Research Scholars' Day - 01st March 2020
Venue: Outreach Auditorium
Time: 9AM - 6PM
“No research is ever quite complete. It is the glory of a good bit of work that it opens the way for something still better, and this repeatedly leads to its own eclipse.”
- Mervin Gordon
About RSD
Inspired by the aphorism "Science is a way of thinking much more than it's a body of knowledge ", Materials Science and Engineering Department at IIT Kanpur organizes one day long colloquium entitled Research Scholar Day on 01st of March 2020. Research Scholar Day is aimed at celebrating and acknowledging the frontier research carried out by Research Scholars of the department. The one day long symposium encompasses technical talks from eminent speakers, oral and poster presentations by scholars about their ongoing research. This not only provides a platform to discuss, share ideas and thoughts but also helps budding researchers to collaborate with others through increased awareness and meaningful interaction.
Poster - RSD 2020
Message from the Head

Following up on the success of Paddarth 2019 (MSE- Research Scholar Day), our research scholars are ready with the second edition. I invite you all to Paddarth 2020 being organized on 1st March with widened scope of participation of undergraduate students and technical staff. The program will include keynote speakers, oral and poster presentations, material’s quiz, metallography contest. MSE students should actively participate in RSD-2020 to share their research achievements. It is also a wonderful opportunity to know what is going on in the laboratory next to you. I also take this opportunity to thank the team-RSD for coming up with a good program and motivating the fellow scholars to participate. I hope the tradition will continue with the coming years.
- Prof. Monica Katiyar