Deadline for Paper Submission |
"Deadline for paper submission has been extended till 15th July, 2015." |
Page Limit |
We look forward to receiving your manuscripts by July 1st, 2015. Please
submit the pdf files per the format available via the 'Templates' option on the side menu.
Please note that the maximum page limit is 9 pages. |
Authors may upload the paper through the easychair website.
Go to "Online Submission".
New users need to click on "create an account" for registration.
Information for Authors |
Papers accepted for oral or poster presentation need to be formatted per
the conference template. Please visit "Abstract Template" for templates in WORD and LaTeX.
Instructions for paper submission: |
    The uploaded paper must be in MS Word/latex generated pdf file uploaded as:
     "(iNaCoMM2015-) +
(paper_number) +(.pdf)"
     For example: If the paper submission number is 23 then the file name should be:
    Post review, please submit a list of changes or a rebuttal against each concern raised by the reviewers
     when submitting the revised manuscript. A single file is to be submitted containing first the authors'
     response and then the revised manuscript. Text pertaining to revisions should be in different color. |
Papers can be uploaded at the website by July 1st, 2015. |
Note :
1. All papers MUST be submitted via the EasyChair system. Submissions/resubmissions can be accomplished by clicking the following menu options after logging into EasyChair: Go to Mysubmission>addfile>Submit a new version.
2. If there is a specific issue with the EasyChair system, the author can send an email to or Please quote the paper number in all communications.
3. Please do not create new submissions. You are required only to update the pdf file in your existing submission (i.e., the submission that you had created at the time of submitting the extended abstract).