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Workshop on Statistical Analysis for Engineers and Researchers
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Now Registration Closed. Next workshop will held in the first week of December,2017. An intensive course on Statistical Analysis for Engineers and Researchers will be conducted during September 04 - 08, 2017. This workshop is sponsored by the Continuing Education Programme of IIT Kanpur. The program will be specifically useful for persons who are concerned with training, teaching, industry and research using the Statistical tools and Linear Regression Modeling. The course is also designed to cater the needs of scientists from R & D labs and practicing professionals, engineers as well as management personals.
The statistical tools play
an important role in the engineering, management, humanities and all
allied sciences. Recent advancement in
application oriented sciences are compelling the researchers and users for learning and
understanding the statistical tools for modelling and analysis of the
data arising from their experiments. Realizing the need of the time, the
present workshop is aiming to give lectures and training on the
Statistical topics
and Linear Regression Modelling. The
participants will be exposed to the statistical basics, background and
fundamentals behind the tools.
Audience and Who can apply: