India and the Himalaya; Geodynamics of the Indian sub-continent; major structural grains in the Indian sub-continent; Plateau uplift (Deccan, Tibet, Shillong); Orogenies in time and space (Aravallis, Delhi, Himalaya etc.); Himalayan foreland development and Indus-Ganga-Brahmaputra plains. |
The following list of departmental electives have been designed to prepare the students for four different specialisations (a) Applied Geology, (b) Applied geophysics, (c) Water and climate, (d) Solid earth geology and (e) Natural hazards. These courses and specializations will be floated as and when the necessary expertise becomes available. It is expected that we will start with a fewer courses and specialisations initially and will also use a number of courses available across the departments. Detailed content of some of the specialised courses are presented below.
1. Geology of fuels |
Origin of petroleum, source rock and maturation of kerogen, palaeothermometers; primary and secondary migration; reservoirs – porosity, permeability and capillary pressure, porosity types in clastic and carbonate reservoirs, reservoir heterogeneity, drive mechanisms; traps and seals – classification of traps; compositin of petroleum, physical and chemical properties of oil; brief idea about the hydrocarbon resources of India, the classification and stratigraphy of petroliferous basins of India. Origin of coal, classification of coal, morphology, composition of peat, lignite, anthracite. Coal series, terminology, structure and petrography of coals; physical and chemical properties of coal; coal reserve in India; brief idea about the world coal resources; exploration of coal; utilization of coal- combustion and gasification of coal; coal and environment. |
2. Economic geology |
Classification of ore deposits.Orthomagmatic, pegmatitic and pneumatolitic deposits. Hydrothermal processes, deposit forms and classification. Weathering, supergene enrichment and residual deposits. Sedimentary, metamorphic and metamorphosed ore deposits. Important examples. Geological mapping, guides for ore search, delineation of ores, drilling, core-sampling, reserve estimation. Introduction to underground and surface mining methods. Underground exploration and sampling of ore deposits. Methods of computation of developed ore reserves. Introduction to geostatistical ore reserve estimation. Mineral resources and their classification. |
3. Geoinformatics (CE331) |
Introduction to surveying, Linear measurements, Compass surveying, Levelling and Contouring, Plane Tabling (PT), Theodolites, Tacheometric surveys, Errors and adjustments, Triangulation, Introduction to photogrammetry and remote sensing, EDM/Total Station/GPS. Basic principles and their applications in monitoring Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Cryo-sphere and Atmosphere; Criteria for site selections for Dam, tunnels, waste/radioactive disposal sites. |
4. Environmental economics & resource management (EEM 702) |
Basic Economics Concepts: ConsumerTheory, Producer Theory and Markets-Economics; Environment in the Economics Sense; Price Theory: MarketFailure ;Theory of Environmenta lPolicy;Economic Analysis of Pollution; Environmental Policy Instruments; Environmenta lValuation Methods; Natural Resources Management; Trade and Environment; Overview of Environmental Legislation, International Treaties and Protocols; Concept of Sustainable Development and Clean Development Mechanisms (CDMs); Environmenta lImpact Assessment(EIA) and Environmental Management; Plan(EMP) for Industries and other Developmenta lProjects; LifeCycle Assessment of Products, Processes and Services; Concepts of Environmental Justice and Environmental Ethics; Environmental Movements; Environmental Activism. |
5. Mineral exploration methods |
Distribution of ore deposits in space and time.Ore types and crustal evolution. Design of exploration programmes based on the concept of ore-types. Stages of exploration and objectives. Prospecting criteria and selection of areas for exploration during reconnaissance and initial follow-up. Geological setting and prospecting criteria for important deposits. Gold deposits, massive sulfide deposits, porphyry copper deposits, tin-tungsten deposits associated with acid magmatism, Mississippi Valley type deposits, uranium deposits. Integration of data sets for evaluation of mineral potential. Geological aspects of drilling borehole location, planning of drilling operations, borehole surveys, correction of deviated boreholes and directional drilling, core-sampling and assaying. Economic classification of mineral resources, calculation of in-situ reserves from borehole data.Underground sampling and calculation of blocked reserves.Introduction to geostatistical estimation of reserves. |
6. Engineering Geology and hydrogeology |
Study of rocks for their mineralogical, textural, weathering and discontinuity aspects. Engineering properties of rocks, soils, clays and construction aggregates. Maps and numerical exercises.Instrumentation in engineering geology and hydrogeology.Geophysical Surveys resistivity, gravity and magnetic methods. Runoff estimation, borehole data analysis, groundwater exploration, pump test and estimation of aquifer hydraulics. |
7. Sequence stratigraphy |
Historical developments of sequence stratigraphy, key concepts, transgressions and regressions. Sequence stratigraphic surfaces, types of stratal terminations, Systems tract: Lowstand systems tract, Highstand systems tract, Falling stage systems tract, Regressive systems tract. Hierarchy of sequences and sequence boundaries; Sequence stratigraphy of hydrocarbon reservoirs; Applications to source rocks exploration.Application of sequence stratigraphy in clastic and carbonate depositional systems. Case studies showing applicability of sequence stratigraphic concepts for understanding petroleum plays. |
8. Geodynamics |
Thermal Geodynamics: cooling models of the oceanic lithosphere. Melt generation and solidification of magma (the Stefan problem); thermal stresses due to erosion and sedimentation; thermal and subsidence history of sedimentary basins. Mantle geotherms and adiabats. History of sedimentary basins.Gravity and Isostasy: Compensation due to lithospheric flexure. Forces required to maintain topography & the geoid.Geological Fluid Mechanics: One dimensional flow in channels and its geological analogues: artesian aquifer flows, volcanic flow in pipes; quantitative analysis of subduction, diapirism and folding. Stoke’s Flow applied to problems of plume rise, hot springs & kimberlite ascent. |
9. Ecohydrology (CE619) |
Introduction: Origin and scope of ecohydrology. Ecohydrological processes: Interactions between physical, chemical and biological processes at basin scale - soil water dynamics, land surface energy budgets; scales of interactions; ecohydrological optimality theory; ecohydrological controls on nutrient cycle. Techniques in ecohydrological measurements: Measuring energy and water fluxes in atmosphere, soil and vegetation; atmosphere – latent, sensible and CO2 fluxes, distribution of wind, temperature and humidity; soil – soil moisture, soil respiration and soil heat flux; vegetation – leaf area index, stomatal conductance and transpiration.
Ecohydrologicalmodelling: Governing equations; mathematical models - stochastic and deterministic models; process based and empirical models; calibration and validation of models; scale issues in ecohydrological modeling. Applications of ecohydrology: Use of ecohydrogical principles in paleohydrology and climate change studies; ecohydrological approach for sustainable management of floods and droughts; case studies from tropical river basins and dryland ecosystems. |
10. River Science and management |
Rivers as geomorphic systems: Key concepts in river geomorphology - threshold, sensitivity, connectivity, hierarchy and complexity; catchment scale controls on river geomorphology, morphological characteristics and diversity. River hydrology: Physical properties of water, sediment and channel flow; Channel hydraulics and river discharge; River hydrographs (UH, IUH, SUH, GIUH) and its application in hydrological analysis; Flood frequency analysis; Sediment transport process in rivers, Glacio-fluvial interaction - models of glacial melt, spatial variability of glacial melt component in the Himalaya. River basin: Quantitative analysis of network organization - morphometry, Random Topology (RT) model and fractal analysis, Role of drainage network in flux transfer, 3-dimensional connectivity in a river basin, Evolution of drainage network. Sediment source and catchment erosion processes- source-to-sink relationships; Geochemical proxies to study sediment dynamics in a river basin. Riverine ecosystem synthesis: Ecosystems and riverine landscape processes, functional process zones, nutrient dynamics, distribution of species and community regulation. Water chemistry and quality: parameters to characterize river water quality, indices to identify human disturbances; impact of water quality on river ecology and human health. River Management: Human impacts on river systems including climate change impacts; river hazards and their causes, Environmental Flow (e-flow) – definition, data requirement, different approaches for e-flow estimation; Integrated approach to river management, River health and river futures. |
11. Global climate change (CE646) |
Introduction to global climate, geologic time, time scale of climate change, earth systems; Climate system and interactions, climate forcings, Earth’s radiation budget, factors controlling heat receipt, climate system response, climate feedbacks; Earth’s radiation budget, water in climate system; Climate forcings, feedbacks and climate sensitivity; Energy-climate Nexus; Carbon cycle and climate change; Recent and future climate change; Historical scale climate change and medieval warming and Little Ice Age, Ice caps, tree ring records (Dendrochronology), Future climate and projections of emission scenarios; Orbital scale climate change, Eccentricity, tilt and precession; Monsoon circulation, orbital monsoon hypothesis, orbital change and ice sheets; Orbital scale changes in CO2 and CH4, carbon cycle and exchanges, carbon reservoirs, ocean pumping hypothesis; Deglacial and millennial scale climate change, glacial maximum, deglacial sea level rise and melt water pulses, Younger Drayas, Tropical monsoon maximum, millennial scale oscillations, Heinrich events, Solar variability, CH4 changes, monsoonal reconstruction, teleconnections, Indian case studies; Abrupt climate change; Climate change impacts – Cryosphere, rivers and water resources, Oceans; Climate policy, protocols and summits. |
12. Ecological & Biological Principles and Processes (EEM 603) |
Ecosystems; biotic and abiotic components, production and consumption, trophic levels, productivity and energy flow, food webs, cycling of elements. Ecology of population; ecological niche, mortality and survivorship, community interactions. Changes in ecosystems; succession. Long range changes, long range stability. The organization and dynamics of ecological communities.Description and study of typical natural and artificial ecosystems.Biochemistry; photosynthesis and respiration, important biological compounds, enzymes.Microbiological concepts; cells, classification and characteristics of living organisms, characterization techniques, reproduction, metabolism, microbial growth kinetics. Applications to environmental engineering; assimilation of wastes, engineered systems, concepts and principles of carbon oxidation nitrification, denitrification, methanogenesis, etc., concepts of quantification of degradable pollutants. |
13. Atmospheric science (PHY 670) |
Atmospheric constitution, pressure & temperature distribution, radiation, heat budget, cloud physics, equations of motion in earth frame, wind types, global circulation, monsoon, cyclones prediction, pollution, change of climate. |
14. Quantitative seismology |
Introduction to seismology, Elasticity, Stress-strain relationships, Equations of motion, seismic wave equations, Body waves and ray theory, Partitioning of energy, Attenuation, anisotropy and anelasticity, Travel times in layered media, Surface waves dispersion and free oscillations, Seismometry and Principles of Digital seismographs, Seismic observatory practices, Seismogram interpretation – Nomenclature of seismic phases, Body wave travel times in earth, Internal structure and composition of the earth, Earthquakes – Seismic sources, Directivity, Scaling laws, Magnitude scales, Location, Focal mechanisms, Moment tensors, Stress drop, Earthquake characteristics, effects and distribution, Seismotectonics, Earthquake prediction, Seismic hazard and risk, Waveform modeling and Inverse problems. |
15. Seismic exploration & subsurface imaging |
Seismic Exploration Theory and geometry of seismic waves, seismic velocity, characteristics of seismic events, seismic sources and equipment. Reflection and refraction field method. Data processing – fourier analysis, convolution, correlation, filtering, velocity analysis, stacking and migration, seismic stratigraphy – seismic sequences, facies and reflection character analysis, hydrocarbon indicators, seismic interpretation. |
16. Well logging |
Well logging and geology, Formation evaluation, Archie’s formulae, Well drilling technology, Drilling fluids, Borehole environment, Invasion profiles, Principles, methods and application of logging tools including Spontaneous polarization, Resistivity, Microresistivity, Induction, Sonic, Density, Litho-density, Neutron, Pulsed neutron, Natural Gamma ray, Gamma ray spectrometry, Cement bond, Variable density, Caliper, Dipmeter, Formation microscanner and imager. Well log interpretation - quick look techniques, Hingle, Pickett, MID, M-N cross plots, saturation estimation, lithology, porosity and permeability determination, Log interpretation case studies. |
17. Quantitative methods in petrology |
Quantification of aspects of crystalline rock textures, such as crystal size, shape, orientation and position, synthesis of rock analogues and experimentation in the lab, and by theoretical analysis including thermodynamic and kinetic modeling, Mantle Rock Types and Processes, Pyroxene Thermobarometry, T-X-X Phase Diagrams (3 Components) Freezing/Melting in Crust and Mantle, discussion of experimental approach in determining partition coefficient, trace elements partitioning during melting and crystallization, Complex melting models. |
18. Analytical methods in Earth Science |
Hands-on training (project mode) in several analytical techniques including sample preparation, measurement procedures, compilation and processing of data, interpret results: Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Inductively Coupled Plasma: Emission and Mass Spectrometry, Interferences in Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Introduction to Electron Microprobe Analysis, scanning electron imaging with back-scattered electron (BSE), secondary electron (SE), X-ray using WDS or EDS (elemental mapping), and cathodoluminescence (CL), Stable isotope ratio mass Spectrometry analyses. |
19. Mantle convection |
Historical background, plate techtonics, Introduction to Melting and Differentiation, magma genesis in the pyrolite model, Structure and composition of mantle, mantle temperature and thermodynamic properties, viscosity of the mantle, Basics of Convection, Mathematical models and laboratory experiments, hot spots and mantle plumes, Isotope Systems and Geochemistry, Constraints on Mantle Structure from Global Tomography, Constraints from chemical composition of Mantle, Style of mantle convection: whole mantle versus layered convection, heterogeneity and mantle stirring, Numerical simulations of mantle convection, mantle depletion and growth of the continental crust. |
20. Isotope geochemistry |
Nucleosynthetic processes and the isotopic abundances of elements; Decay mechanisms of radioactive atoms, Equations of Radioactive Decay and Radiogenic Growth; Geochronology using radioactive decay schemes of Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, U-Th-Pb, K-Ar, U-series disequilibrium method of dating, 14C dating, Fission track Dating; Analytical methods in Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry; Isotope Geochemistry of the Earth's Mantle and crust, Isotopic evidence regarding the formation of the Earth; Stable Isotope Theory, Kinetic and equilibrium isotope fractionation; Analytical methods in Stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry, Specific applications of stable isotopes in hydrology, climate and environment, archaeology and palaeontology, Carbon cycle and climate. |
21. Quaternary geology |
Quaternary time scale; Quaternary geochronology – dating Quaternary records, radiometric, luminescence and other methods of dating.. Climate archives and proxies: Methods of reconstructing climate, Ice sheet, sedimentary archives, biotic proxies, geological and geochemical proxies. Global climatic models: 1-D, 2-D and 3-D atmospheric models, Global Circulation Models (GCM’s), Ice sheet model, vegetation feedback, geochemical models. Quaternary climates: Sea level changes, glacial/interglacial cycles, tectonics-climate coupling, sea floor spreading, BLAG hypothesis, Uplift-weathering hypothesis, carbon reservoir, vegetation dynamics, migration history, response of vegetation to climatic reversals. Geological records of climate change: Sedimentology, stable isotopes, geochemistry, geochronology – relative and numerical methods, Pre-Quaternary climates, evolution of climate through geological time. |
22. Active tectonics, tectonic geomorphology and paleoseismology |
Plate tectonic and its relation to earthquakes; Historical and modern seismicity; Mapping of active tectonic landforms in different tectonic environments; Field techniques in paleoseismology, identification of old (prehistoric) earthquake by trenching, estimation of magnitude, slip rates, and recurrence interval of faults, prediction of future earthquake, identification of paleo-liquefaction features; Dating techniques; Correlation of paleoseismic data with existing geodetic and geophysical data; Delineation of seismogenic faults and their related seismic hazard; Seismic hazard assessment (SHA).Paleo-tsunami and paleo-earthquake studies along subduction zones, understanding to these events from near-field and far-field near sub-surface studies. |
23. GPS and Geodesy (CE 674) |
Basic concepts: pseudo range and carrier phase measurements; Signal structure; GPS coordinate systems: WGS-84, GPS time; GPS Errors and biases; GPS orbital Geometry and Navigational solution; Surveying with GPS; Planning and field observations; Data post-processing; GIS and GPS integration; Other satellite based navigational systems: GLONASS, GALILEO, modernization plans of navigational satellites. |