CIMPA: Summer School on
Multiscale Computational
Methods and Error Control
10, 2017 to July 21, 2017
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
The school is supported by
scope of problems accessible for
a numerical treatment has been
constantly broadened over the
last fifty years. In particular,
there has been a lot of research
activity in the recent decades
aimed at the problems with
multi-scale and multi-physics
features. The dedicated
numerical methods (model
reduction, micro-macro models
and model coupling, non standard
FEM) stem from diverse
techniques and ideas such as
homogenization, asymptotic
analysis, statistical physics,
domain decomposition methods,
etc. In the same time, much
effort has been devoted to the
development of a posteriori
error estimators which can now
not only guide the computational
mesh adaptation, but also help
to choose the correct model or
to minimize the number of
iterations in the complicated
multi-physics solution process.
The courses in this school are
aimed to cover the state of the
art numerical approaches
mentioned above and to present
both the underlying mathematical
ideas and the real life
The main Research School will be
preceded by a Preschool with an
introduction to Finite Element
Method (FEM) including
conforming and non conforming
variants, mixed FEM; a
posteriori error control
including Goal-Oriented
approaches and adaptive FEM;
stochastic computational methods
and micro-macro approaches;
homogenization and optimal
control. The main School will
contain advanced courses on
numerical homogenization
techniques, optimal control,
error estimation and mesh
adaptivity for multi-physics
problems, finite volume methods
for dissipative problems,
asymptotic models for thin
structures, and computational
statistical physics. The
possible applications of these
techniques are in porous media
flows, fluid-structure
interaction, multiphase and
other complex flows, modelling
of vesicles and red blood cells,
financial mathematics etc.
Our principal target would be
young mathematicians, preferably
with a master’s degree in
mathematics or applied
mathematics. The courses will be
taught in English.
Dates and Venue:
10th July 2017 to
21st July 2017 at Lecture
Complex Hall, Indian
Institute of Technology
Kanpur, Kanpur, India.
26th June
2017 to 8th July 2017
Lecture Complex Hall, Indian
Institute of Technology
Kanpur, Kanpur, India

